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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Good for him! Welcome back again Naaman.
  2. Yes the Bills had internet, just ask Doug W.
  3. wow another EJ bash fest! Why are so many of you guys invested in hating a Bills player? I don't get it. I think the benching was the right thing to do too but man....... so much full on hate on the guy? What is up with that?
  4. Hah, good to hear. Yeah, he is hard not to like, isn't he?
  5. Ah now I get you, you want to be Mr. Itoldyouso. Why are people happy doing that, I never understand....is it fun being negative Nostradamus? Feel better about yourself if you are right? If it lasts more than 4 hours, what do you do?
  6. OMG, I agree with Tampa Bob..... Mrags please don't you see the problem here? BTW, TB you should use some of the logic in your arguments in this thread and apply them to FJ. And that isn't even talking about other things FJ brings to the table (beside his yrds average).
  7. More logic, I must say it really is an interesting argument, I can see both sides to it but I want Spiller to stay. It's a gut feeling, one thing I always think about when these kind of arguments come up is this would I want Bill Beicheat to pick up that player and have to go against them 2 times a year? (well, maybe the Patsies* are really on a decline and this year isn't THE year that I am having that thought but) Hell no, Spiller would turn into Danny Whitehead (or whatever his name was) and gash the hell out of us.
  8. Okay okay, I vote you off the island, where is that damn thread now, I need to change my vote.BTW fixed that for you. Shhh we're in the middle of a crusade, don't use logic After NO, he also showed he is pretty all purpose, "when used correctly". I can just hear that noise when we don't get him back and he goes on to do better than Bush. The season under Chan wasn't a fluke, I don't understand why mRagsonspiller thinks it was. Get Him In Space And Everytime He Touches The Ball He Is A Threat = a Playmaker. What this team has said it wanted more of, for quite a few years. He is misused isn't an excuse, it has been proven by his "good year". It can and should be replicated. The 4 wide looks last week (although totally against the wrong team) were the right idea. I hope we see more of FJ and CJ on the field too.
  9. IDK? look at BB.com?
  10. I know you're all not discussing the same thing anymore but I put this in another thread which is closed now so I am going to post it here. I am okay with it, not excited yet but I could get there. I think Detroit would (still could) be brutal and being 2-3 seems more likely with EJ in that game and the next after that for that matter. This shows me that at least the staff is more interested in being in it to win it (than just playing him for the experience). That to me. is an important change from things in the past. See, I don't think it is bad to sit him for that reason (the bolded above), he hasn't looked like "all that" and he was raw (as everyone always pointed out, when he was drafted). His lack of consistency in many ways doesn't seem like a lack of confidence, so I think he will see he has to improve and keep working on it. I thought the line play was pretty atrocious last week but EJ did do at least some things well. His accuracy was worrying but his decision making bothered me more, he seems to really have problems with both with a good rush in his face (I feel like the truly elite talents will have one or the other weakness with a strong rush, after they have matured, not both. JMO). Most starting QBs do but most don't throw that ball to Watts (which I don't totally blame on EJ, cough cough Hacket!) but that was avoidable and mostly a bad playing decision (or execution, if you prefer). He is at least fine as a back up for now and we can see if he develops into something. If he can't handle being benched....well then he wasn't going to make something of himself anyway. I always wanted to have him have real competition for that reason. I am not giving up on him, it used to be that a QB sat a couple or few years, for a good reason. I like Orton and have wished (a few times) in the past we would have picked him up. He can be a game manager AKA A.Smith, he has had a kind of weird career, he may or may not be better than Fitz but I think he might be. I loved Fitzy too but his time here was done, he was a better QB than EJ is at this point in his career but he wasn't a real good one either. We are lucky to have someone who can come off the bench and maybe be better. It is not a terrible place to be, really.
  11. Hah I was going to say the trophy wife who drains your pocket until you are almost bankrupted and then going back with the ex who's really good in bed but kind of average looking. I think yours is better. I am okay with it, not excited yet but I could get there. I think Detroit would (still could) be brutal and being 2-3 seems more likely with EJ in that game and the next after that for that matter. This shows me that at least the staff is more interested in being in it to win it (than just playing him for the experience). That to me. is an important change from things in the past. See, I don't think it is bad to sit him for that reason (the bolded above), he hasn't looked like "all that" and he was raw (as everyone always pointed out, when he was drafted). His lack of consistency in many ways doesn't seem like a lack of confidence, so I think he will see he has to improve and keep working on it. I thought the line play was pretty atrocious last week but EJ did do at least some things well. His accuracy was worrying but his decision making bothered me more, he seems to really have problems with both with a good rush in his face (I feel like the truly elite talents will have one or the other weakness with a strong rush, after they have matured, not both. JMO). Most starting QBs do but most don't throw that ball to Watts (which I don't totally blame on EJ, cough cough Hacket!) but that was avoidable and mostly a bad playing decision (or execution, if you prefer). He is at least fine as a back up for now and we can see if he develops into something. If he can't handle being benched....well then he wasn't going to make something of himself anyway. I always wanted to have him have real competition for that reason. I am not giving up on him, it used to be that a QB sat a couple or few years, for a good reason. I like Orton and have wished (a few times) in the past we would have picked him up. He can be a game manager AKA A.Smith, he has had a kind of weird career, he may or may not be better than Fitz but I think he might be. I loved Fitzy too but his time here was done, he was a better QB than EJ is at this point in his career but he wasn't a real good one either. We are lucky to have someone who can come off the bench and maybe be better. It is not a terrible place to be, really.
  12. You are clueless about art, of that I am sure.
  13. Ah the I told you so guy. Go find your posts and links or it didn't happen.
  14. I actually seem to remember it as being Nix's pick but whatever. I think that people have no patience maybe EJ should sit a while, if (and it is a big if) Orton is any good. With The Oline playing like they played.... EJ almost gets a pass from me. Almost. No, that was not a good game, I think in 2 weeks you see us sit him if he doesn't do better next week, seems the benching idea worked with Tannywacker. I would use the Phiben approach, on EJ, never understood the no competition for EJ, still don't. I doubt he is ruined yet, some guys take a few years to see the light and turn it on. Simple fact about young QBs, throwing him into the fire at the point he is can ruin him, probably easier than sitting him would. I am not convinced that is the case but he shouldn't be just cut or something at this point. The real problem with yesterday"s game tho, that was the oline and the gameplan, this offensive staff sure looked over their heads, for the last 2 weeks. I am starting to doubt THEY have "it" and I was giving them the benefit of the doubt.
  15. I just knew we should have kept Winfield and let Clements walk.Hated that move, when it happened. You could really see the improvement in Anton that year and Nate was down trending already. They were a good pairing and the Lawyer Milloy signing did hurt the situation cap wise (RW was cash to at that point already, if memory serves me). Although it didn't hurt that first game, lol.
  16. No one would do Kate Upton? You guys are gay.
  17. Tom, will you please tell him he's an idiot.
  18. Okay I vote you off the island.
  19. Biting her lip photos makes it for me, yum. She is a definite yes (which I may have said earlier in the thread but just saw this somewhere else and knew GBID would have this updated).
  20. WTF Williams running through the lot? Not good smh.
  21. Hit that! Looking at that picture, I wood. She could have kids at 24,and you could be Daddy. Shhhhhh it doesn't matter, he's into MILFs lol
  22. Hey, that really sucks. I have sympathy for the guy and his family. Did you see the 3 boobed woman story on that page ? http://nypost.com/20...oobed-woman/
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