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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Okay can't admit that I got sucked into the vortex of reading this whole thread. That said, did anybody say anything about lining him up at QB in the pistol? Now, I could see him doing that! Fridge style, up the middle. Only other possible use I can imagine with him honestly.
  2. I kind of agree and like the idea but judging from early days of FA unless there is a young one that fits the team, that becomes available by the start of the season. I just don't see it. I sincerely doubt the FO signs an older one. I say on D it is a different story because they got some options that fit their plan somehow. I think we go LT high in next years draft and see a full year of Bell, whether or not he pans out, it is honestly what I see happening. Not in love with the idea but not the coach or GM either.
  3. it's up to him but I vote for the beard. The lucky superstitious thing isn't for me but if he likes it and wants it back that is what he should do. I am a big believer that we make our own luck though. It does fit the nick.
  4. When i saw the play the first time i thought he was celebrating but wasn't sure when they replayed it. looking at the clip I am still not entirely sure one way or another but in anycase it was a great play. No harm no foul.
  5. "Star quarterback Tom Brady was poor in New England's 34-10 loss to the Detroit Lions." LOL he has how big of a contract? None of these players are poor, even when they are in Detroit.
  6. Why do fans B word about other fans? Are we not the best fans in the league?
  7. If doom is when he is almost perfect in a half and 2 TDs and the team comes back to win in overtime then DOOMED is good.
  8. I hate the iggies, so I think they are doomed. I like their coach but it has little to do with rational thought. We will destroy them. They may have added talent but ask Dan Snyder what signing lots of names does for you. They will not make a run.
  9. Joe good luck! Lots of good suggestions on here, if you haven't already buy some rubber boots, if there is flooding you don't want to walk through the water outside without good protection (you may need to get out for some reason). Since you are probably in an old loft space building the mattresses (although the may get ruined ad wet as hell) against the windows is not a bad idea, the film stuff is good too but depending on which type, can be a B word (same as tape to remove) get the stuff in the basement out or put it as high as possible (if you have shelving). Buy a roll of plastic and some tape, in case you have any windows blow out and tape it up if you can, to keep the water out. Make sure your roof drains are clean and if you can put a little barrier, sand bags with space between them works good (I used to do this in my Chinatown buildings roof because the drain was just too small when we got heavy rains) around them so the water has a small wall to get over before the debris starts going down them. Get any expensive things off out side walls where water might come down near windows or roof drain pipes. Last thing make sure your last apt. insurance payment has been paid up. Again good luck and post pictures here if you get hit. All the best.
  10. I thin Pat Moron would get it all wrong anyway. PM, he is a jerk. Peter Pan is a good example of the diversity of Bills fans, that is an all good thing.
  11. Tell you what, Mr. Moron screw you.
  12. Good post but I can't see 4 wins in the first 4 games, be great if they did that though! I also look for new OTs when cuts are made, real young ones who are big and fast but behind entrenched well stocked teams (in an ideal world). And if we don't see when trim downs happen watch for PS players.
  13. Could we not have poster start a topic unless they have like 50 posts at least? (and I think your question is fine).
  14. One thing I would point out is playmakers, we have some (as compared to 2 or 3) for the first time in years. Start with D and yeah Williams, Darius, Merrimen, Barnett (who should make contributions), maybe Byrd will light up more again now that he has the system down more and better players in front of him. I like some of the prospects at LB and Dline and our 2nd pick looks like he will get good faster than Mc Kelvin. On offense we have Smith, Freddy, Jackson,(3 playmakers, at least) hopefully CJ will make a step up and the rest of our no name wrs (and losing Lee won't be considered a blunder). The line is a bit worrisome I admit but give it time and we'll go from there. Still hoping for the best.
  15. Honestly I have liked Huggens better this year and if anyone makes it I think it will be Aikins who IMO looks the best at least in the games (IDK about practice).
  16. Two words, commercial time ($) It could certainly be more competitive.
  17. I can understand FJs frustration and most everybody's with CJ thus far but Chan should say look it is preseason we listed him #1 for that game because of that, we need to see where the kid is at. Please, don't go all Rodney Dangerfield on me now.
  18. Reports say he was bad at it or I am sure they would consider it.
  19. Depends on how often they line up that way and use it really. I can't wait until a team figures (or remembers) out that a squib kick with the new kick off rule is going to be big surprise.
  20. I pretty much agree BUT the broncos looked dirty not just mean. I hope the Bills do pick up some nasty and bring it when they play this season.
  21. best post of the stupid thread. Don't know why I bothered reading the rest.
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