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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Kgun Yeah you see it as excuses and I see it as Fitz had the best season of any QB in a Bills uni is years. My support of him is because he may and IMO should keep improving. Even his accuracy was better last year and I know he throws bad passes at times, who doesn't? I never said he was anywhere as good as Rodgers. I just think he is getting better. If he tanks it this year I want a franchice guy as much as anyone (hell even if he is great it doesn't hurt to draft a great QB, who can argue that?). And really he reminds me of Kemp, I just like him, you don't. I get it. Bandit, hmmmm 2 halves to a season (and GB did much better at rushing the ball in the 2nd half) even with that the Bills only out rushed the Pack by 100 or so yards on the year and 6 yards a game. I don't know how a half of yard average makes for a difference of 15 spots in total but it does show you how much more important GBs passing game was. Also, he compared Fitz to a rookie on another team saying see Fitz sucks more than this rook, I just was giving my opinion that the comparison was flawed for the reasons I stated (in my first post). I think his intent is to just say how crappy Fitz is based on his statement that "lets just understand Fitz is what he is, we cant close our eyes and pretend he's something more." I understand about his throwing bad balls sometimes and hope that will improve with a better run game (i.e. the one Stafford has) and overall line play (as evidenced by Fitz's stats under pressure vs not, in a thread on here recently). Lastly I think it was mostly the D, I think the O had a bad few games but kept us in it more than the D most weeks. The team in general needs improvement and maybe Fitz is stopgap but I hope he is more than that. I also think they are addressing the issues though (new coach and better guys should help on D). I hope they make some decent FA moves if there is a season to help the O too. Personally, I prefer to see the glass 1/2 full.
  2. So if I shoot someone I should do it on a Sunday and use the Ray Ray defense, I guess
  3. She is cute no doubt but fake boobs ....... I dunno ........ I guess it would depend on how she felt about my penis implant. BTW I can't believe this thread is 4 pages long. Oh wait, that's what she said.
  4. He remembers most of the jokes in this thread when they first came out.
  5. I thought the JP thing was a joke until I clicked the link. I guess he misses BFLO, I never liked him as the qb but gotta like his love of the city and team (maybe it is just his friends and or he is still hoping for something that never happened).
  6. I nominate "Trump No" to be the new "F&*k No"! He single handedly drove the USFL out of business owns (losing) casinos (how the hell do you do that one???) and the owners wouldn't accept him as one of their own IMO. Plus, he is just a big giant ahole. Worst idea ever, even if Jimbo is his buddy.
  7. Grew up there, going to games since I was 2 or 3, I'm 51 so are the Bills. I am a long way away now (in Bangkok, Thailand) and watch games in the middle of the night these days. Haven't lived in WNY since 94. Can't help myself. The internet might be the best freaking invention ever lol. It kind of gives me a feeling of being home, now if only I could get the food.
  8. I still like Bruce Gradkowski, I would think it will be TT though, Kyle Orton or VY are both interesting too, I have to admit but I just don't see the FO going in those directions. Trent should never get another thread along with either JP or RJ or OJ or Willis...........etc
  9. I said, Daves not here!
  10. Good post Pilsner, I agree leadership and hard work will get them where they want. I like who they picked so far, it will be wait and see but they seem to pick good guys. I like a lot that there is a plan and they are working hard on that plan. It starts at the top and they seem so far to know what they are doing. I find that encouraging and refreshing for a change.
  11. Hey Pilsner, How are you doing? A man can dream can't they lol. I really think they will get a TE in FA, this is the year to do it too many decent and good ones out there. I really wasn't surprised they didn't draft one. We will see but IMO it is the plan. It is kind of sad that so many teams franchised the quality OLBs this year, before the deadline that position also looked better than years past. If there is a FA and a season we will see what happens but we all have our hope and dreams.
  12. On the other hand, just the otherday Nix said that RW has always been generous with the purse and will allow them to spend in FA (it was refreshing to hear). I also think they have been drooling over the FA this year as it is bigger because of last years cluster"f" of a non system. I kind of think they know what they are doing for a change and would be a bit surprised if they just let the opportunity pass by.
  13. Call me greedy, I want them to get Boss AND Zach Miller I really think Belicheat needs his new scheme stolen and with our WRs and RBs we would really have a scary good set of skill players. I also want Tyson Clabo. Jeremy Trueblood? wasn't he arrested? If he was okay after that I am okay with that too, offense fixed a bit but what about QB? My unquailfied opinion is they stick with Fitz and get a decent back up. They may think Young is a steal (as do I maybe, I like his play but he has a question thingy) and do that but I really really doubt it (to upsetting to team chemistry to have a QB controversy going on and Young has a big giant question mark painted on his back, albeit partly by his last crazy coach but just the same, there it is). I think it will be T.T. or Chans other old QB, Croyle. I think that because Chan seems to have a loyalty to past players but honestly I don't see either as fitting this teams schemes very well and do know how enamored Chan is with either of them. I think that I would rather have Gradkowski in the back up role, I liked seeing him a few times the last few years and think behind a good team he is really a bit Fitz like. Good leader and tough not a giant talent but might win you some close games. With a good team around him he maybe as good as Fitz but not better. I also think they like next years class a lot and want to see if Fitz does better this year with a better team around him. Okay Defense. Cullen Jenkins, good vet presence on a young team plus very nice pass rusher(outside pressure), like better than Trevor Pryce but okay with either (feel Pryce is better against the run, maybe but that could also be because of GBs ILBs). I see us doing nothing unless they have a trade idea for Edwards and/or want to replace him. ILBs resign Poz develop the rookie see who else is emergent from last year and okay for now (not a lot available really anyway IMO). OLBs Hmmm will they gamble? I hope they get a very good reserve/starter, Kiwanuka although I am not sure that is what he is, would be nice. A good guy who played in a hybred before is James Anderson, I would like to see him as he stout in the run 130 tackles 3.5 sacks last year. Not sure anybody else good is out there. CB I think they won't address it any more if the resign Flo. Let's hope they can. Safety, Whitner should stay IMO, Huff is an option (who is a lot like Whitner as a player actually better at coverage IMO but not as good against the run) and probably not looking for the big money that the former #8 is. Did we resign Wilson already? I think we did if not we should. So in summery what I want: Boss AND Zach Miller, Tyson Clabo, Gradkowski, Cullen Jenkins,or Trevor Pryce, James Anderson or Kiwanuka Resign Poz Whitner and Flo If they do 3 of the FA things (one of the TEs and Clabo especially) and are able to resign Poz and Flo I will be happy (I also hope Whitner is back and we don't end up with a hole there).
  14. I remember that, it was kind badly organized but not a bad idea, the CFL should have tried some other markets IMO. Really they went where there is a pretty big college presence instead of looking to fill gaps. I think they could have stayed close to the boarder and had more success in tweener markets like Rochester/Albany (I understand Syracuse is there for them but..)Vermont has no good football really. In any case if they really wanted to do this it would be better if the did it as a farm league and involved the NFL in the plan. They might have to change a few of the rules too
  15. I remember just a couple of years ago being more excited about Stevie Johnson than Hardy too (although I know Dareus is not going to crap the bed like him). Just saying Good luck to the new kid. BTW Nix said they wouldn't have picked him if there was UDFAs but it was only the comp pick so they did, we'll see what happens.could be a great story if the kid excels though.
  16. LOL, I lived in NYC 12 years, wish we woulda met buddy (hey maybe we did you ever work in a union elevator gig in the clothing/sweat shop district)! Anyhow great comic relief thread, tanks ya fok face . Oh, and your NT pick that might go to jail sounds like a good guy to bust heads with, maybe your boys can use him when he gets out.
  17. I think VY is just not someone the staff of the Bills will want to deal with JMO I don't see them doing that. I think TT or Croyle are guys they might consider just because of Chan's past and his penchant for getting guys he knows and likes. I don't really like either of them much(and have doubts they fit this team well) and would rather see Bruce Gradkowski, first choice (who in my opinion leads well and played with a crap team but did ok, stats aside) or Wallace or Troy Smith but all would be strictly as back ups (and TS is iffy at best). I am in the camp that yes you need to be the best you can be (and sure competition can and sure bring that out in players) BUT I think Fitz earned this year to further develop with a better team around him. QB competitions also can sour a locker room among other problems. I trust they have some options in mind. I also think they will sign a good OT maybe another OLB and a TE who are on the young side. Judging from year one and this draft they have a plan and a FO with a plan is all I ever wanted.
  18. Actually, I wished he would have said something about Poz too. Good intreviw though thanks for posting it up.
  19. F because of drafts like that, we were efffed.
  20. No, I would like them to get Bruce Gradkowski signed honestly, I think he is a decent back up and some one Chan could work with. Don't trade for it, when you can get one free. There is another draft next year.
  21. I want them both back too. I think the rest of the d will drop off a bit without them and they both although a bit to the middling are decent players. About his tweeting, ehh so what? Takes all kinds, I don't have to like a player very much personally to watch them play a sport. It is all just emotional BS. I get emotional about what they do on the field. Off, phhht not so much. OJ always had a big ego (even before he was good he shot his mouth off a bit) but he turned a corner and presto magic he was beloved by all. I have some excuses for both our safeties last year a. new system that demanded a different style of play and apparently was a lot harder to understand or something. b. what was in front of them. c. coaching, I wannastach see him coached better. He may actually be better than we know. Look at the difference with Fitz and he had a crap offensive line and arguably a worse set of receivers, the coaching made a difference. His past play too we didn't really have a good d for him to play on and he always stepped in where ever they needed him. He wanted to succeed here and it was a tough place to be. I am not saying DW is great or should get a lotta money from anyone but put him on the Jets.....he may shine and get paid. His style of play actually reminds me a bit of Leanord and always did (but honestly he is better). In other words it is not my money, if he is back I think we are better for it Poz too. One last thought. damn I wish we had Ngata, does he tweet?
  22. I have hope for Spiller, not thrilled w/ our #2 pick but can see the logic. I am happy with the ILB #3 and #1 for that matter. I won' judge all this until we see what happens in FA (and Saturday of course). I do hope we find some sort of back up for Fitz before the season. Mallet wasn't on my list, maybe NE can do something with him IDK but the Bills definitely need a better line before having that type of QB. I like this and last year having a focus on D in the draft, I see that as a positive (so far).
  23. Nah, Fitz has improved and with a better team around him will continue to. Just no to Kolb, draft one 2-3rd round and see where it goes next year, We need a D that stops the run, big time!
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