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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. After further review: Raining on the parade was the wrong title, should have been "Pissing in your Cheerios".
  2. 1. I read the rest of this with that sentence in mind and since you made that statement I have no idea what the hell you are talking about the rest of your post. But that is okay because I don't think you have any idea either.
  3. I have no idea, that is why I like to watch the games. I think we have the 1st chance in a long time of kicking NE* to the curb this week.
  4. First they were Chuck Norris jokes then they were Tebow jokes then Fitz was so good he laid the jokes to rest.
  5. I think Scoce is kind of small and fragile but a player (I also think he has talent and plays with heart DJ was a fool not to use him), I hope he has a speedy recovery and is not IR'd again this year. His days might be numbered, Nelson is a real weapon.
  6. Rhinehart is solid but we are out of experienced back ups. I didn't realize Rhinehart was subbing for Urbik at first as I didn't see the injury play but I like him better to be honest. Stay healthy guys, good game. Oh and one negative note, Bell was beat by 77 and caused Fitz to be hit at least 3 times today but to Fitz's credit he did get the ball out on all 3 (and at least one of those should have been called as a late hit). Bell was beasty in his run blocking too, so it is not a giant complaint, really.
  7. Didn't notice what car it was, lol I did notice JLO
  8. Your team just needs to stop the penalties and Johnson is not a very good CB. You guys are much better than I gave you credit for . Best to you guys and thanks for the class. See you in the playoffs. Kick those Jests!
  9. Your team just needs to stop the penalties and Johnson is not a very good CB. You guys are much better than I gave you credit for . Best to you guys and thanks for the class. See you in the playoffs. Kick those Jests!
  10. Good post, Chans showed confidence and would have taken a ton of heat if that last TD play didn't work out, that is confidence and balls IMO. The not going for it in the 2nd quarter was erased by that in my mind. Totally agree with the bolded part I was saying it when it happened, better to let them score and get the O back out there at that point. Campbell played really well today, much better than I expected and that rookie is a damn good receiver. Oakland has a tough, powerful and fast team. They sure do kill themselves with penalties though. I would congratulate Raider Joe, actually they played a decent game and honestly kicked us hard in the first half. Merriman will look better against passing teams. I wonder if he is really healthy. If anyone has reason to be hiding the fact he is slightly injured, he would be the guy. I am just encouraged he is out there on so many plays, he will improve IMO. A couple of times today Kelsey looked really solid. We really did get beat on the edges a few times though. I was surprised they didn't run blitz more to clog up more lanes. Kyle is so freaking fast! I thought he was off sides a few times but on replays you could see the center starts to move and he is across the line like a trackstar. I might be the only one, but I liked that Searcy caught the ball slapping it out from where he was could have gone bad too if it bounced into someone else's hands. IMO nice play rookie. Fred is the heart and soul of this team. Fitz is too. They both showed why on the field, they both leave everything out there. McKelvin, he makes some plays but when he gets beat he does it rather dramatically. Byrd has become a beast in open field tackles. Wilson is at least as good as Donte and better in run support, he was a little slow on that one play though. The Raiders are exceptionally fast in the WR and CB spots, before the game I discounted that fact. Bill are you advocating a CB early in the draft? lol, kind of sounds that way.
  11. The Donald did great, the clutch catch and then the slap out !! He won us the game by making those plays. When we go 4 wide with a rb in the slot too, we have a match up nightmare. I to think Roosie and aikens should be put on the roster and drop Martin like a pass from Fitz right in his hands
  12. TO as much as I enjoyed his presence here the 1st time, wouldn't fit this team at this time.
  13. Hate to say it to you all but PTR is right the Ralph should have a roof, over the stands
  14. I'd take Cam first, I am not so certain he would be starting though. The franchise QB is what you go after, it is not there every draft and you are not in position to get one many times. You have to pull the trigger on that. It might have been a bit problematical with Fitz though, I like Fitz as much as anyone and would hate for him to be on the bench in favor of a rookie but I would have to speculate that would have happened. Cam is simply better, can Fitz throw 400+ yards consistently? I have a feeling you will see Cam do that. Damn impressive game he played (even if the other team sucked donkey balls), it is the NFL the talent level is much higher, that is part of why it takes some guys 2-3 years before they are ready. With that said, I am very happy we got a dominating Dline man, we really needed that piece more. We were lucky, speaking of Luck.
  15. Actually I think that this guy just has the teams and the week mixed up. NE* is going to do this to the Bills next week.
  16. good I hope your coach agrees with you! A football game aint a relay, so what is the point of that? You better hope your players can win jump balls because the speed isn't going get them up high. And your wide outs don't scare anyone, Campbell just isn't consistent enough. And crazy al is the only one who thinks routt is worth the money. but goodluck with that.
  17. You need to do this for the offense, I am thinking The Amish rifle and the Fbomb nobodies.
  18. Which is what makes me most weary of the no huddle. I think we have been building a D to stop them, and the fast part of Bigger Stronger Faster, is going to be very important the next 2 weeks IMO
  19. Maybe it has something to do with the 9/11 threat that they were talking about before the aniversry, I would guess, a stadium full of people would make a tempting target to supposed terrorists. I kind of hate to add that comment but it is what it is.
  20. Amish Rifle, because it cane from someone on the team and it is a great fit.
  21. Fitz is as good as his line play, he helps them a lot. When they help him he will be elite. I have thinking and saying it since Fewell started him. Jack Kemp 2.0.
  22. Honestly, I haven't thought much about it but I worry about the no huddle and the TEs. But as Chan said we expect to win EVERY game.
  23. for you e-ball http://thebiglead.com/index.php/2011/01/19/this-fossil-runs-the-oakland-raiders/ http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/1106/nfl.owners/content.4.html
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