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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. OJs son did it http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7905933759946122795&hl# watch this. He covered it up. Here is the link so you can see the whole thing, pretty interesting. h t t p://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7905933759946122795&hl#
  2. What do you mean you and the guys were out drinking last night? You didn't invite me?
  3. Jimmy hows tricks man? The real traitors is up in NE* or Philly, sort uh depend on how you look at it. Smitty is juz a toy, man, we need our new toy. Whas use guys scared? Fock that man, real men don't get worried bout it. Seriously you didn't not hardly use em anyways. Chill
  4. I would if I was in London but no in general it would be more reliable so I would pay if THEY HAD THAT OPTION HERE!
  5. The NFL still doesn't have a plan that you can buy here in Thailand
  6. Factoid of the Week That May Interest Only Me Buffalo defensive tackle Kyle Williams, a wide, 295-pound man with thick legs, shot a 66 at the University Club in Baton Rouge two summers ago. Seven birdies and an eagle. Last year, Williams, who hadn't played organized baseball since his junior year in high school, took batting practice at Rogers Centre before a Blue Jays game. He hit a home run an estimated 400 feet. And before Marshawn Lynch left the team last year in trade with Seattle, he challenged Williams to a swimming race in the team's rehab pool. Williams, a competitive swimmer growing up in Louisiana, beat him easily. On Sunday, I asked him his golf handicap. Zero,'' he said. Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/peter_king/08/08/tour/index.html#ixzz1URQ88cjn BTW good catch on the photo lol
  7. I could see them going with 7 receivers plus our 3rd string QB on the roster this year, so that would be Lee, Stevie, Scoe, Nelson, Jones, Naaman. I am not sure that Easley (#7) if he doesn't see the practice field would stay on the roster. Felton (if he is still eligible) and Kamar Aiken PS. Going to be a tough cut down this year and that is a good thing! 4 recievers went to IR last year by the end of the season and I think 2 came up from the price squad so that would mean we had 7 on the opening day roster. You can correct me if I am wrong, might have been 6 and 2 and Easley (1 IR). I think 1 cut would be Hubbard as Huggins seems to be shining a bit this year at camp (both are replaceable as gunners since we have Smith).
  8. Hang is a good back up and has played both positions, if Urbik doesn't pan out he can be back in there (at guard now?) I am much more concerned with our lack of a swing tackle (and hoping and praying Pears is a good fit for us). The back ups are one of my biggest concerns. Gotta hope we aren't stuck by injury like we have been in recent years. We need a big bunch of guys who gel, I think we are finally going down that road but the lingering questions are hard to take, no doubt. I think you have to give Buddy some credit if this line and TE work out, I liked last season we picked up guys with some potential off other teams practice squads and we picked up Chandler by being sneaky. I kind of think it is like getting free draft picks (Urbik was a 3rd rounder).
  9. Felton Huggens: Height: 6-2; Weight: 195; Age: 28 it seems like he is doing well in camp this year too. Maybe a light came on? (good competition is good).
  10. hopefully D. Nelson is okay, I really like him, it is a bit unusual that a person get asthma (called adult onset asthma) as an adult but it does happen. Hope it is not pulmonary hypertension. In either case he is young and has that in his favor. The TEs we have are large targets, if they use them and they can catch we are good to go.
  11. Hey Thanks Ice! Congrats too. I told you so when you played us but you worried all season long. Hope you hang round here some more this year!
  12. Can I do a list too? 10. Thigpen is a pistol who's ready to fire (no apologies, it's right there on the front page) 9. Whitner is addition by subtraction (we won't have to read his twitter comments on TBD all the time) 8. CJ will slow down and be able to hit the hole (TWSS anyway) 7. Kelsey didn't get another extension even though we are 20M under the cap still 6. Maybin will lose so much weight, his roster spot won't count 5. Whitner did't go to the Bungles 4. Blue end zones look more inviting 3. Darryl Talley is back with the team 2. Dareus set to carry big load (head lines crack me up) 1. Ralph is still cheap
  13. I would really love for Chan to line him and Fred up in the back field more often and not put CJ in motion some this year. I am hoping there are more things to disguise when we are going to run the ball. Even the huddle speed was a give away sometimes (not to mention personnel) last year. I think it would help CJs effectiveness and why do people think he is too small? He isn't.
  14. Good luck to Donte, no hard feelings. Thanks for being a Bill.
  15. I had a studio where much of it was fabricated on Essex Street and saw it before it was done but still don't get the big deal lol. I also started a not for profit there named Big Orbit Gallery, still there 20 years later.
  16. Anything that keeps Kelsy from playing OLB is good!
  17. Best of luck to BigMJ! I really want a man mountain in the middle for years to come, He seems to have the will, I think the Bills will give him some time and he makes the roster. As for using him on sp. teams and trick plays, yeah! line him up at TE and FB sometimes too.
  18. I don't know, I think he is bad a pass coverage and takes bad angles at times in run support. But he is a good tackler (better than Wilson from what I have seen of the 2 of them) but they did draft a replacement. I know he is good at some stuff and like him personally. I think the twitter thing, well these guys are young, it is a medium of the masses and let's face it the masses love stupid drama. When our new MLB starts up with that stuff people around here are not going to like it much either lol. One the whole I think if they keep him here it will be more or less on the cheap, which could be a kick in the ass that sparks something. Just give him a 2 year deal and see how it goes is my vote. He is a young guy and I don't know if he has hit his ceiling, he was badly coached and utilized by Jauron IMO, maybe he will break out. Who knows? Experience and poteninal are worth something
  19. I don't know if anyone mentioned this but Wanny is the inside LB coach, I am kind of thinking maybe they are trying to get Moats some time under him as an inside guy. It makes sense to have have him inside if you think Batten and Coleman are going to develop. Coleman and Moats showed some stuff last year. I wonder what they are planning with Kelsy this year more than Moats, honestly. He really had no business being OLB in our 3/4 sets last year and looked much, much better when they shifted the scheme back to 4/3.
  20. Well it isn't exactly a change but we did get a new inside LB coach/assistant HC.
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