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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. 1st yes! Mr. Pegula, please pick up the phone and have a talk with Ralph, you know you want to . Try to get him to work a deal, he can stay owner even, buy a large minority and offer to spend and buy the team 100% after he passes. 2nd I cannot agree with that statement above, in fact FA in hockey works much better. I feel there are a few reasons for that. The main one being the lines and substitutions. Much easier to find the right chemistry on ice in any given moment. In football one player, one play and the games is done. The weakness can be exposed over and over. The Bills and the Sarbers have the same problem at the moment IMHO, too many injuries and not enough quality depth, the Sabers were lucky that Enroth filled in so well earlier this season though or their record could be just as bad. They are also both finesse teams and both need to play more smashmouth in philosophy.
  2. Hey, I am staying up (it is on at 3am here in Thailand) and watching, they are my Bills and that is what I do.
  3. Run and gun offense means not having the ball in your offenses hands very long (in BB or FB)most teams play a very aggressive defense scheme to increase TOs and make it work. We need a stronger talent base on D to make that work for us, if we are to stay with Chan's scheme IMO
  4. 1st Michael Irvin not really a diva, 2nd give me Andre Reed who was better. I hate the hof for just this reason.
  5. why such a limited list? You had 32 to chose from.
  6. Speaking from experience? All I can say is you all missed the 60s, the rock pile was rough. BTW that skins game might have been the 1st game at Rich (I was there too). 1973 I think they had a pp and k at half time and some kid (Jim Kelly? from Pennsylvania) kicked the ball like 50 yards and threw one 70something! It was the high light of that game lol.
  7. Haven't read the thread but okay bye, enjoy your Sundays. I took a break a long time ago and it wasn't really that much of a bad thing. I also take breaks from Facebook and just watching TV in general. Gotta live life and love it too. I can understand how the Bills can make that a bit hard (you'll come back anyway, we have been imprinted HAHAHAHa evillaugh )
  8. Hey PTR has been here forever, media types come and go (BTW, this was kind of a classless post). I used t respect your work, you just took it down about 5 notches. If I was to grade the media/ like they do to the team after every game, I would think most get low scores.
  9. I love how the board wants the best QB and and coach we have had in a long time run outta town again. I agree they both made mistakes all season long but it takes time (I realize the frustration with 12 years and all that but it is what it is). I see an improved football team that still needs some holes filled and some more depth. The rest of the season should provide playing time for younger guys who should be 2nd string right now. Hopefully we don't see anywhere near the amount of injuries next year and have good drafts and FA periods.
  10. The Bills are not worst in the league! Stop the nonsense. We are clearly in the middle of decently bad teams.
  11. I would really like to see Cory run the damn ball, too.
  12. whaa whhhaaa whhhaaaaa you might as well cry like a baby, he is gone and that is that, why not start a thread about Mario Haggen's pick 6, he is gone too. Sometimes, I hate Bills fans.
  13. I am proud to be from BFLO. being a Bills fan comes with that, so since Dad took me to my first game in 63 (when I was 3) F U K NO! Ralph of course is another matter but I am happy things are looking better of and on lol.
  14. 1st. Fred is better, if Marshawn was still here, they would be splitting carries and maybe we don't see Fred have the year he had. I hope Spiller improves and maybe it was a mistake but I am happy with things anyway. CJ may improve with playing time, just like several D players are going too and we will have better depth and be truly developing players.I know it has been hard to see it but he still has potential to be a star. I really liked Beasty but I don't think he is a world beating star, he is a good RB. 2nd. 1 mistake, 1 blunt, whatever stupid thing he does next, out for the year and on the trading block (for less). 3rd. the myth that every player we get rid of is greater than what we have, or is being replaced by someone not as good. I remember 2 things on this board when we had Beasty, Fred can't score TD's and Marshawn was a thug. Oh and then Buddy didn't get enough for him (yet to be seen, really). I am over him and Jason Peters, it is past, mistakes I am not totally sure. The only player I am totally sure about is Greer, that was a mistake. I really want Chan to try running Mr. McIntyre in a short yardage situation, Chan seems like he like to surprise and throw it 6 out of 10 times. It doesn't have to be obvious, have him in to "block" and run a play action draw. Or have him back with Brad and hike it to him. It doesn't take that much imagination to get a few yards, which was Beasty's strong suit.
  15. Wow Joe Kapp, I remember the year he was in Boston (hehe they were 2-12 that year) he could launch a football. He would throw it way up like a damned punt. "when my friends and I played street ball we would say a "Joe Kapp Pass". He was pretty tough too, not sure I would bet on Mosca. Actually read Kapp's Wiki page interesting guy to say the least. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Kapp
  16. he really just needs to turn around when he is covering and slap balls out and he could be pretty good. I am not at all sure he can do those things though and judging from his being 4th or 5th in the line up now either are the coaches.
  17. Okay, someone sent me a PM saying I was a bit rough on you for my comment, just want to say I'm sorry and welcome to the board. I also hope you find a way to make spaces when you post, I honestly couldn't read it.
  18. I saw that too, watched it twice even. I hope he is better in the shotgun
  19. Can't read that, don't understand why you would think not to split it up a bit. I started but my head hurt 3 lines in. Sorry I do come here to read ppls opinions. Please use the return key and when you are finished with one train of thought make a new paragraph. BTW I could give a **** about your wedding and 1/2 a million dollars, please go back to not posting. Or keep it about the Bills.
  20. 07 was pretty bad as well or was that 08? I forget but one of those Jauron years. This Fred thing really sucks! FEED Cory some footballs Chan, you won't be disappointed.
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