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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Just put it up because they changed the dates. Sept. 3rd and 4th will be very interesting days.
  2. I want to the number 2 pick in the draft kept out of Fitzy's face. I want to see Orten get sacked once or twice, Tebow too. I want the Dline to stop the run and the Oline establish the run and protect well. Injury free game.
  3. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=An9hLijSeMomTuB56V2JzWxDubYF?slug=ap-rostercutdowns
  4. Somehow I think it takes some players even RBs a couple or few years to get the NFL game, CJ improved his running as the season went on last year. I think he needs more time, he gets 3 years at least.
  5. If it weren't for the injuries he would probably have been starting here for a few years, I say good luck to Ashton.
  6. Way to dig up the old post lol, we will get to see the Von Miller part of this argument this week! I hope our Oline is ready.
  7. I thought he filled in at RG pretty well last year, was surprised by Urbik getting the nod in camp. Beyond that ???
  8. K gun, 2 TEs one running back, no huddle. Keith McKeller TE #2
  9. Is this not pretty much what Cincinnati was doing a couple of years ago, didn't they fire all these scouts or something? I forget the exact story but how'd that work for them? To the overwhelmingly negative Harvey, why do you bother? Being a Bills fan just makes you obviously unhappy. You might feel better if you gave it up. Really, I hate to think of anyone being so unhappy with a team and a game. It is just a game. I feel you but man I have never read anything by you on here that wasn't like what you wrote above. Just move on and feel better. sincerely you fellow Bills brethren.
  10. I kind of agree but then I think of 1969, 70, 71 and what OJ did once he had a line that could block for him.
  11. So, you're saying, he already did get some playing time?
  12. Hey! someone asked for offensive nicknames.
  13. Teams will either bury in the endzone like they did when it was from the 40 or try to put it deep in the feild of play (if the other teams return team is weak or has a bad returner. i. e. Mc Kelvin type ) It takes a bit of excitement away from the return for sure. If they want to keep it exciting, take away wedges completely?
  14. Drafting receivers high is not a sure fire thing.
  15. The farm system for the NFL (namely the NCAA) should just have schools pay players and at least make some of this stuff obsolete. There is no good reason for the farce to continue as it is except as employees the players would have rights. The education/schooling part of this is lost. This is about selling universities who hire football(basketball etc....) teams for PR, they ought to look into making it upfront and honest.
  16. Rhinhart looked good at RG last year when filling in for injuries/Wood going to center. I was actually surprised that Urbik got the nod at that position. Levitre was very solid last year. All I can think at this point is that Rhinhart needs a spot and is not a back up that can play tackle, if they are pressed into it. Andy can, I am as confused about the line and how these guys can make a success out of it. We will see how it all plays out it it is only week 2 of preseason and nothing matters until September 11th.
  17. I might get flamed for this but I wouldn't trade Williams (the best guy on last years team IMHO) for Andrew Luck.
  18. He is right about one thing, we are going to use Brad Smith. Otherwise well written junk with all the metaphors of a NYT film or art review. And if he didn't use those to mask all of his lack of researched inaccuracies it wouldn't be the times now would it?
  19. I really think that the COACH likes playmakers on the O and the GM was trying to be accommodating. I also see the logic behind this as skill players do tend more often to become the "franchise" guys. Good job, you are like that old lady in Airplane! LMMFAo!
  20. OLinemen can play a pretty longtime and he is less than 30 no? This would be a good move if he is healthy. Pears is ok but he could be a swing and back up. I don't see any depth at the tackles.
  21. wow what a lotta nothing about nothing! and why does this guy have 2 poster names isn't that a no no (terms of service)? I say he should be banned and banned good.
  22. I tried to add him as a friend but he already had 4999, didn't see he had a page.
  23. I am happy Bill became a Fitz fan last season I am excited by the defense for the first time in a long time. I always hated the Jauron philosophy (but think he had a good secondary). Bigger is better! Merriman is the real deal and good, I hope he stays healthy and happy here (he has a bunch of moves that he does really well and he can just smack someone). I love Clay Matthews but if he plays lights out he is better, still sort of can't believe people called Nix an idiot for going after him and GETTING him. Daruis is going to be great, that was a nice showing for his first game (very nice swim move). He is also the real deal, Suh or better. IMO. Kyle is learning to play a new position and I am liking it, he will also only get better. Davis and Edwards if they can stay healthy are going to look real good again with the rest of those guys. Barrnet has good speed but seemed a little absent on some plays (maybe it is a learning curve thing). Kelsey overcommits, always did always will. Can't wait until he is obsolete with this FO, he should go be an average, maybe slightly above average 4/3 end on a 4/3 team (maybe we could even dump his salary and get a pick for him). I like him and didn't think he was ever a horrible player (except as a OLB)like many on this board. But we can get rid of him for the same reasons as lee IMO and he isn't as talented. Batten, Carrinton Coleman had some good plays, hope they all develop as the season goes on. Loved Carrington on the end of the line and who else was it Johnson? That is a good is a cool idea and I liked it. We seem to have some nice rotation possibilities. I missed Troupe the whole time, did he play(seriously)? I just didn't notice him. Heard stepped up on my radar. I hope they keep Jasper but somehow, now I want them to keep developing both of these big guys. I know Dotsun got a team leading 4 tackles but he gets pushed around on plays at times (against 2nds and 3rds).
  24. Until there is tape the second half of the season and the Oline starts playing better as a unit it is a good plan Hope for less injuries and they will do fine. another good post, the scheme is a spread not wildcat, and there are a lot of options and chances to disguise what they are going to do in that scheme including the wildcat which is not a trick play but a variation on that scheme. Playboy is probably #34 and maybe defend greese all rolled into one (isn't he tricky speaking of tricks), why am I seeing this post even? I though I blocked him already.
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