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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Chris did a nice job in the game, held the edge made plays and tackles. No complaints from me. Interesting we played much more 4/3 than we usually do from what I saw. Edwards kicked some butt too. Good to see some vet leadership on the field in the form of playmaking.
  2. It seems that NE* gets better than 7th rounders for people they let go, or maybe that is just my bias speaking again.
  3. 7 hours on BR and no one has posted on it lol, 2 replies and 90 views in 6 hours on here. I guess this is why I don't post so much, but Hopeful thanks I wonder about the conditioning and the overall amount of injuries too. I thought Darius got a bit bigger when he was moved to nose to be honest. I wonder if Fitz works out enough too. Weight room work seems like a no brainer but it makes you wonder. Dwan Edwards looked like a monster yesterday, he has been working out.
  4. So CJ is okay with you now? Merry Christmas! that game was a great gift.
  5. The most likely motivation for this would be money to the gambling interests, I can believe that. It should be investigated, it really wouldn't be that hard to do. Someone call the Justice department would they? Actually the best way to handle this is the rule committee, it could easily make all calls and penalties by officials review-able. They do it on spotting the ball, no reason they shouldn't be able to do it on a penalty. I used the wallbash there because sadly neither of those things will happen for a lot of reasons. But the second one should be out in discussion with journalists. They could help change and improve this issue (JW are you listening?).
  6. I hate to say it but he still makes me nervous catching punts (I understand that, that might be unfair, BTW I think he set some sort of record today didn't he?). He should have gotten the turn around for the ball thing by now when he is in coverage. I think it is him more than the coaching, the other CBs do pretty well in most aspects like that. Everyone would do better with more pressure. Sometimes lighting a fire under a guys butt works, let's see next year.
  7. I thought that was decided by them winning today?
  8. I posted this on Bflo Rumbles too, interested in the difference in the replies on the two fanboards. I like Chan Gailey, just want to get that out of the way. I loved him at the beginning of the season, the "Megamind" nick name seemed fitting after the first 7 or so games. Now, I think I get why Jerry Jones let him go. I know every coach has an offensive philosophy about their team and the players they have. I like that in some ways Chan is very good at using the cards he was dealt and the cards he picked from the pile (I especially like the Oline coaching job this year, man you, the line coach and Nix all deserve some credit for that). You have built some depth and are developing some players there. Another tackle might be good in the early part of the draft though. But I don't understand. You have a back, running for 12 yards a carry (on average) in the first quarter (and by the 3rd still 9+ yards) why isn't he your number 1 offensive weapon? Why only 16 or 18 total plays go to him? We had the same situation a few times in the early part of the season with FJ and I didn't get it then either. Look I am happy we won, I am happy the team (the D mostly) showed some improvement and probably saved a coach or 2 from the unemployment line today (although I would credit that on Denver's college style run offense, one dimensionality). You go with what is working Chan! Too many of your calls were are just exasperating as a fan. They make you and your offense predictable and the sets are 99% of reading your offense, what I mean is if I see CJ or Choice in the I behind Fitz, the chances are 99%, it is a run up the middle. And when Freddie was healthy, why couldn't CJ and FJ share the backfield more? We have two very high quality backs, use them please. Together. It is a hell of a threat to defense against. I am lost as to why you gave up on Brad Smith in the shotgun on short yardage? I understand we have a little different personnel in there now and some teams picked up on it and stopped it but percentage wise it worked. But you never introduced any variations. Sometimes it was Brad and Corey back there, how about Corey gets the snap (the guy is a downhill bowling ball and why you almost never, never give him a run play is totally beyond me)? How about Brad throws it, and it needn't be a long pass (although we know you like to beat people with long passes in short yardage situations and it worked a lot when Fitz was playing better but the last 7 games?). How many millions are we paying him to be a bad decoy 2nd wr, is that why you brought him in? And of course the title of this, Tashid, Chan I understand having a loyalty but CJ is way better, you know it. We really NEED to build a more multidimensional running team that can and does use the 2 TE sets and other basic NFL offensive thinking. You have BB in NE* showing you and us all season long how effective 2 TEs are, why can't we copy it a bit (the NFL is a copycat league for a reason)? The funny thing is, I seem to remember seeing it in the NE* game. We should be a balanced football team, frankly right now you throw it off balance with too many pass plays. This team needs to use some more play action too. it will take pressure off Fitz and make the line better, sure it is great on a screen and you use it well for those but it is good for a lot of things. Fitz is good under center too, the line is better than we thought, he should not ALWAYS be in the shot gun. Cudos for getting Fitz out of the pocket a bit the last few games. I wondered about that too. I also think this offense, could be something with the hurry up if you are going to keep it the way it is. Make D substitutions a lot of work for the other teams and use the finesse that the team is seemingly built for. At the beginning of the year, I never expected our Oline (or TE) to be so good this year, Nix is good at picking up street guys and not wasting draft picks while still (in a way) "building through the draft". I am impressed by that, I can't remember ever having a GM that was good at that. I see him doing it a bit the last few weeks and hope he finds more good players. I guess, I should address the D too, to be honest my only real opinions about it are that we need to commit to a 3/4 or 4/3scheme. The injuries and combination scheme just killed us this year. I am not sure which one is a better fit (although with our current personnel and coaches, I would guess 4/3). I am not even sure Geo. Edwards needs to go (but feel that he does). What I have seen this year is our O can play well enough to win when our D is good to decent. The injuries killed us and we NEED 2 pass rushers still (I want Shawn M to be one but too many ?s about his health, he will be back in any case next year) we still need to bring 2 in this off season. Raid a good CFL team, draft one and FA another one would be my plan. I think all this playing time that the young guys are getting is great (and some of them have and will continue to step up), don't like the why of it but that is what it is. One thing I do wish is Chan would take more responsibility for the D unit. A few of the pressers this year were disappointing so far as his answers about it. It is his team, he needs to be in charge. Thanks for reading look forward to your input and Happy Holidays and New Years. Go Bills!!
  9. Wow, this is an argument still, this thread would be a lot more readable if it was about why Chan didn't use CJ enough in the game today.
  10. Kick return rule really sucks doesn't it. Today there (should have been) were 2 returns for TDs and it was an exciting game. The NFL is ruining the game.
  11. I am starting to understand my father's hate for Ralphie. He never got to see the 90s team. Ralph don't ruin it for 2 generations, please. As for the TO series, it is just unAmerican. Seriously. Do you have any idea how much I hate the Leafs?
  12. His son did it he just protected him, OJ was not the murderer.
  13. I am all for it.Anything to improve would be a great thing. Does he have any history with DW? I think that could be an issue.
  14. A lot of streams are available outside the blackout areas because they originate outside the black out areas. i.e. some one has paid for a bills game (that is blacked out at home) and streams it to a streaming site, not blocking any geographical area. It seems to me a lot of streams are done that way. Not sure what the issue is.
  15. Yeah let's blow up the roster and give him one year
  16. This isn't worrying me yet. Lee Evans was signed to 9 Mil to begin his contract but it was a declining contract so that this year was 3 mil or something like that. These kind of negotiations are complex and there is a lot of wiggle involved. I will be disappointed but not super upset if he goes. He is 100% heart and I like that about him plus he has chemistry w/Fitz.
  17. Time on the field will only help him, you just don't learn as much in practice. Andre Davis is on his last year of contract and it has been reported he is helping coach the kid. I like AD, thought he was kicking butt until he got injured last year, since came back he hasn't looked the same. I think he will retire and go into coaching (just a guess from statements the FO has made since last year). KM the Reggie Tobor of the Bills this year? I think he might just be here for his back up role. Agree
  18. I was there too, lol. At the Rockpile people threw beer bottles and my Dad's car was broken into. BTW, great post glad I read it.
  19. Congrats on the job kid and I have no idea if anything but winning will help to sell tickets, but I do know full price for preseason gets under a lot of peoples skin. If you ever get a chance to suggest anything to Chan, I have a lot of ideas. Running Corey would be one. Please provide me his email and I will contact him myself for the rest
  20. Damn straight, run Corey. In fact run Corey, in the wildcat (in the backfield with Smith) hike it to him instead. Run him in playaction too, throw it to him more too. These things don't require new players or changes in the playbook (as Chan seems opposed to doing new things, even with different personnel for some unknown reason). Corey is a bowlingball, RUN COREY, CHAN! And now that you have Brad on the outside, run a damn reverse. I think this too. I like Chan but Megamind needs to add to the playbook at least in variations and when he finds plays that work, he needs to KEEP doing it until the other team stops it. I have been saying it all season. Ironic anit it
  21. It was right after coach Lou had his spat with Cookie
  22. You guys must of missed about 30-40% of the Bills history, we have fielded bad, bad, bad defenses before, although it has been a while I guess. In any case, worst D in 15 years, yes. No doubt. If there is a tiny bit of some good to come out of this. I am a bit happy that some of the young guys are playing and getting in some game experience (and some of them are playing fairly well), that fact will help build quality depth. It is too bad the season has become preseason for next season already though.
  23. Football is best when I can root for the Bills. IDKW I just don't like having a back up team to root for. Used to like KC a bit but they sucko this year too.
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