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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. A bad pick at #3 sets the team back (possibly years), I want them to grab the most sure thing they can. I pass on QB at number 3.
  2. I like that they are looking st him, it didn't say they signed him. They have to deal with Whitner's and Wilson's agents and if nothing else showing those guys that their clients are expendable is a good strategy. Personally I think Sanders was great but willing to die does tend to get you injured. If they sign him I am hoping there is more in terms of depth and he is semi situational. As far as a contract I would look for them to give him a Merriman type deal, in other words pretty big but with ladders. I have a feeling that this year Mcgee moves to free safety and we draft a certain CB with #3, I am also looking for Wilson to come back as he is decent and probably not that expensive. At this point I am wondering if theree is going to be a season though.
  3. It is not called Faux for nothing. The journalistic integrity is on par w/ everything else on that network. Although they do have some good cartoons.
  4. Maybe it hasn't been a conditioning problem with the injuries. The red or a blue field would be cool.
  5. A mod must of changed the title I had resign lol before, Thanks Mod!
  6. where is the I made a spelling mistake and am kicking myself for it icon anyway. I think he did have a worse year than the past couple, maybe the injury had more to do with his drop off and somehow in the increase of penalties. I can't help myself for routing for the 2 hometown underdogs on the team. As was said above he can always be cut still.
  7. The implications I am talking about being in the draft and as far as Donte is concerned, and an all around good guy from OP playing on his hometown team, Congrats Jon
  8. Congrats Ice hopefully oneday we will see a Bills vs the Pack superbowl and you won't be feeling so damn good lol and see I told you, they'd get there back when we played them (even if I did think it would be the Ravens they'd play). You and your "oh no, were going to go 8 & 8" or "do you really think Rodgers is good enough?"
  9. "There was no name calling, you just simply acted like an A**" You don't see the problem with this? That IS name calling, saying some one acted like a name. If I say your mother acted like a whore, am I not saying your mother is a whore?
  10. Yeah the basket ball shots at the end are pretty good and Chan says you can't throw from your butt LOL
  11. See the problem is it is a bit like the shout song, we can't vote for a new one. That said I like Jimi's version best too and at this point even that is old fashioned.
  12. They read the DoI? wow interesting. I didn't turn the pre-game on until 6:15 (it was am here in Thailand). What does it have to do with the SB? Actually there are lots of nationalist practices that happen in places all over the world. People do put too much emphasis on that kind of stuff (IMO) but if the DoI were actually listened to (and understood) you would think that Americans would think about revolution instead of feeling good.
  13. Here is the thing if you are not in the US or some select other parts of the world you cannot watch your favorite football team every week. These people doing this illegal streaming are providing a service that I have donated to and would pay for (albeit the price the NFL asks for it is way too high) if it was available here in Thailand. What I really don't understand is how the rest of the world lets the US own the internet.I think that will change and we will see other ones in the future, the problem being it will be China that does it and not Greenland or some Scandinavian country. The Superbowl being a big market thing will be on TV here as are 5 or 6 games a week (the Bills 1 time in 2 years so far) not of my choosing. Oh and BTW it is a waste of government resources if the offending parties can just endlessly just change the URL 5 minutes later. I for one can not see the logic of it.
  14. You can rape my cereal all you want, as long as you don't piss in my Wheaties.
  15. Didn't Phily? in 2009 didn't Minnesota? Didn't Buffalo sign Flutie? I think we should pick a QB if that is what Buddy thinks at this point, I really think we need to develop player more than draft one high though.
  16. They didn't get the ones I use yet, for now. There was legislation that makes this legal, it is just dumb ppl find ways man, ppl find ways. Probation is not an answer, just regulating the unregulatable, just wait til they get that turn the net off switch law they are pushing for. Welcome to Egypt.
  17. Man you are such a debbie downer, I suppose no goal was really no goal too.
  18. If there is no CBA b4 the draft that aint happening, also no TE? Fa is loaded with good TEs
  19. I like Joe's opinions on this and hope that Nix is thinking the same way. As with the Spiller pick you pick him to be a playmaker (I know hows that working for ya? lol, honestly I think it will in time though). Okay we know it isn't truly a position of need, unless you consider playmaker as just that: POSITION of need. Lets face it there is no Suh, there is no Bradford, if Patterson is the number 2 ranked player and he is there but Green is gone you go by what you have him ranked at. The Bills have screwed up too many of these picks because they didn't BPA the pick and went too much for need. If Fairly is there and they rank him in the top 3, you take him. There are 1st round picks every year (and this year since we have a high one the odds of not effing it up are higher), we need to start hitting on them. Then we won't be looking back and saying the Bills can't draft. We need the safe pick which is BPA
  20. No poll like this is complete with out TE but you much like our favorite team didn't include it. I would rank it LBs in and outside ROT and swing for back up and Dline in a toss up TE and back ups upgrades all around as we saw later in the season we have no depth at a lot of positions. I hope both draft and FA brings in some genuine talent is some of these places but honestly still see us us as being 2 years away from filling many of those holes. BTW, I think if we did add these players Fitz would look better but we could certainly use a very good back up for him at least. Personally, I think he is good enough but again no depth. No protection and "he makes the line look better", "You can't throw the ball when you are on your butt".
  21. Hey, I kind of share your opinion but words is all I have,meaningless draft cliché make communication easier and I thought the OP was being honestly naive.
  22. It means not REACHING to fill a need. Instead you take the most talented regardless of need. BN has said the would take BPA several times recently, but in the past said you take BPA w/ need in mind. So in other words it is all smoke and mirrors, like interviewing and wine and dinning Tebow last year.
  23. Buddy has said he will pick BPA but in the past. He said BPA but you have to consider your needs a bit. The interview he gave this last week he said BPA in a way that made it sound like they might go for a WR or CB with the third (who knows maybe it is a smokescreen). I think if the guy we draft is a game changer (and he should at least be very good, if not a playmaker)even if it is not a big position of need (like WR and to a lesser extent CB), I think loading up more with real players is fine. That said if the pick ends up a miss in the top 3, it looks very bad. I personally am sick of the reaches! BPA is not usually a reach. I want a solid draft and FA period. We need it. NE won't get worse, we don't have the amount of picks they do. They all know the drafts in the past have sucked. I am sure Modrick knows it. Bob D. is kind of stating the obvious with that. I don't think this FO even with Modrick should be judged yet as not having a plan. I am not real super happy he stayed but in reality I don't know his role and either does Bob. One JS is enough, the team had more identity this year. I am hoping for the best.
  24. Nix talks and everybody jumps on his **** for stuff he did last year. If he didn't talk people would be saying why isn't the FO doing or saying anything, other teams are. I think taking BPA is fine (even a WR, then they might actually trade Lee to get more picks). I also think we could go after Mankins in FA if we slide Wood to center and yeah we have some ok depth players. Is Wrotto the answer at RT I doubt it but he wasn't looking bad either. The Jets have a swing tackle available in FA. I wouldn't doubt some Dline is taken in the draft too. The LBs, there are some out there in FA and the draft, it'd be cool if they got some in here too. I also think they might draft a good back up (and back up plan for Fitz). I wish he would have talked about TE, we need a playmaker there!
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