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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. so let me get this straight, 4 threads on the topic was too many so you started a post with a poll to stop the nonsense? I think I will start a post with a poll if there could be too many posts about a subject.
  2. The title of this thread should be "Has youz guyz....." just saying
  3. #1 Wanny is a pretty conservative D coach, I am not entirely certain that he is not having quite a bit of input into the D already. #2 We had a bunch of key injuries and Flo was effing up bad in big play situations. #3 Young guys; we have a bunch of them. The D came together better towards the end of the season when the younger guys got more experience last year (we were awful after injuries but it picked back up by the end of the season) that is what happens with young guys it takes time to learn and unfortunantly young guys need to learn in games.
  4. Good post I think the D will improve as these 1st and 2nd year guys get more time. I like the contributions that they are making already. I would also guess Darius is getting help from Edwards and Kyle. I think Edwards has lost more of step then AD, I wonder if AD will be signed back next year.
  5. Brett, tell Cory that they should hike the ball to him when he and Brad are in the WC, then people can call Chan Megamind even more.
  6. I like him, he has shown he can be a playmaker but please no more than the 4th we got for Lee (whose contract wasn't up at the end of the year) and maybe another higher pick in 13.
  7. Wow, really? Are you typing on a Mac or a Toshiba by any chance?
  8. Davis plays well and leads the team (in an almost coaching kind of way). Gailey referred to him as a "great teacher" in his Wednesday news conference and said that he helps out the youngsters. I think he and Spenser Johnson are really very decent players (and I acknowledge that Andre is a tad slow)I think we have a lot of part to that D that are still coming together. I love the mix of older guys and up and comers right now. I too think they will get better as the season goes on, we have about 3-5 (sometimes more) rooks or 2nd year guys on the field at any given time. I was pretty excited to see STUNTS and BLITZES this week! Plus we did some zone and some man (on the same play, I think). It is truly getting to be a hybred and I like the thinking that is going into it. The execution is coming along, or they wouldn't be getting the clutch plays and the wins.
  9. Mike Silver is a dick. I stopped reading his crap years ago. That said if that is true and they did move move because the greedy bastards want a better market Eff em. The Bills will no longer be a part of my life. Dead to me.
  10. Gailey in the locker room speaking to the team: "That was as big a game we could have won....this week" Gotta Love the Chan!
  11. Carrington is LONG still get the hands in there to trip him up, nice play.
  12. Wow cool! there is a stream of it on first row right now
  13. Chan is the man . Now if we could just get the D playing the way the O is and keep building/developing depth (not that they are doing AS terrible as a lot of people on here are making them out to be), we will be a legit contender. I am looking forward to seeing this team grow and get better, with this coach. Something I haven't felt in a long, long time (and I do admit to being fooled a few times in the past 10 years).
  14. Pro Bowl votes should have been cast during that 1st half last week, because the dude was beating the iggies almost singlehandedly . Congrats the other Mr. Wilson. And just as an aside thank you to Dick Jaroun for converting him to safety, because I never gave him any credit for doing anything good and George proved me wrong this year.
  15. Read some of the stuff in the transcript that Goodell has on BB.com. It infers that the lease is being negotiated already. It also talks about how older stadiums can be of use in today's NFL i.e. GreenBay's (I would also offer up Arrowhead as an example since it is the same age (more or less) as the Ralph and designed by the same firm originally. I really get from the whole thing that RW has a plan and must have a damn good reason for not making it common knowledge to all of us (or maybe he just likes to keep his private business, private) . But mostly I get that the NFL wants us (the Buffalo Bills) to stay a part of it no matter what. I am not really worried about this and really think the posts about it every week or so (and sometimes more) just are a lot of droning on about things we have no control over and actually little to worry about. If I am wrong and they move sometime in the near future, I will quit the board anyway.
  16. Unless I am reading this wrong wouldn't Toronto be in then? Larry Tanenbaum (the closest thin TO has to an owner from my understanding). He has had a long-standing interest in the sports and entertainment area and to that end in 1991 he spearheaded the effort to bring a NBA franchise to Toronto. In 1996 an interest was acquired in the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey club and arena. In 1998 he was an active force in the acquisition of the Toronto Raptors basketball team and the Air Canada Centre, which, with the Toronto Maple Leafs, formed Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Limited. He is Chairman of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Limited, and is a Governor of the NBA (Toronto Raptors), the NHL (Toronto Maple Leafs) and Major League Soccer (Toronto FC). Kilmer also has significant investment in various sports-related entities, including Insight Sports Ltd, which is a leading sports media company involved in the creation, production and broadcasting, on all platforms, of sports and related lifestyle content. Insight Sports holds equity positions in several Canadian specialty television services including The NHL Network and Score Media and owns and/or operates the World Fishing Network (WFN) and Game TV. In 2003, through Plaza Gaming and Entertainment, Kilmer invested in the charitable gaming industry in Canada. Through its operations in Ontario and BC, Plaza's facilities raise over $20 million per year for local municipal charities.
  17. Honestly, I don't care about Donte anymore, I wish him luck and thank him for being a Bill (as I do to all former Bills) but he's gone. And Dick Jaruon, I still and always will hate you as a coach, those players you converted from one position to another drove me !@#$ing crazy when you were here. BUT man I am happy you did it with George Wilson! He put on a total show on Sunday, we haven't seen safety play like that in so long! George for the probowl based on that performance alone. He was IMHO the dominate player on our D in the 1st half. I always thought he was good and maybe better than Donte but THAT was just ridiculousness! to the senator
  18. I totally agree with that assessment but that facemask penalty was a killer. I really wish they would just hand off to the guy once in a while, or hike it to him instead of Brad Smith. And Chan needs to let his guys take the ball out of the EZ on kick offs once in a while and really CJ should be back there too.
  19. George Fing Wilson, thanks Dicky for one thing you did right, right there. Both our safeties very big games.
  20. Actually Sheep got killed on the long run by Vicks too, but hey rooks make mistakes. I agree the 11 Draft class on the field today looked pretty ok.
  21. He has an injured shoulder, how injured? is anyone's guess. He did miss a day of practice this week because of it. He is also on the injury report as shoulder probable. He certainly is better than what we had there last year, I am just happy for the upgrade and hope he gets better.
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