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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Some things look easier than they really are, this is one of those things. I love the emperor's close much better than his open. and what this really says is if you win the first game your chances are about 50/50ish, which I like better than 25/75ish.
  2. Wouldn't it be weird to see crazy Al and Ralph together? If you have seen any recent picts of Al he looks just plain bad, really bad (wish I could find that link, he looks sick and kind of evil). RW looks much better. Art Powell was a great player but the DL trade was just plain bone headed BTW anybody else think Fitz is a lot like Kemp, because I have been feeling that since he filled in for Trent after Jauron was fired.
  3. It seems like a good match up but a winnable one for the Bills. If they can get an early lead and get the crowd excited and noisy the Faders will cost themselves penalties (after watching yesterday they will anyway). Frankly, they made a bad decision and kept the wrong QB this year, Cinnci will be better for that miscalculation. Campbell really looks inconsistent and rattle-able. They can use the FB as TE some so I would expect they will try to use that. Also the backs can catch but I think we have improved our LBs and safety coverage and maybe this trying to attack a perceived weakness on our team could cost them TO wise. They can run and will try against us but if we get out to an early lead I think it will cause minimal damage. Look for us to use a very even attack again and maybe some gadgetry against an over aggressive defense. IMO winning TOP,STs and TOs are the keys to this game anygame really, but this one because they are not particularly explosive on offensive. I think we can and will be and our defense will be mostly solid. Even if they have a 100 yard runner we should win.
  4. CJ got no 3rd and 3 carries yesterday, he was in on 2nd and short. Brad smith had the 3rd and shorts or we passed.
  5. I like that Chan had CJ run between tackle on a few 2nd and short plays (not that much to lose really). After seeing the results with other parts of the team in this game. I am happy Chan is the coach. I think if at some point Fred is out and in respects to CJ’s development he has to learn to run behind his blockers and get people off of him with more than his speed. Look at Fred carry a couple of guys or slide into a small hole by anticipating it or the smoothness when he makes a guy miss. They may seem to be things that he knows instinctively but we can learn to think instinctively (at least when you are training athletically), that is part of how gifted guys make it look so easy. And after a while it becomes 2nd nature. Coach is going to get CJ there, it is taking too much time yes but he will get it. He also missed a block on a blitz PU when he and Fred were in the back field in the 3rd. That TD run was pretty though, if they gave him that on our own 40 he would have still have scored. I can’t wait until THAT happens. Sometimes it takes time to develop into a good back, it is only his second season and I am holding out hope and faith that CJ will get better.
  6. I think after the team has looked so bad for so long and the FO and coaching was so terrible, writing bad things not only got habitual but sort helped ratings and newspaper sales. Also it was more predictable/possible that they honestly would suck. Lastly RW is a hate-able guy being rich, having a losing but profitable team and just living so damn long! Those voices won't change for a while still, bank on it. Even the 5-1 start they didn't and I am not sure we can do it again that way this year. We get 10 wins, perspectives will change. I hope we don't get hit by injuries because we don't really have much quality depth on the Offense (line and TE) and our DBs are are bit short in that dept. too IMO.
  7. I am totally happy to see we have a TE again. He was busy doing a great Metz impression the whole game and he has a great WR's (in Bills history) last name. What is not to like about the kid? I am really giving Cudos to Buddy for being the sly old fox last season for the WAY we picked him up too (he made a claim for the other TE on thier teams PS and then when Dallas put him on the roster to keep him, Buddy swooped in and got the guy he really wanted). A+ on the Jedi Mind*^ck! on the free quality draft pick. BTW, anyone that thought Chan wouldn't use a TE in this offense, I have been saying this all offseason, you were very wrong.
  8. saundena and senator. Congats!! and Senator you are right if we were the Patacheats* we would have run it up more. I am happy for Chan dumping on his former employers but he could have done worse.
  9. Thanks didn't know that, wondered about it when Nelson was out too.
  10. I enjoyed listening yesterday, thanks for supplying the link. I honestly never heard him before and it was interesting and entertaining. I liked the bit where he had a (well informed) journalist from KC on and of course the Tally part.
  11. I took my nap, can't wait til midnight (that's what time it comes on here).
  12. The only innovative thing Haley does is go for much more often on 4th down . I hope he does it Sunday and gives up the ball a couple of times on downs.
  13. Marv was a pretty good coach but not a good GM and he knew it (IMO) that is why he got out of the game quick. Jauron was a bad coach and terrible evaluator of talent, too many of his choices were wrong and you could see it, in preseason (see Greer, Freddy others as examples). I think some players liked him but after the 1st year, I know I couldn't stand him.
  14. Life overshadows football but we are in this together. Prayers to you and yours both Maurder and Frostbelt. GO BILLS!
  15. I will be watching Kelsey, if he looks better than last year Wanny was worth it and is god in my eyes . JK, but it is a good thing IMO that we have him around, I am pumped about our LBs stepping up in big ways. With him and Gailey bouncing ideas around, I feel like we have a nice coaching combination of football minds.
  16. Davis IMO is an unappreciated Bill (by the fans), glad his teammates feel the same way about him.
  17. Don't understand the teams reluctance to name said illness, hope he recovers and is playing next week. I kind of think both of these players miss too much time for one reason or another. All that said hopefully not the most important cogs in the wheels and we will do fine w/o for a game. I am pretty happy we only have 3 down right now (Moats knee also) and hope we can sustain that through the season.
  18. Dline spots in a 3/4 (In a 4/3 too but there are more other differences between DT and DE) are playing certain gap assignments, so sort of, yes they are. You are right and I feel the same way about Andre Davis (although not a premier pick up a very solid one when healthy) too. I agree, he is noticeably improved over preseason last year and I am happy he made the team. UFDAs are the best deal, no wasted draft pick and low paid. The Bills are special when it comes to finding and developing these kind of players. He looked real good in a couple of PS games this year (and I liked it when they played him next to Jasper). I am happy they cut Dotson, he was a weak link in PS IMO.
  19. I expected Peterpan but clicked it anyway :unsure:
  20. I remember that game, watched it at home with my Dad at a time we weren't getting along about anything. I liked Fergy, giant improvement over Dennis Shaw lol. He really did have a good arm, threw too hard (James Harris hard) on short passes for the first 3 seasons. He did improve but always got down when he made a mistake, when he threw a bad ball or 2 and that head went down you could just feel the doom. Too bad, he had the tools and the team around him.
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