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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. wow.... just..... wow and I thought this whole thing was taking a toll on me a little bit. Here for you guy
  2. Ahh that's right he might be released, I forgot the story. If he is, except VY he will be the best QB available and he will find a starting position somewhere. So if they can I would think they will try, he is a very good player to have as a back up. @3mil wouldn't he be in fact making more than Fitz though?
  3. For some reason I thought Orton was FA. I like him and think he is a decent starter in the right circumstances, honestly I don't see the Bills pursuing him but stranger things have happened.
  4. I pretty much agree with 1960 RW is thinking about his legacy somehow and them leaving would impact that in a very bad way. I wouldn't really want Golisano taking over either but if that is what it took to keep them there.........
  5. Man Harvey you are really a let down, I wonder why do you bother? I can't imagine being a fan is much fun with no optimism.
  6. SDS Condolences on your loss, prayers you way and as always thanks for the sites.
  7. I am just guessing here but I think he is referring to KW as duh. The defend Greece thing IDK, the debt crisis?
  8. Freddies was near my house as a child and somehow I wasn't fat lol. There were a really great place, used to love looking in the windows watching the machines making stuff and the smell mmmmmmm yummy just thinking about it
  9. Just as an aside most countries conquered by the allies in ww2 had constitutions written with what Roosevelt was pushing as the 2nd bill of rights (he died before he could get it done here) but it was a part of nation building in our own governments opinion in many of the counties that are being talked about here. Hence the socialist agendas in many places, we put it there.
  10. So far, top 5 wishes Poz return, Flo return, Clabo, Gradkowski, Miller/Boss (and some more young capable back ups for depth). Get it done Buddy (or a reasonable facsimile)! and you will have a happy fan base. You can do it!
  11. Peronally, I am a libertarian socialist. I like hpls take on the nfl and ncaa compared to other sports with farm systems. But the very existance of different ways of doing these businesses in the US shows that there is no perfect model and plenty of liberty in choices available.
  12. Thanks for merging the threads, I didn't see that other one when I posted mine and he said something about Mr. Pegula owning the team who would you expect, where I said what I would just like to see and what thoughts I had about that. It is really interesting to me so many people have the same ideas, I guess when there is so much time on everyone's hands because of the lock out, ideas get batted around enough that more of a consensus happens. That actually could be a good thing if you think about it happening on the coaching staff too.
  13. It was on the BB.com site shortly after the season ended, either in the a special club (monday qb or booster? I am pretty sure but honestly I forget) or in one of his pressers. I remember him saying it (this is paraphrased but I am just too lazy to go through the vids for your linky, sorry. I know I got excited about it when I heard it and I thought that we would be getting a TE since we skipped it in the draft (was in an after draft presser? damn I really can't remember). In anycase depending on the CBA it looks as if they will have to open the purse a bit wider to hit the minimum anyway.
  14. Nice! (which one is Stevie? did he grow his dreads back in one off season?)
  15. So Nix has said a QB (or 2) to back up Fitz. I have read on here he has said a RT as well. He has said (in a interview on BB.com about 3 months ago) that RW will spend some money and give them the purse to improve the team. In the past he has said that you build through the draft. I see this as meaning they will target younger players. There will be money from the speculation going on about the CBA. There are hints that Florance will be back, Poz maybe and Whitner is otta here. I would prefer we try to keep all three (anyone else up can walk). Whitner seems the most expendable if he asks too much, bye but get Poz and Flo back please. The team needs 1 back up for Fitz "who can win games" (plus another?), as a back up I want Bruce G. from Oakland and there are other options (I would be ok with others)i.e. Orton who IMO should start somewhere. 2 RT First there are some available this year, that should be enough right there. We have depth seemly and I approve of the raiding PS's that was done last year. I want a capable starter. We went into last year if I remember right with 8 OL, we should have 10 this year. I like the 4th round pick too and the fact that at least one of these guys could pan out. C, LG and RG, I feel we have covered, I wonder if we have a back up LT and a starting RT. I would target Clabo, and take what we can get (Trueblood, is that his name from ALT?). 3 TE, I hate having a big question mark and just saying Gailey doesn't use one, my hope is we pick one up. There is a crop to harvest this year and we didn't draft one. I would actually love to see them sign 2. (Boss and Miller from Oakland, I know dreaming lol) 4 OLB and ILB if Poz leaves, I want a back up for Meeriman. Our back ups will improve but honestly we are weakest here on D now. Don't know what I would really want here, but there are again guys out there. 5 DB, if we lose guys address it. To me these are the most critical things at the moment and I look forward and with some optimism that we will do something this year. So give us what you see as biggest needs and who you want in here.
  16. x2 Fluff and I want to see Poz with a better line in front of him. AD was okay til he was just too damned injured last year. I hope they improve and not 2 steps forward 2 steps back as always. Maybe the Sabres can be an inspiration to them during the FA period.
  17. Pretty sure Ralph would never let it happen. Once the bridge gets burned with RW it seems it is torn down forever. I give it about as much chance happening as the Bills taking a flyer on Tony Washington (which I wonder if some team will make happen this year). Personally I would love for both things to happen.
  18. Those buttons have been there since he revamped the site last time always fuctioned (or didn't really) the same way. I like the rec's on other sites am happy that these would work that way too.
  19. To me the fact that the guy did get charged and convicted is a good thing sort of, I think there is such a thing as over kill. I also think his sentence is a bit excessive but, hey he didn't need to kill him so he shouldn't of. It is really just that simple. As for the crayons idiocy, the drug companies in the US (and racism) are one of the biggest reasons SOME drugs are illegal. Your response to this tragedy is as stupid as most of your shock and be awed by your ignorance responses to most things. Just last week in Thailand where I live, they showed on TV a guy goes into a car dealership and is upset at the owner. So he starts screaming at the guy and he pulls out a gun. The owner turns around and runs towards the back (office), when he turns the guy takes 2 shots at him running away. One of the shots hit him in the butt, the other misses. The owner goes to his office and gets his gun. The guy runs after shooting and is trying to get on his motorcycle and drive away. The owner shoots and hits him, no return fire no reaching for his gun, he is just trying to leave. He cowers behind his bike and the owner takes more shots. a few hit him but he is still just trying to get out of there. Then he pops up a little higher above his bike and the owner scores a head shot and puts him out. IMO murder in the 2nd or at least manslaughter. The police here decided he should just be let go, no charges. Believe me, this is the kind of thing that make you wonder if you want to stay in a place (this happened kind of near my house). I am upset at this one because I know the police are probably taking protection money from the owner guy and people give payola for the carry permit here. Thai police make dog dew for a salary and often pad the coffers; the real reason people become police is to get the extra money involved. I have to say the US justice system far from perfect is at least better than this.
  20. People in the biggest cities are from other places. Might account for fan loyalty numbers not being as high.
  21. It will be too fast and furious, I predict more one year deal with players staying put, and going for better next year.
  22. LOL I put forth an idea about fan anger, I think I would definitely not go to preseason games if I was there. I just wondered if others felt that way about it. I know you can think it is silly (that's why it's right there in the poll). I miss football more than many of the people with true access (by being in the region). I do think some or many empty stadiums would send a message, it is not the same as buying gas. I feel for the young guys who missed all of the OTAs and frankly all this time off is waning my interest in the sport a bit. No FA or otas this year makes this site boring! I am not mad as hell lol, just not happy about it.
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