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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. You need the diagnostic computer from the Chevy dealer if it is not the solenoid (which is as good as guess as any if indeed there is no leak), stealers are stealers for a reason. The age of fixing your own car was over 20 years ago.
  2. I agree with one of the comments, that kid has to stop wearing the !@#$ing hat!
  3. Now that Fred is down, it is the answer. Feed Cory Mac! There a hundred ways to do this. The man is a bowling ball. He will get your 3-5 yards on 3rd down. Feed Cory the damn ball against the Jests! Give Spiller the ball around end on 1st and second down, don't even try running him between tackles. And throw a long ball at least once a quarter, even if it is a wasted down. Get those safeties and CBs off the line.
  4. There are a lot of things that we could be doing that we just haven't this year. I realize that a part of that is the limitations of personnel and the utilization of scheme to fit the personnel that we have (and the fact that practicing new things and perfecting them takes time) but it is kind of driving me crazy that "Megamind" is coming up short. The Brad Smith running up the middle thing as a for instance. Teams are used to seeing it and everyone here complains it should lead at least once to Brad throwing the ball (which is a valid point). The easy way to make it less predictable and still surprise some people would be to just snap the ball to Cory (who really should handle the ball once in a while IMHO). The man is no just a blocker/lineman in the backfield, he is a running back. It is a minor variation which would make the whole wildcat thing less predictable and more effective. I love Chan as a coach but little things like that are making me more and more doubt him. I also go a little crazy when I see him have them line up 5 wide to get 3 yards on 3rd down, although I do understand that a bit better (I hated the call though and the results didn't surprise me). At that point in the game the screen to Freddie was still working very well and IMO was just a much higher percentage play (if they were to just chickenshit to just run the damn ball). I also can't imagine why he thinks Spiller should run between the tackles, when it is very obvious he is much better outside. He isn't Fred and shouldn't have the same set of plays. The D, don't get me started about the D. I really don't like how Chan said at the presser that he was the offensive guy....no he is the head coach and the Defensive guys schemes are blowing and limiting your offense, it is your damned responsibility to get the D right too. There I vented. Go Bills!
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_elevator almost a possibly with carbon nano tubes now Fav Arthur C. Clark book about sand/powder lake on the moon, can't remember the name of it.
  6. Thanks I didn't know his name and didn't notice him (except when he came in), which is supposed to be a good thing.
  7. Hairston will be back @ LT next week I read somewhere so yeah Andy goes to center. The guy that filled in at guard last week, anyone notice if he played badly (and what is is name)?
  8. Maybe Ralph can forgive him now. He could have had it during his playing years, him walking on coach Lou was kinda bizarre.
  9. Becareful of generator fumes! Thanks for the good thoughts guys, I hope the same for you. I was at least able to escape to a nice place for a while, although the money is really limited now. Take care out there in the cold.
  10. I think it is too bad he felt he had to retire in the first place, loved him on our team and really he is still missed. He could play for us still (I mean according to the scheme), I wish he would make a comeback and the team would want him back for a few more years. I am sure he would contribute and after his years of being the best D player on the losers from hell team he certainly deserves a few good years.
  11. I live in Bangkok, My house is flooded, we had to go. This is not a pretty or good thing, ****ty water coming up the sewer to go with Klong (canal, more of ****ty) water coming in the front door. I got my scooter on top of a table and wrapped up pretty well. Everything else is on the second floor so about 3 meters or slightly more off the ground (haven't heard of anywhere it is as high as that, so should be ok). Water in the house was about 10-15cm, outside in the street was 40-60cm, almost waist high. as far as I can tell this is disaster #4 or #5 I have been in. Blizzard of 77 (Bflo), Blizzard of 93 (NYC), 9/11/01 (NYC, Chinatown), Blizzard of 02 (Bflo, got out really early though), now - Bangkok flood of 2011. That is enough, IMO. I found a seaside place to go, will hold out here for a while (it isn't all bad) . But no idea when it will be okay to go back, TV is showing water still rising there. . It was hard to get out but in the face of it you could see it was getting worse. Today, I think there is more than a meter (at least that is what is being reported). Places we drove through getting to the skytrain no longer passable. Seems that water is an unstoppable force in those quantities. Just chilling in a cheap/ air conditioned room in Hua Hin.
  12. Megamind first, now Norman Einstien. Chan is rolling up the nick names.
  13. I liked him in the middle too but that may just be how sucky the skins are. I would certainly try the scheme we used yesterday and against Vick (you know imaginative with lots stunts and blitzing) a lot more than what we did with Palmer and Eli.
  14. I want them to snap a wildcat snap to him, instead of Brad Smith so bad!! Let the wrecking ball handle the ball once in a while. I know he can bowl people over!! Let him run it.
  15. Good thread and totally agree with everything said here so far.
  16. wait Brad Smith fills in for 2 players? that is pretty megaminded.
  17. Oh thanks guys! so 3am it is (the daylight savings thing effes me up with the time there every season since I moved over here). I will have to wake up for it.
  18. Maybe he just isn't that good of a pick up? I kind of thought Tubor ver.2 when they did it but what do I know that they don't.
  19. I am in Bangkok (and thankfully not flooded yet but the situation is crazy serious, we are in a spot that has a medium chance of flooding still, but we are very prepared, I think. I am still hoping we just don't get it but anyway) and I look online and see 2 different times for the game. www.buffalobills.com says 4:05pm so I am inclined to believe that but I really want to make sure. Also daylight savings happened there right? so now instead of 12 hours ahead, I am 13 (I think) it is now 9:54pm and I see the time there is 10:54am (Saturday/now) that make the Bills game on at 5am here right?Or am I doing that wrong and it is now 11 hours different so 3 am? Sorry, I am stressed and sleepy and the brain is just not working that way right now. Thanks in advance for your help.
  20. Wow lost for words, RIP Kent and condolences to your family and friends. All these 90s team guys are my age (Kent a year younger), makes one think about mortality even more. I am not sure if it is in a link here but Hull came here from the NJ Generals when Kelly was coming from Houston. Sad, sad day for all involved with the Bills.
  21. I noticed this too. Good post and one of the only ones I pretty much totally agree with in the thread (which I admit I only skimmed). I also think he let pressure get in his head a bit because he knew about the LT being a problem. He is not the best QB with pressure especially when it is mid to long range. Last year with all the injuries on the line he struggled as most QBs would and do. I for one am still happy we have him, he has been a breath of fresh air to the franchise after all the QBs we have gone through since Flutie IMO, I think like many others on here he just had a bad day and hope we don't see many of them but you know how many QBs have those, all of them.
  22. I like redundancy on the message board honestly because sometimes it does lead to new avenues of thoughts on a subject and it just takes lots of discussion to get there. I think a post with a poll is still a post and therefore is going to cause more discussion and honestly I didn't vote because frankly as in a lot of polls you didn't have a chice I liked. I see your point though and I didn't really mean to make my reply sound as sanrky as it did (sorry for that). I guess that what I meant to get at, was people can ask mods to close or merge threads that repeat the same arguments. Again San Jose, I meant no offense, like and respect you, tone just doesn't come across well in my typing sometimes. As far as the subject of the post, I think sometimes professionals have bad days and everyone is just reading way too much into this game and Fitz's bad day. Let's put it behind us and hope it is not a recurring issue the rest of the season, which I think IS what is causing all the discussion, we are worried that Fitz didn't really take that step forward that we think he did. Actually the D and Dray-Flo are just as much or to blame as Fitz in this game IMO.
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