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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I seriously doubt it will happen, what else is there to say?
  2. To be fair even the announcer said "for all the legitimate criticism he's taken the last few weeks" after the catch and before the Calvin Johnson remark. BuffaloAla has season tics and legit concerns (especially for a high pick IMO, 4th round no problem, maybe even 3rd if he's there still). I am not sure and want to see FA play out first. I am kind of curious how the Raiders will draft w/o crazy Al calling the shots, other wise he would not make it past them.
  3. I like him a lot too, if he is in the second might be a great pick or lasts til the third (highly unlikely I know)totally would be worth it.
  4. I did it quick enough (3 mins) w/o knowing that was the true speed it was given. I have learned a whole lot of stuff since I was 21 though. I am sure back then, I would have messed up on at least 4 of the questions.
  5. 3 minutes number 9 wrong too lol . This is way easier than I thought it would be.
  6. Glad to see this "you can never have enough corners" and frankly he is the best on our team (when healthy) all makes sense to me. Just stay healthy TM.
  7. Okay honestly as much as I doubt this will happen, I could see the Bills going for it in FA this year, jobs are on the line and the team needs 5=6 players to step in as starters and for depth. I think Nix gave it away in the post season presser a bit. I think he knows what he is doing and has plans in place. I look for Stevie back Bell signed and maybe Chandler (oline guys brought back as well), a FA, WR and Pass rusher and whatever need we have (a CB for instance). Draft a LT, Outside backer/DE, TE, CBs. At least that is what I get from what he said.
  8. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/2012/02/routt-reportedly-to-visit-bills.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2Fbuffalonews%2Fbillboard+%28BillBoard%29 Interesting news opps didn't see other one please delete
  9. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/2012/02/routt-reportedly-to-visit-bills.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2Fbuffalonews%2Fbillboard+%28BillBoard%29
  10. Really I got it after about 900 wtf how stupid is that guy?
  11. Wow SJ had no idea he wasn't in the hall! Injustice.
  12. Expansion, especially internationally is the NFL's next move. Bflo will stay because it is the gateway to the Canadian market. Mexico City and London are good candidates for the future. Maybe even A German team after (the one other place NFL Europe was a success and that gives you 4 new teams TO, MC, LON, Hamburg which could make divisional play more even and acceptable) the NFL is a business that will have to expand. Closing out on old franchises is a thing of the past IMO as history is a big part of the story that they will be selling. I.E. Man U, Manchester is not a giant place but a rather smallish formally industrial Knob that has a history (and a very super rich owner). TV revenues make the story much more important than the actual place. Winning would help Bflo's cause lol. Outside the boarders is the most sense-able way to go. Soccer is a great and fairly easy model to follow and at some point these greedy bastards are going to realize it (if they haven't already, which I think they have but they don't seem to agree on the best way to make the expansion happen, yet). As far as the talent being spread thin, yeah it would be. The QB issue could be solved by changing rules a bit though. They really need to expand the league in a few ways the NCAA is out molded and eventually will have to be changed to make a new structure. Little leagues internationally would be a great way to get the game a more international face. I have a ton of ideas for them, they should hire me
  13. I opened this thread expecting to see Monica Lewinsky.
  14. I thought this thread was going to be about OJs son, getting busted cause he did it. (Jason not Jerome)
  15. Yeah It Is Time for a switch, coach first, GM after the season. Miller can stay but some time out of the net for him would be good. They need fire burning under everyone's butts, trades and salary dump at the deadline. The funny thing is they are not that many points out of the POs but I still feel this way because they will just be in them for a few games or 2nd round at very most (if they even are good enough to make them).
  16. 2 weeks before the Superbowl, right on time (of course, they keep moving it further and further into the new year tho, so actually, maybe it is overdue barrel scraping).
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