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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I hope it cuts down on all the injuries! I also think Jet Blue for naming rights would be a disaster considering they have the word jet in their name. Go Erie county!! good job.
  2. I am so bored by this off season and this lockout and the talks and waiting on FA and UFAs not getting a fair shake and hearing about how much money these chumps make off of football fans...... I say once they reach the agreement fans hold out from the preseason. Payback in a small but symbolic way, but a bit of payback just the same. I won't even watch an internet stream (my only way to see it in Thailand for me) if more than 50% of TBD agrees to it. So what do you think?
  3. I hope our number 1 draft pick this year makes him see the field in a couple of ways.
  4. Nice post although there are some other TEs they can go after too ie Boss I agree and just a couple months ago Nix said Ralph would open the purse, last year was a small FA class and try out/evaluation year, I think they make some moves this year I hope you are right, I hope Troup really improves then KW can move to end or use the both of them in a hybred 4-3/2 sounds good. I also want Flo back
  5. Peg seems great so far, I hope he can and will buy the Bills when the time arrives. Seems to be really interested in having a successful team that is built to win the cup (the moves he has made so far look good on paper and from a PR standpoint, which is good). I think the mechanics of it are different in football, RW could have been a better owner (although I am glad the Bills are still there and appreciate that they have had some successes in the past thanks to him). Hopefully he realizes it now and we actually do have the right people in the FO to make things happen, I am kind of still reserving judgement on that for now. About the building the team through FA, it works different in hockey and really what DS did in Wash was fool hardly.
  6. Would have liked to see the throwback strips on the arms and blue pants white jersey away unis but it is definitely an improvement over the recent past. I wouldn't mind a new Buffalo too actually, well they can and probably will redesign things again when RW passes so if they stay, we can all look forward to this again.
  7. I don't think Superbowls are ever going to happen in Buffalo, the reason not enough high end hotel space (although maybe TO would have it if it was in NF). Buffalo NF and most of the areas around them should be incorporated in to Buffalo, it would solve a lot of problems. Both NYC and TO did this in the past and it helps.
  8. I hope Bill is right and I kind of think the FO passed on TE back up QB and RT (well not passed on RT but just drafted a development guy) because they know those are positions they can improve on in FA. Or at least I hope so. I would love it if they got 2 good TEs in FA and used them like NE* did a bit last season, at least that is MY dream lol. I still could see them bringing in a OLB too but that is high on my not going to happen list.
  9. Would love to see them make a play for Trueblood or Clabo I also think they could make a play at Harris but that doesn't mean I want him. I do like that Buddy worked at this during the season and the way he did it. I also love that they drafted a big guy who is raw, to develop. I doubt that will not make a play with someone. The TE position needs some work too, I am really hoping they do it in FA.
  10. I don't remember that but I always think I remember a punt pass and kick competition at halftime that some kid from Pennsylvania won. Anybody else remember that? For some reason I always thought it was Jimbo, I was only 13 at the time and my memory is shakey lol, I also went to a lot of great concerts there in the 70s so it is really no wonder why, my first was CSNY with Santana and some other groups anybody tell who and when that was?
  11. Wasn't Kelsey drafted in 02? let's cut him instead.
  12. More JP threads, just when I thought the lock out couldn't get any worse. Bring JP back; oh good, then he can look like a deer in the headlights when he is trying to take his 7 step drop (although I do get the point that Jarhead ruined him and Trent and pretty much agree, I also think JP was ok as a Bill team guy considering and a Bflo resident). But as an old girlfriend of mine said to me "damaged goods". No Thanks.
  13. Ralph has a flaw; loyalty, thank god and curses at the same time.
  14. This one of my favorite discussions about the Bills. I love the scheme that Belicheat built last year. I really hate him but the man can really think about strategies and build around who he has (an aging but great QB and a line that seems to run block better than pass protect these days, not that they suck at it but still. They made Whitehead a star last year). The Bills can certainly use much of the same scheme with only one good tight end, because of David Nelsons size and speed and hopefully the coming on (and return of) Easly (did I spell that right?) who looks like a beasty guy, the match up problems for a D could be similar. I think that with this years free agency they will make a play for a vet TE, who it will be is anyone's guess, there are quite a few available. I think that is why they didn't worry much about it in the draft (besides the fact that the draft is limited). No one knows about what will happen with S.Nelson and Scott Chandler, I think they are we like them buts.....kind of guys right now. I hope they are not going to let that fly and bypass the others in FA. One thing about the Belicheat scheme though is the 2 tight end set and the inability of a D to get whether the play is a run or a pass out of it. I would be crazy happy if the Bills signed both of the guys Pilsner mentioned and copied it. It is an opportunity that is there and worth the bank, our O could be crazy good, run and pass and totally unpredictable. It is really smart for later in the season when weather becomes more of an issue. The 4 wide can still be used a lot if Chan wants to, we have talented runners and Fitz can get the ball out quick (and throw to the seam). I want this so much, I know I will be broken hearted lol. When is this lockout going to end? By the time they start up I will be bored at this point.
  15. wow the record function just doesn't work in Thailand, damn it. but thanks for letting me know I have been playing with the damn thing half the day off and on haha
  16. I pressed the red button and thought it was recording but how do you play it back and save it?
  17. Yellow jackets don't come big enough to fit him, he will be bigger than HOF.
  18. Totally agree. I liked him as our QB for quite a while but he just drove me crazy with his head hanging and then playing badly after. As much of a gunslinger as Jimbo could be sometimes, he always lead even when he threw a few too many bad balls. I always kind of felt that Fergy had almost as much or even just as much talent but just lacked the real leadership and heart that Jimbo had. I am kind of amazed he is looking so healthy, good on him.
  19. I almost mentioned Burroughs but I couldn't remember if he was injured. Robert James was the best CB we lost via injury.
  20. OJ number 1, Cookie number 2 please consider that Cookie was the next best thing next to Jim Brown, who still in my mind is the best ever (although Barry Saunders has to be considered too IMO). And Bills freak OJ could be stopped, but once he had a coach and a line made for him, he couldn't. I do have to say the Bills for all the lacking in the QB department over the 51 years have been pretty good in the RB department.
  21. Golden Wheels! 9 seasons but with today's medicine could have been more
  22. Both, we are so over due for both, it is not either or for me.
  23. If the first game you went to was when you and the Bills were 3 years old, you might be a Bills fan. If you stayed up and watched all of last years games (including preseason) on streams from the internet from the other side of the planet, you might be a Bills fan. If you think Fitz reminds you a bit of Kemp and that is why you like him so much, you might be a Bills fan. If you believe if the Bills ever won a Superbowl you would die happy, you might be a Bills fan. If you still think that maybe OJ was set up, you might be a Bills fan. If you think Cookie may have been better than Jim Brown, you might be a Bills fan.
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