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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AlXISXMkmsWIR8ZuCYGzF4ZDubYF?slug=ap-jets-moves some HOFer for the Jests
  2. There is only one real and easy answer to not going to the cap or staying as low as possible. PROFIT, it has no or little bearing on the sale of the Bills. It is also why RW bought the team in the first place. I think that the current FO sold RW on themselves by telling him they can make a winner and do it on the relative cheap. That must of been part of the reason they were brought in. That all said, I think building the way they are going about will lead to a longer term success, than the Miami plan (a few years ago) or even the Eagles, today (we will see how they do). I won't say Ralph is cheap ( just did) I think he has the final say but this isn't his doing so much. At some point if you have a good team you are going to run into cap problems, so believe it or not it is a smart thing to build with a low cost long term plan. After we win a couple of SBs we are going to be happier that they can afford to hold onto our better players. We don't want this to be the Bills after the 4 SB runs, who can't afford to keep players around. Turning players around is part of the business. If we cut a Hang and bring in some one better bigger and younger it is going to make a bunch of nay sayers on here (and in the media) saying it was the right thing to do.
  3. I think JW just upped this because he was trying to discredit NGU.
  4. Oline man from Minnesota Ryan Cook 6 year vet plays all line positions, was lead blocker (at RT) for AD a few seasons ago. Was FA in offseason (new coach and changes to the team) came back to get starting G job but was cut. I would think they try for 2 on the oline and maybe a safety.
  5. A decent tackle PLEASE!!! (oh and pick up a back up C/G while you are at it).
  6. Anybody else think that this thread gives some real hints who NGU is, more than in comparison to who JW is getting his leaks from. Really you guys, it has gone on long enough. I personally want NGU to keep his anonymity and JW to keep his sources anonymity and both stay on board.
  7. Judging from the credible info that NGU has given several times, I can only assume that NGU is in the inner circle (I would assume some where in the scout dept, and here since 2009). I am happy he is on board both in the Bills organization and TBD. JW is a decent reporter who gets a little uppity on here sometimes but I like his writing and am happy that he is on here too. NGU we get that you don't like that JW wrote what was in your perception, speculation and not fact: John we realize that NGU is hiding behind the internet and definitely has reason or interest in doing so, also we can see your point of being disrespected (although honestly, it can be a 2 way street IMO). But for the love of god guys, please call a truce. It is a misunderstanding, no reason to get your panties in a bunch. I would suggest you talk in a PM as has been recommended before and just tell us you came to some kind of peace. Thank you both for your contributions and co-operation. You both make this a better place and are appreciated for it.
  8. At this point, kind of makes the 2008 and 2009 draft classes not as terrible as people make them out to be (at least beyond the first couple of rounds).
  9. Ryan Cook is also available from the Vikings, after their problems at center last year they kept 4 on their 53. I would bet one of them gets moved when they pick someone else up. http://www.vikings.c...5-d519a2beda1d/
  10. Here is one that the Viks just cut was decent a couple of years ago, not sure if it is a injury/salary dump or they have new depth. http://www.vikings.com/team/roster/ryan-cook/fc47e835-e9ec-4a9f-9965-d519a2beda1d/
  11. Honestly good for him, and I can't wait til he is in there when we play them. It is rumored that Rex likes his footwork.
  12. "Dude I know we haven't had anything to cheer about in a decade, but I think you're being a little negative." who ever said that was spot on with you.
  13. I was going to say it but then he makes a lot! They would probably have to pay him around 10 for the year then, no? Isn't it like top 5 money or something like that?
  14. We would have to just disagree what a bust is. I hope that they are successes, too. I do understand you, but don't agree and I think you should look up the rosters of teams around the leaguge. there is at least 2 (maybe more) of these players on most teams right now, that fit this. On the Bills we have Fitz, Urbik, Pears, Chandler.... (probably more I am not thinking of right now) Particularly on the offensive lines. I am not saying many of them are all pros now but a few like Clabo are, Fitz was pretty good last year. Most are JAGs and some just suck, I will grant you that. I also think that Urbik and Pears probably would not be considered busts (well maybe.. Urbik because he was drafted in the 3rd) but anyone after the 4th round is iffy at best to even just stick with a team. If you look at most teams like 50% of upper round draft picks don't make it past a few years. I mean when S.Nelson gets cut Saturday is he considered a 4th round bust? I know we had high hopes but a 4th doesn't set the team back like a 1st or 2nd if they don't pan out. I do understand that there is something about the size of the bust (lol) that needs to fit in there too.
  15. Well, there are internet streams....
  16. When I read her Mom and sis I knew some one would say "are they hot?" I just thought it would take a bit longer. Maybe he took a picture?
  17. Who is we? And that is your conclusion, read about Clabo's past and he is just one example or if you would like, FITZ!. Many teams have UDFAs or high round draft picks that were cut by other teams starting for them. I really hope a few of our guys make you eat crow this year. College and draft position do not define a career in the NFL, in a lot of cases either do the first 2-3 years in the NFL. Player development can be as big of a crap shoot as the draft and the last FO was terrible at both. I reserve judgement on this one until year 3 or 4 even. And we don't have any former busts on the team that I know of (anymore lol), so really what is the point of this? As I said before you have an agenda, but then you used the wrong example to make your point. Your last point about the board failing to identify players who were busts then successful, this was my argument with your post in the first place: that the definition was flawed. Or at least your agenda was wrong for the point you were trying to make.
  18. So Trent was bad because he is gay? Get a clue, there are a lot of gay pro football players.
  19. Guys, don't you see the troll in his profile picture?
  20. Alpha was right. I think your definition is just to skewed to have more then 10 (I don't think getting some trade value IS a good reason to not still consider one a bust, especially if they are a 1st or 2nd round pick) and the fact that you are somehow comparing our Oline to this bust to riches thing shows your agenda (since none of our castoffs were above 3rd round picks) to quote you . If you look around the league at many other starting Oline men there are plenty that are either drafted late or even UFDA that are developed into players either by their own teams or by others. Clabo and Peters are probowl examples of this. I also think since 1990 is is very arbitrary.
  21. The Jags are kind of bad but the Bills looked good (in a preseason game ) I tell you 3 games in, my real opinion but that was an impressive first half.
  22. That is where the phrase "crazy monkey sex" came from.
  23. Green Bay has had a crappy line, they look decent because of the QB but had one of the highest sack totals (31).
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