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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Both of of NE*s TEs are healthy this game, (we were lucky one was out the first game)actually I am more concerned about that.
  2. Funny thing is I could see us beating them again and yet I do see them as possible SB winners. But I still hate them too.
  3. You keep Bell if you can get him for the right price (which should be a bargain since he has trouble staying in there), if someone over pays for him it is okay if he goes but it is not great. I would like our whole line to somehow stay healthy for a change, although got to give Fitz Chan and Joe D. some credit for the way they played this year and and Nix, Wahley for getting serviceable guys, Still need another TE, I hope the Brock kid has something. I would draft OLBs a wide out or two and tackles this year. I think we have 10 draft picks?, will be interesting.
  4. Actually at the beginning of his stepping in Brown threw some high ones yes, but he calmed down and the rest looked alright (right after Fitz went under center on a run and then they had him practicing on the sidelines). Plus he was a effing monster in the blocking game. I saw him beat just once and he clearly slipped. One of CJs long runs was right behind him and Levitre and he looked decent at pass blocking. I admired the performance from a rookie. Our whole front 6 on the line has been just decimated by injuries this year, I am impressed by the people Nix picked up off the street and the job line coach JoeD has done with the unit on the whole.
  5. See now, I did (so there is at least one, BTW when I ignore someone, I have noticed they tend to get booted within 3 weeks) but you quoted him so I saw it anyway On subject, I live in Thailand now and haven't missed seeing every Bills game for 2 and most of a 3rd season now. That will not change on Sunday.
  6. Toshiero and Georgeedwardsteeth made my ignorant ignore list in less time than many new members.
  7. Football was a different game is my only point, I am happy that Marino's record was broken (no one hates the Fish like anyone who watched his team play THAT particular team) but passing really wasn't as easy back then. I really wasn't meaning to take away anything from Drew or Marsha by my observation.
  8. Since they were so much a part of him setting that record? Neither of these guys are doing what Marino did really, it wasn't a passing league then.
  9. Um Dick Jauron? or maybe you would like to shoulder the blame. 2 years doesn't make a rebuild when you flip 70% of the roster and switch from Tampa Bay small speed guys to whatever the mess we are running this week is, um I mean hybrid 3/4. My point is we have Nix until he retires or I would guess 2 more years (unless RW passes then all bets are off, which is why we are such an attractive a place to work and bring in quality guys). Personally I think BN is okay at least he has a plan.
  10. Joe D’Alessandris has been quite a good Oline coach, honestly I doubt Jasper is really ready but it is garbage time anyhow. I think it is cool that he is on the roster but don't expect very much out of him. He was projected as a NT and it was well known he wasn't all that as a guard at a small college. He won a spot on this team by having a great story IMO. I wish him all the luck in the world though, because frankly I have bought into it too.
  11. What is up with your screen name, OP? Wouldn't georgeedwardsballs or something similar be better.
  12. The first Pats game we played a predominant (with variations, including a 3/5) 3/4 more (which is the Bill's tendency against teams with a good oline and "in the pocket" passer) against the teams that had a runner for a QB, or just a strong running game we played much more 4/3 (Cinny being the exception and then their young QB lite it up). I think that is the Jekyll and Hyde our 4/3 is better personnel and maybe coaching wise. I think Edwards or who ever came up with our "Hybrid" has overthunk it and honestly just made it too complicated. I thought so at the end of last season when all the players stated getting it more, and then we had pretty big turn over in key positions coming into the year but the D did okay. This year we had turnover because of injury, and it dropped off. I think it is just hard to plug and play, players into it, seems too complicated to me.
  13. We will hear this all off season and never do it. Personally, if the Bills never have another Edwards (except Dwan) I wouldn't mind.
  14. God, I hated seeing Greer go! I really thought he was better than McGee (who I still think is good, if he stays healthy). Never understood the reasoning behind that.
  15. Weo, you didn't say who it was and I called you out on it because of it, so you went and looked it up. Knew you would, so no I wasn't joking. No, I never said THAT not in my first post, nor in my second. I said they should be just like any other challenge that they can make right now. Here, I'll say it again in a fully complete version so you can understand. Throw out the red flag, if you are right, no TO charged to the team. 2 per game for each team (if you are right on 2, a 3rd is allowed). A penalty should be reviewable. Just as a ruling on a play. Learn to read or comprehend. And I just said IF this was an investigation, the Justice department would be in charge of it, it is the truth. Having a discussion on a fanboard shouldn't make me want to punch you in the face, Your condescending tone in your replies does.
  16. Wow, Lots of good points here now. I realize of course, that a lot of the decisions that Chan makes have to do with injuries and game situations. I like better balance in play calls, I like the ability to go spread (and think it would be great if we did hurry up more sometimes when we do it). I guess I like it and realize that in a passing league they need to use it BUT I wonder about the weaknesses that this exposes you to in the 16 games (face it there are going to be injuries and QB inconsistency at times). I want him to be building a very solid running team for NOV-JAN, as well.To me it takes both to set up the other. I like Chan and think he will think it out too. I do think he needs to do this to stop this season from happening again next season (on the offense anyway). There were time early in the season when he went spread on 3rd and short in the red zone too, so I don't think it is all about injuries. BTW this post was more about the kinds of things they need to do going forward on offense more than anything. One of the biggest things to me at least is obviously the D, that will of course influence the play of the O. I actually think they can and will be headed in the right direction but see more specific adjustments to be made on offense. Which is why I focused on that, I think if the D improves next year it will be easy to find the things that they need to improve too. Right now they don't do all that much all that well, so they just more in a general way need to improve things.
  17. Against a HS offense run a HS D. Let's see how they do against NE* next week.
  18. OP, What is your screen name about anyways, I never noticed his teeth.
  19. Okay thanks for talking down to me like I am an idiot, I really enjoy being patronized on a fanboard and it makes me oh so effing happy to engage in a dialog with you. So why haven't they done what I said and made the penalty calls reviewable, (by throwing the red flag, just so you don't misunderstand me) admitting a mistake after a game is over is a completely different thing. If the reporter did report about the "massive game fixing scandal","the NFL, the mafia, or space aliens" would probably have him killed or ruin him one way or another. Who the eff knows why OJ was framed? (see at least I have a sense of humor) BTW with out looking it up tell me the name of the "famous BALCO" reporter, you can't, or you would have used it in your post. Bottom line: I never said I believed that game fixing was happening, I only said things about why we wouldn't find out if it was. And yeah I probably did see "follow the money on TV" what you are to smart to ever repeat something you heard on tv? Last point, fans of winning teams don't follow the Buffalo Bills. Happy effing boxing day.
  20. Phhtsh! I never said review ALL the calls, I said make them reviewable by that I meant the coach sees the replay (as in the bad block in the back call that Denver had on their return last Sunday, that cost Denver 7) the coach should be able to throw the red flag, same as now, on any other call. This is never going to happen because it would cause just too much of a loss of face by the league (to agree that the refs make mistakes). It would be better for the game but.....it is never going to happen, I agree it would have to be impartial to do this too. And my point on the Justice dept. was if they were going to investigate this that is who would be doing it. It will not happen unless some investigative reporter releases a story that games are fixed and has some damn compelling proof (which I don't know if they are or not but if they were it would not be that hard to investigate in the first place, I would imagine it would be just follow the money). That is not going to happen IMO because as far as I can tell no one would bite the hand that feeds them, that hard. The reporter that did this would be blackballed by the league. Also the popularity of America's (new) game would take a hit if it was true.
  21. Have safe and happy holidays everyone! Wish us all, all the best!
  22. I watched Reggie Bush put more than 200 yards on us against Mia. CJ needs the feeds (IMO) especially when it is working (my main point above Chan not staying with what is working until the other team takes it away) lets hope we don't do what NO did with Bush with him.
  23. I have only seen Batten on ST the last two games but I may have missed a play or 2 he was in for. Heard played yesterday as a sub and looked pretty good too.
  24. Yeah I think he overthinks, seems like a lot of coaches do, it may even be what separates the good from the bad. I hope and still think that it is not the case with Chan but you are right next year will tell more. There are times when I think we are 6 or so good players away, but sometimes the decisions being made on play calls is just well, disheartening (and obvious, teams just need play to the tendencies to beat us).
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