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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Wow Amish Rifle, oh wait Luck might still be there at #3
  2. If Luck falls to #3 ok get him if not go D, last in the league against the run is no way to win a superbowl either. All that said, I think Buddy will go with the BPA which could be a WR or CB and it will cause a bunch of heads around here to explode (but in actuality I don't have a big problem with it, especially if they are a bit aggressive in FA this year).
  3. Fitz "come on baby I wear the ring on the field".
  4. 16. Jacksonville (8-8) 17. New England (from Oakland 8-8) 18. San Diego (9-7) 19. New York Giants (10-6) 20. Tampa Bay (10-6) Can't beleive that the Seahawks could be 7-9 and have a chance to win a superbowl
  5. Almost cut my beard, happened just the otherday.
  6. It is a good point and a good post thanks for lightening the mood around here. I think we have a lot of places to improve but it can be done. I am hoping we are going to give this FA period a go and pick up some skilled players for a change.
  7. To a certain extent I wouldn't mind him going either. He is our biggest corner but not our best (although I am not sure who is our best at this point either). We have more holes than a old roof though so, imagine we should keep him.
  8. Not so sure, better than BB looked but with the line the way it was playing today it was awfully like the first Jets game this year.
  9. Not to mention 2 of our draft choices were IR'd maybe Batten and Easely will be good next year . We did get some production from UDFAs. I hope we have a good draft and FAs next year.
  10. Moats got buried on those wildcat long runs but improved as the game went on. Kyle Williams had a bad day. I am trying to look at this as some players just don't want to be Bills next year. I hope we have plenty to talk about in the off season.
  11. I love that one of the best players on the team is belittled by the "fans" on this site sometimes. It is not just the team that sucks sometimes. I understand the "last decade" and all that but come on guys you can do better.
  12. I love your thinking, yes we do need a replacement for Stroud. I hate to say it because a couple of years ago I liked the guy a lot. He has really dropped off though for whatever reason. Kyle is the only force on our line, I hope Troupe develops more (he has had a decent season for a rook IMO), Dlinemen take time in most cases. I love how the fanbase is so self-loathing and below average that they can't see who is a great player even on a fairly bad team there are very good players in the NFL.
  13. http://www.bigcatcountry.com/2010/12/29/1902375/report-david-garrard-to-miss-texans-match-up-has-surgery-on-his?ref=yahoo So, now they will see what they have , personally I am quite happy we are not doing this with Fitz and Brohm. I am sure they could of said Fitz was a bit injured from last week.
  14. Listen, I hear what you are saying but this is the FA we should have had last year and didn't because of the upcoming strike/lockout/agreement or whatever happens next. It is a big opportunity to improve a team when 2xs as many options are out there. I really think/hope the FO has been planning for it. Knowing that NE* is going to have a big bunch of high draft choices and that the Jets have improved greatly the last couple of years, I think we need some good FAs to grow with the team and start the ball rolling a bit more. Plus we are likely IMO to lose a couple of guys. Personally, I think they will spend some scratch on some quality young guys. I doubt that having a big name will matter one way or another. I would love to see someone like Mankins a couple of TEs a LB or 2 (although the LB options are a bit thinner IMO) OTs, 5 or 6 players should be brought in. I know we could and I think we should. I am not saying Washington builds right by saying that because we can and should do it different than they do (flash is not a Nix thing from what I have seen). I like the season long try outs that Buddy has been having this year and think that it is a good way to build depth. Now we need some quality young starters. I expect they will try to make a trade or 2 for some draft choices too. I think they see the thing that Dick built and understand the weaknesses after this whole year. They have been pretty good at evaluation IMO. I know the draft is important but as I said before this year is different. Getting people to come here should be possible too, pay them the money (there is defiantly money even if they stay with the to the cap philosophy) and the new rep the team is getting as scrappy sure beats the old one of crappy. I think players will respect and understand the difference. I know BTW I am hoping here but I do think it is a possibility too.
  15. actually I agree and think it was/is a pretty wise idea. If nothing else we can build decent depth players this way. It is similar to what SD did in the past.
  16. The WR they added to the PS sounds kind of interesting. Put up good numbers in UFL, I like that we have been trying people out all year long, I don't remember the FO doing this so much in the past.
  17. Good post I hope we DON'T just "build through the draft" we could take advantage of a good FA year and pick up some solid players, 5-6 starters sounds about right to me and no middlings. Stars and solid starters, 2 TEs maybe 2 LBS (although FA is a bit weak at that position), OL anything but center, DB any position. All the rest of our needs in the draft and WE can also trade some of the underperformers.
  18. what he said about Denver Denver Broncos3-11-0 What's happened to QB Kyle Orton? In the last two weeks, he's completed 40.6% of his passes for 283 yards with zero touchdowns and three interceptions. Early in the season, he was going for 300 yards consistently. Key Injuries: FS Brian Dawkins (knee).
  19. I want to see them beat NE* with Brady in there and I kind of would be inclined to call you some part of lower rear of the human anatomy.
  20. Happy Holidays to you Pils (and all the rest of you Bills fans too)
  21. I wrote a long post a while ago talking about this and went to post it and my computer had become disconnected from the net and it was lost. But I agree with your post and am happy to see someone else thinking about it. I want 2 new TEs and to copy Belicheats offence this year a bit (plus there are some nice options at the position as your list points out). I also would like to get the kid from SD partly because I hate that our LS only does one job. I hope the Bills take full advantage of FA this year, I know Buddy said build through the draft and all but I want 4 or 5 FAs to help make up for last year and to have a strategy against NEs draft status this year. I also think it is a really good idea if they need a bigger roster next year. Mankins and Mathis Kiwinuka would also be great PUs IMO. I wish there were a few more good playmaker LBs in that group. I doubt that Harris or Ngata are going anywhere but would be fine if we only got 2 or 3 if one of them was signed. I want us to start locking up other core players (going FA in 2012) this year too, if they can.
  22. From the thread title I thought this was going to be about forgetting a game that you went to.
  23. The one in the other link (not rex's wifey), her everything. my ex looked a lot like her 20 years ago.
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