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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Haha I hadn't looked since yesterday and that was what I was going to say. BTW am I the only one who thinks of fishnets when they read this thread has legs? Has JoeJoe seen this yet?edit oh i see he has and am surprised by his reaction.
  2. Wow, that Michelle Ryan chick looks a lot like my ex.
  3. I think this would be a better poll asking about the 08 or 07 Bills but I voted 2010 anyway. As I have said in other threads. The 10 Bills would win. They would simply run all over them, with a couple of good pass plays to get the score up a little bit. The D from last year (or the year before) would get tired from not getting off the field and a 8 minute drive would put them away in the 4th quarter. Final 13 - 30
  4. ??? The Bills have had the equivalent of a second draft in picking people off other teams this season (with basically none of the expenses and with players who were slotted pretty high/ have some potential and some even have some experience) it has worked out pretty good IMO, RW is right. Nix might have made a couple of mistakes but his record so far is pretty likable .
  5. Do you know if Modrak is responsible for the 3rd-7th draft picks we get, yesterday RW said we have had awful drafts (which is not excactly true if you account for picks later in the draft and UDFAs) it could just be that those are Modrak's picks and the upper rounds were jarlevi's in the recent past. IMO, ya gotta like the FO moves this season, too. Just say no to getting rid of Nix please.
  6. Wow good post 8and8 and in general I never agree with you. Hats off!
  7. The 40 yard run was nice, looked like a fullback on that one. He didn't look terrible for a 1st game. I do think he should go to Michael Vick QB camp in the summer
  8. I think crayonz makes most of his posts as a result of drugs
  9. You could be right but I kind of have a hunch he will be playing here at least for next year. Having too many good players at a position is a good problem. I think Nix said something about stacking talent....sounds good to me.
  10. When is Cory's next contract up didn't he just resign this year? Cory is great> kind of wish they would give hime the ball a bit more. Welcome aboard, in any case.
  11. All I expected to see this season was improvement, honestly. I have seen it and I can see that this team now has a plan for the future. Hell I like the season long preseason and the fact we just picked up 2 Oline men from other teams PS, it is kind of like free draft picks w/o having to draft them. The last 10 years before this I felt that way once and I was disappointed, the Flutie experiment was a failure. I kind of had some hope (but not so much really) when they hired Mularky too but that was short lived as well. I think these guys know more what they are doing even if every move is second guessed by great football minds/fans like you.
  12. Negotiation during the period before the CBA is kind of a lost cause. This is a tactic on both sides. The Bills can look around some so can he. This has been his best year though.
  13. I can't believe how willing ppl are to feed a troll go away you drunk (and I do realize this makes me a hypocrite but it needed to be said IMO).
  14. Personally, I like the season long preseason tryouts we have been conducting. Look at our starting team already, I mean we can B word that there are not top drafted players or like the underdog/blue collar quality of guys like Jackson, Johnson, Fitz, Williams (who I realize was a slightly better, than very late pick 5th rd), new rookie non drafted WRs. New Oline men (I thought Urbik was working out pretty well before getting injured, looking forward to seeing more next year), trying to fix Trent and seeing that in a real game he is a fail, then cutting him. Getting value for ML by playing him and not having a troubled FA situation arise with him. It will be interesting to see where and how they draft this coming year and what they do in FA. One of the great things that might happen is RW might feel the team could spend some $s to get some prize FAs even. Since the way it is working out now is pretty cheap for the team. This coming FA is going to be 2Xs the size of last years, they know that is an opportunity to get some good vet players. I like the job that Buddy and Chan are doing. They both seem to know what they are doing (for a long awaited change!) and there are improvements and optimism which we were really missing the last few years. This team is getting big stronger and tougher. They are on the prowl, looking under rocks picking the trash, whatever you want to call it. Someones PS is kind of better than looking in the draft, in fact it is like a free draft choice how can you not like it. I also think they understand the 18 game/bigger roster next year(if there is one) means we will need even more depth.
  15. wow who modded my poll out so quick did we post at the same time lol. BTW, I couldn't be a fan much if I wasn't happy. Like when Dick was coach, I was totally losing interest.
  16. Just keeping this as simple as possible. I am interested in the %.
  17. We absolutely should get Luck if is there when we pick. Trading up is not a good answer, Trading our 1st and Fitz is really not what we should do! If Luck isn't great in the pros it sets you way back especially if you trade Fitz. NEXT year will be 18 games if we have football. We do need a good back up whoever the starter is and it is better to develop someone on the bench as much as you can afford to. I say this realizing that Luck is the "most NFL ready". but you can not bet on a draft choice, just look around the league at who is successful. It is much better to have someone sit learn listen and then play. Developing a team takes time. The problem is and is not beating Brady. Brady is the problem because he is damn good but he is stoppable. The Giants offence won the Superbowl by having a BETTER D than the Pats* that day. Eli is not better than Tom and I doubt he is actually better than Fitz. His receivers were absolutely not better than Moss. The front 7 was better than the pats* Oline, they were able to put pressure on him and that year the Pats didn't have a good run game. Tommy can't throw from on his butt better than anyone else can. The answer is building a Defense that can stop a Belicheat offence. It is not all TB. This year it is the 2 TE set that they are using in combo with the run game. The Cheater is a great football mind, his FO is only slightly suspect but history shows they too are good. I hope Chan is as crafty and Buddy is better. We were close in the first game this year. We could win this game (at home) our D has shown some improvement. I want some D in the draft early and in FA, with the explosiveness we have already shown on offense a few players and some depth and that side of the ball is ok to go. I like what the guys running the team are doing right now, the season long preseason is a decent plan, added to a strong draft and hopefully some activity in FA to find a few good people, we can be competitive in our division. Hell we can be competitive right now. 5 out of the last 6 week have proven that. These next few games will show us what the rest of our needs are from here. I think if Nix is successful at his job, we will be in the playoffs and have a deep team to play the 18 games if there is a season next year.
  18. PTR thanks for that video! I was 4 or 5 and there but I remember very little of it as our seats were not good and I was really short LOL.
  19. This team would beat a Jauron coached team. The way it would happen would be an 8 minute 87 yard drive against the bend but don't break D who kept it close but that was to small, tired and playing prevent by the end of the 4th to stop them.
  20. Getting people in and watching them improve and contribute, not sit on the bench after you could tell they were the good player in the preseason. I am thinking this team would beat a 7-9 Jarhead team in the final minutes when they went bend but not break and were to small and tired to finish the game and win it.
  21. Lee is a hell of a blocker too, in fact he was blocking for Stuper on the play that he got hurt on. Not that makes him a true #1 but it is a big asset combined with other factors. I hope Fitz does off season work with him to build up some more chemistry as they really don't seem to have it yet.He and Stevie built a relationship over time and Fitz looks at him much more.
  22. That is an interesting point. Sometimes I like it sometimes I don't. I do think they tend to it a bit too much. Maybe having Wood playing the middle (if he keeps it up like Sunday) they will just shove the ball up the middle. The spread formation creates natch up problems that keep the D guessing just as much and also has big play potentional (Think of the drop by Stevie or similar plays this season). I think I remember hearing Chan addressing it once or twice in his pressers. It seems to be a philosophic thing with him. I would guess there are a set of numbers to back it up somehow.
  23. That might actually be kind of entertaining with the right hot chicks.
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