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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Okay I like Chan maybe the best since we had Marv as a coach, so don't get me wrong. But I think that I differ with his philosophy on the new schemes to a certain extent. I want the team to be able to eat clock with the ball on the ground as much as through the air. I just don't buy that the schemes he is devising are able to have us keep our D off the field enough. It is pretty proven the NFL is just too big and fast for much of a wildcat(bill, whatever) system at least against good Ds for more than a few plays a game. It will not surprise and once the film is out, you have to think okay now what is next? Gimmicks don't work when they are telegraphed by personnel on the field (statistical tendencies are what are what coaches study these days). How long did it actually work for Miami? Also with a QB out wide it is a simple thing to just put a big hit on him and the play is disrupted and maybe the QB gets injured. I find flaw with the spread but not as much because we seem to have enough players to take advantage of the opponents weaknesses. I think having a lot of small speed players on offense does lead to more injury though just like it did with our version of the 4/3 (and in fact once a few people got hurt so did the pistol spread scheme we ran last year). It also is only good for short yardage if you blitz pick up doesn't happen and that can cause injury to the QB. Also the times we used it last year that I didn't like it so much is when we are leading in the forth by a TD or less. Lining up 4 wide and 1 RB on 3rd down.....Maybe they could make that RB Jasper and I would like it better. I like the success (who wouldn't like fun games where we throw the ball around with success for a change after Jarhead) we had with it sometimes last year but I feel that there are better philosophies. Schemes are important, the thing I admire about Belicheats 2 TE thing is that it takes advantage of a weakness in most teams defenses. Not that many have the LBs or Safeties to cover big TEs (and the best TEs have the talent to get open in the seams of those positions). Plus it has the option of being a run scheme. with 2 big blockers which is a pretty good thing in cold weather. Lastly there is a playaction component that can be utilized to keep the D guessing. It is also good to use against a constant blitzing team. So in conclusion, I think you need big fast guys for a successful scheme both on offense and defense. I am hoping we have players who can fill the roles and stay healthy but I want a good (or ideally 2 good) TE/s, damn it. I am hoping to be proven wrong by Chan this year but have my doubts.
  2. The energizer bunny. I think if you can't get Brown at this point he is better than Langsten Walker 2.0 Jonathon Scott or what ever else is left out there.
  3. I am surprised they didn't go after TO, maybe next year
  4. + Brown and Locklear in that order, I agree. I think they are waiting for more cuts now to be honest though.
  5. Lori had this info (no more espn for him) on her FB page too about TG
  6. It will be an interesting year for the Blades, I have to agree with that.
  7. Is that you Buddy? (sorry, couldn't help myself) I would love to be surprised but can he catch and run routes? Is he a difference maker? I want Miller (1st) or Boss if they can swing it and isn't the soft cap helpful if they want to re-up Williams, Fitz and Stevie? And I have been avocation getting both all off season, copy BB"s scheme a bit. It sure worked well against us when we played them.
  8. www.kansascity.sbnation.com/ just because you didn't
  9. This is a crap thread, I was looking for info he may of released or something and got nothing....
  10. Seriously though didn't NE* pick him up too? He might look pretty good there now.
  11. Please make this happen Buddy! Fingers crossed I will forgive the splash comments and you will restore my faith.
  12. Didn't you just read that? they are busy signing their draft choices Multitasking is hard
  13. LT is generally a higher paid spot because it is most qb's blind side.
  14. It is really dependent on how they spend on the rookies, I was trying to figure this out yesterday and came up with anywhere from 13 to 19M, there is really a lot of play involved in what they can do still, also they haven't announced cuts yet. I think they will keep well under the floor so they can up Fitz and Stevie and who ever else is necessary during the season as the floor doesn't kick in until after it is over (they could also go over the floor by what is it 5%). If they are smart they can spend about 15-20M now and still have enough. 5M on Boss (but I don't think he will leave for some reason) and 8M for Clabo is not really over paying (I mean over the length of the contract).If my math is right, they can sign 2 FAs who are splashy (with out too much of a problem)and stay under the cap and not much above the floor, other teams can do this. It isn't really too much to ask if BN is really trying to get the best players we can. Clabo would be worth it.
  15. At this point I am thinking the plan is wait til next 2 or 3 years, the question that brings up in my mind is RW really prepared to wait? And is the new owner on board (with the plan and after the plan)? I hope against my better judgement that RW does have a plan. I have a feeling Nix does and it is probably solid in most ways but that nagging question remains.
  16. The floor doesn't have to be reached until the end of the season. I think they are going to keep/resign players during the season who will fill the bill. Can't say I am happy about it though. If they can't retain Flo, this board is going to explode (and they won't sell many seasons tickets with out a big TO type signing).
  17. I said it in the other thread and I agree. It is a special FA this year and they can pick up some decent players. I am losing some faith.... I hope that, that is unwarranted. Why would he even say it? What is the point of announcing it? Other team are going to sign some "splashes".
  18. They don't have to break the bank to improve the team with one or 2 big signings.
  19. Nix stating they won't spend much in FA is a disappointment, come on Buddy you have to spend some and DW is outta here, pick up some GOOD god dang players!! THIS is the year! I would be very unhappy if they don't make some decent signings and I don't mean just attempting to, I mean getting some ink on paper.
  20. Maybe RW changed his mind and decided to sell the Bills now, to a owner who will keep them here. I kind of think he has to think it might be a good idea in terms of his legacy. I know a lot of people would be happy with that. If it was Pegula (god that would be so cool if he has been selling RW all along with his Sabres moves)or Kelly's group or TG.... well it might be actually be good news.
  21. yes and this young man may have just given up his spot on the roster, wtf was he thinking?
  22. I agree and like Orton too (if he is available) we will wait and see. I have a feeling Thigpin (sp?) is who they are most interested in, those are just my choices.
  23. But Kelly, I have my wish list here of unrealistic expectations here!
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