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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Wow, just wow. I don't want to express my political opinions on here as I seem to be really out of touch in some ways with my hometown but he is really his fathers son. One thing that really bothers me though is that DNA thing. I guess that is one way to slow down the 99%. And they are going to go to Ralph with no upgrades? Seriously and say that they want the team there? Really, his fathers son.
  2. Every time I see Anthony Gonzalez's name on these things I do a double take. and didn't we resign Chad Rinehart? I thought it already happened.
  3. Hey I put the "Quarrels often arise in marriages when the bridal gifts are excessive." and just to be fair, from the father of Cynicism, Antisthenes in there. But my opinion is that after living away from Bflo. for almost 20 years now is that keeping them in the area is a very good thing for the city. If for no other reason then it remains a big city, in peoples minds and gets press (I understand the Bills press is not great but press is press). The tax money going to the stadium (not the team directly) is good to help that happen. There are fiscal benefits to having the team there to the state and vise-versa. I understand things are rough there and have been for a long time. It also help me feel like it is my home in a way that wouldn't happen if the Bills were not there, I don't have the money or urge to come back but if I was running a business that feeling might convince me to spend some of my dollars on some sort of enterprise there.
  4. Andy Reid thinks he can turn anyone with a skill set in to something good enough to be a back up and his track record except with Young isn't that bad at doing just that. Trent may actually be in a position to succeed, good for him. I have no bad feeling left about the guy. Jauron was a QB confidence killer and he did play behind a rotten Oline.
  5. Ruff would be the natural and most logical target, I don't like typing it. But there it is.
  6. Wow dumb bet by Thoner and bump, to make sure he might see you called him on it.
  7. This This and they will never get Finley, be lucky to keep Chandler (or it seems so at this point). I hope BN has a plan for that but really wonder.
  8. and get busted for it but I think that'd be tampering.
  9. I love ya Icebowl but you really have no inkling of how we feel.
  10. Wow I agree with DC Tom, that's a first. But I do respect Bellyache, he is truly a innovative football genius.
  11. I like the 1st, 2nd and 3rd but it is a dream that won't happen no matter how much pot you smoke. Sorry.
  12. I have had some bad thoughts about RW over the years and how he got the stadium built in the first place was among one of the reasons for that but this is obviously a good thing. I finally realize why I dislike both of your posts, always the same cynicism over and over the only commonality being it is about the Bills. “Cynicism is the only form in which base souls approach honesty.” Friedrich Nietzsche "Quarrels often arise in marriages when the bridal gifts are excessive." and just to be fair from the father of Cynicism, Antisthenes
  13. You certainly can run out of the spread, you can even have your QB under center and have 2 TEs and run play-action. There are tons of variations, so I don't understand how my reasoning is flawed. I never said to give up the spread and wouldn't dream of it. Actually I agree that the Oline was made to look better by the schemes and offensive philosophy they use. If you look to the number of hits Fitz took after the pass (which I can't find the stats but is 5 or 6 times as many), instead of the number of sacks it is truly evident that we need to run more. I can remember this discussion happening on game days in the shout box all season long, even during wins and more importantly during close losses, it wasn't always at panic points and even when it was seeing them line up in 5 wide on 3rd and short and never try a bull rush with Corey or any kind of variation kind of drove me nuts (especially during the losing streak) and I realize there were injuries etc.. but running is/or at least should be easier with a bunch of 300 lbs guys at least against some of those teams. I hope that a good defense (which I think will be better next year) make this kind of self correcting but the reason I quoted Chan was because I have my doubts about it. I hope for the best though. I think it will be interesting to see next year.
  14. The worse new stat I have seen invented since the passing rating.
  15. I don't want to run Chan out of town. I think it would be great if our dominant attack plan was balanced enough to go from one to the other. I really think we have that possibility and I am excited by it. I like passing to RBs. I used numbers because I think they point out the obvious strength that was kind of skimmed on by Chan during the season. BTW I am intrigued by a K-gun spread (which is kind of how I would describe NE*s, substituting the TE for the RB), we definitely should use hurry up more (and more effectively). Hah, honestly my opinion is Marty is overrated and not much of an innovator, which might be okay (because of the results but) I like Chan and want to see how it goes next year. I agree a good D would make a whole lot more possible. I am hoping they improve a lot on the D.
  16. I posted this in another thread and have been thinking about it for the last few weeks. I understand why Chan feels the way he does about the ability to pass the ball as a way to set the run. I get the philosophy and reasoning behind it but.... There were games this year where we just didn't stick with the run when it was working and I want to see THAT change. The gameplan against the team you are playing should dictate it as much as the relative stregnth of your teams players to execute it. Especially with the dual threat we have in the backfield, I think you design your attack around all of your players (as opposed to just the QB and some receivers). I can see against NE* using the spread to build a lead and sticking to it because they run up points and don't have a strong short pass D and we do play them 2xs a year BUT all teams are not NE*. The Cinci game comes to my mind, we switched from what was working and then our D fell apart. It kind of leads to the conclusion that in the 4th you WILL be playing from behind... Stick with what is working until they take it away and running is a bigger strength on this team with our RBs (and I would also say our Oline in run blocking). Chan says he wants a balanced attack but rarely shows that. In fact even on BB right now he is quoted as saying: So what I get from this is he won't be changing this at all next season, sadly. It really makes no sense considering the Oline men they have built around are better at run blocking, as well. Also the yards per, both running backs average over 5 a carry. The pass game average 6.74 per completion. So with Fitz's and his receivers completions @ 62% or close to 33% misses (more than that but rounding off here) take away a third of the yardage and you get about 4.5-5 yards an attempt and statistically a bigger gamble on failure. The Bills would be a better team if they were run the ball first team. Judging from their own stats. Also I don't like the fact that since he won't give these guys the ball first, he will be creating discontent within the players at the position. This is really my one big gripe about coach Chan (well, not really my only gripe, lol) and I wish it wasn't because I like him and see the difference and excitement he has added to the team on offense. I also think if we pick up a couple of more weapons I.E. VJ or something we will really need to spread the ball around and balance will be even more important. Too many weapons is a great thing as long as you stay with what is working.
  17. Totally agree! and am glad someone else watched the same games I did (I often wonder), stick with what is working until they take it away and running is a bigger strength on this team with our RBs. Chan says he wants a balanced attack but rarely shows that. In fact even on BB right now he is quoted as saying: So what I get from this is he won't be changing this at all next season, sadly. It really makes no sense considering the Oline men they have built around are better at run blocking, as well. Also the yards per, both running backs average over 5 a carry. The pass game average 6.74 per completion. So with Fitz's and his receivers completions @ 62% or close to 33% misses (more than that but rounding off here) take away a third of the yardage and you get about 4.5-5 yards an attempt and statistically a bigger gamble on failure. The Bills would be a better team if they were run the ball first team. Judging from their own stats. Also I don't like the fact that since he won't give these guys the ball first, he will be creating discontent within the players at the position. This is really my one big gripe about coach Chan and I wish it wasn't because I like him.
  18. John C I am sorry, you have every right to be a fan and be as critical as you like. But IMO you sound like a broken record about the RW issue (and really it is so played on this board that I just tire of it). I even some what agree with some of your assessment but I genuinely feel things have changed. I don't listen to talk radio of any kind and can't comment on the folks at WGR (but is that where shup and bull **** work?) or what they said (I would guess speculated) about the inside of Bills FO operations. We will have to agree to disagree, no disrespect.
  19. Field position, it is arrogant though. There is also more chance of a turn over since it is a surprise.
  20. John C and a few of the others here, I see your agenda and disagree. I don't love RW or many of the moves this franchise has made in past years (excluding the BN years so far) and I do see your points. I don't understand though why you would even follow the team anymore if you felt that way about them. I get you, you are waiting for RW to die and the team to be sold and moved. I really don't know how you can go through life with your thinking, really what is the point? Why bother?. I can only say wow, must suck being you. The miserable have no other medicine, But only hope.~William Shakespeare Hope never abandons you, you abandon it.~George Weinberg Sanity may be madness but the maddest of all is to see life as it is and not as it should be.~Don Quixote
  21. Up until this FO with Buddy at the helm, I would agree with you. But I have a feeling about this year. Maybe he just excited me with his presser or something but I think he knows the 3 year rule with Ralph (and even more so the fans so it seems). At the meeting in Detriot, I would bet he got a blessing to get a star or two even if it is going to cost something or he wouldn't have been so bold to say as much in the presser. I think he will do his best to fill the 6 or 7 holes the team still has AND sign a playmaker or 3 in the process. Bowe or VJ at WR is my big names prediction. I think they draft DE/OLB to get the pass rusher in a couple of early rounds, I hope they do more than that. I hope we go into the season with lots of lb help. If Chandler walks, well there is a limit to the purse. I hope he doesn't but I am pretty certain he must of started high in the negotiations to even get that response. I think the FO must have felt a bit insulted (or something like it) that he would run for the $s after they gave him his chance. I know RW is "cheap" but they are not far from having the pieces IMO. I am sure RW wants to improve his reputation and legacy and get back to the POs at the very least. I bet his only wet dreams these days are about winning a Superbowl. I find it kind of strange that he has mucked it up so much in the past but maybe he was thinking mostly about profits. The deals in place now and the stability of TV money must make him feel more secure about money IMO. It is time to pay some ppl and I think that gets done. Also worth mentioning, even with the Poz and Whitner losses last year they DID have something. Poz got overpayed and we got a deal, it isn't cheap in my mind as much as shrewd especially considering the player who replaced him. Whitner was out played by his back up last year and testing the market didn't really work out well for him. After the Balt game today and the draft we can say one way or another how the Evans trade looks a year in (I kind of think it worked out well at this point). I can think of a couple of mistakes that BN has made but for the most part I am happy with the job he is doing (of course if I am completely wrong and FA and the draft both are disappointing, I will lose some of that faith and you can call me on it).
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