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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. We really have two TEs the way Chan uses Nelson and Chandler is the same as NE* with Hernandez and Gonk (at least when they are 5 wide), Nelson is just a tad smaller then Hernandez by 30 lbs but an inch or two taller. And Chandler might be average but he is the best one we have had in quite a while. I want them to resign him even if they get another and copy Belicheat. I would love Fred and/or Spiller behind a 7 man front. It would also be the bomb for play action
  2. The internet is free and pretty easy, blackouts? Are they even effective these days?
  3. I really thought Nix sounded like the injury prone would be on very short leashes. After all the IRing they did this season I think for good reason, you have to have healthy guys or you are wasting roster space and bring in back ups or back ups to the back ups. The problem with depth is also a problem of having oft injured guys. I think they give the talented ones a year (so Bell, Merrimen, scoe, Mcgee, Troup, Easly, stay, the ones that are FA may get low offers though). Johnson goes no where especially if we use 4/3 more. The others on the bubble get shown the door if there are options. Andre actually is very stout against the run still (see Denver game and he is in 1/2 the time) and he was coaching his replacement, they may like his presence but looking for younger faster guys at LB. So I will guess he will be gone. Chandler, I hope he stays, he maybe asking too much and Nix isn't buying though. They may have eyes on others (in FA) or even think Brock (is that is name even?) has a lot of potential. McKelvin, well they have to be thinking he could be very good...tradeable yes but in this draft or next? We certainly will need a replacement for him in the nickle too. Will he be coach upable? I think he will stay and they at least give him a camp before any decision is made. I know he must make some decent money though and it becomes a question of do you keep a expensive guy around to be a back up? IHJDK but after Hang last year? Scott always finds a way to make the team, that won't change this year. Carrington stays, too early to let him go yet. So my guesses list: Bell, Merrimen, scoe, Mcgee, Troup, Easly, stay (FAs are low balled though and might leave) Andre Davis goes McKelvin last year to make a difference (or he goes in camp or gets traded before) Carrington, Scott stay Chandler, I hope he stays
  4. Proud to be a Carolina Farmer, says it all.
  5. And what happened to the coach/defacto GM who made that decision? Fired. No GM is in anyway considering any of these ideas because they all value their jobs. Fred stays, you don't get the value for him in picks and frankly they can and should use him in Buffalo. Damn, he was on track to be league MPV until he got hurt. YTF do fans always want to trade our best players? Stupid, way too stupid even for this board.
  6. No way, Fred was on target to be league MPV (pre injury), a 1st round pick could bust. Plus putting it all on CJ at this time isn't worth it yet, I think it will be but just not yet. Use them both next year a lot and move away from the 5 wide a bit. Get another TE who is good and copy NE*. The D can be improved with out this move. The running game can be explosive with both these backs. With Fitz throwing on average 6.74 per completion and both of these backs running for more than 5 a carry, it is well worth it to have them both and pass less. No way, Fred was on target to be league MPV (pre injury), a 1st round pick could bust. Plus putting it all on CJ at this time isn't worth it yet, I think it will be but just not yet. Use them both next year a lot and move away from the 5 wide a bit. Get another TE who is good and copy NE*. The D can be improved with out this move. The running game can be explosive with both these backs. With Fitz throwing on average 6.74 per completion and both of these backs running for more than 5 a carry, it is well worth it to have them both and pass less.
  7. That quote from Buddy's presser "well after he passes all of the physicals in the summer maybe, we'll see" was about Shawn Merrimen. This part may have been about Roscoe but I don't remember hearing it really at all. Do you have links for these? "By then he may just prefer to ride it out and play the market..." If you don't you didn't listen well to what he said which was .... From transcript on BB's website. And CJ deserves credit for learning and understanding the NFL game better, but I thought he looked good all season long, Fred was the man the first 10 games it is hard to get them both in there and producing, I hope Chan figure's it out next season and we run the ball more.
  8. I am w/ Thoner7, Hightower is going high too.
  9. If Upshaw is gone, take Hightower (who I kind of can't believe is'nt in the top ten, he will be before the draft IMHO). Personally, I like him better.
  10. You only know that because you own the sheep farm next door.
  11. I like him as a coach (and did even as a player) but as far as I remember he didn't want to be here (there was tons of discussion at the time). He seems to have some sort of personality thing that gets in the way with his employers too, I am sure that's maybe why if he did want come here RW didn't want him. The past is the past though.
  12. I would be in favor of R&R being gone... I wouldn't have thought that before but the team is just so lacking... again. The injuries haven't helped but the team is flat... again. I saw enough of a flat team that should be (at least good enough to make the POs) good last year. There are other GMs and coaches who would be able to do something around this core. Some trades wouldn't hurt either and cap hell is beatable in the NHL, there are options.
  13. ....hey, it was supposed to be about him not you. Damn I took too long! WWVaBeach retired from the Navy because "he told"
  14. BPA OLB/DE OT or differencemaker WR if that is what is there, so see... you are all right (results may vary as well depending on what is done in FA).
  15. There are at least 2 teams who run a balanced run to pass game in the POs. I am not sure you are wrong but Chan didn't run enough when we were winning even. We would get a lead even the running game would be clicking and Chan would go pass happy, YOU STAY with what is working. If you can run and pass you do both. Often we couldn't pass but ran well and didn't stick to it (my #1 gripe with coach, who I think is a good coach but not above criticism). As far as the bolded part, may I call you Dick or do you prefer DJ? Perfect, because then we will be able to run all over them all day long! 40-14... sort of speaks for itself. Denver's defense is better but we totally smothered them, we play in a much tougher division. We could easily have had 8 wins and won the west too. I also think we could have beat that Pittsburgh team that showed up in Denver (plus Mile High is great for the Broncos, the other team is always whipped by the fourth, that is what Elway in the HOF). They will get creamed by NE*. Then you tell me who is better.
  16. I don't blame him for leaving (I knew the JP thing was doomed from the start too, the line was crap and you can not develop a rookie QB with a crap line, plus the moving up to get him bothered me) but he wasn't a great coach. I wonder how and what he will do with the Jags. I am actually more ambivalent about him than any of our HCs in the semi recent past. He gave us our last winning season, no?
  17. I read that link earlier on ESPN but To be honest there is a transcript and I watched it through once. I really don't think he said what they were going to run , just said it wasn't important and we would try to get players to rush the passer Here is that portion of it.
  18. Has been so far. I would think Mcgee stays as well but maybe he will be replaced in time. I think Flo had a bad year, I hope he is better with a pass rush because there were a few times he just flat out sucked. Mcgee was solid when healthy and would still shine with a pass rush IMO.
  19. This didn't seem to be an issue a few years ago, I find those stats a bit hard to believe (I remember a few seasons when Jaroun was coach that the inside the 20 thing Moorman was league leader, sorry don't have a link for it). I was a bit disappointed with Bruce Dehaven this year, I know he is a hero in some ways with this franchise but STs were bad at getting us anything at all this year. Anybody agree? Denver is the only game I remember that they flat out did great. I realize as I type this that stupid rule change has something to do with it. I know he has a philosophy of letting the other team have a KO and trying to get them behind the 20 also, which seemed to work well most of the time but on the receiving side of things and punts we have done better. BTW you do bring in competition at camp but it is Moorman's job to lose, he has been a good punter and a great Bill.
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