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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. No we wouldn't. Edwards maybe, but even that is speculation. The way things are structured in many players contract is throwing a lot of uninformed opinions around this board. Truth is, everything; even informed contract structures on websites are speculation or leaks by agents, teams don't release this info except in overall numbers of the whole team. I am sure that numbers add up or they wouldn't be considering this. I am not guaranteeing that Kelsey stays long term (or though out his contract) but he will not be gone this season for money reasons. http://content.usatoday.com/sportsdata/football/nfl/salaries/team please click the link: About NFL Salaries The truth about teams is flexible at best and we don't know the whole story.
  2. I really like Roscoe and Bell they both were really stepping up until the middle of last season, that said. I think in the Nix after the season presser, he stated that one thing they wanted to change was having "injury prone guys". Bell and Scoe both fit the description. The only other one I would put in their boat is Merriman but he is still under contract and it is a reasonable one, he may never get back but still worth the risk (plus they are still going to work on adding guys i.e. Anderson as depth which I love). I doubt we will see either Roscoe or Bell back. It makes perfect sense too, you don't want the money tied up in them and you don't want the time and reps taken away from others who may be (but you don't know it because they don't get chances until later) better. Chemistry improves with practice. They would not have signed Hagen back if they had any intention of bringing Roscoe back. I think they draft WR and LT fairly high and add depth the way they have in the last couple of years (waivers and PS steals), why change what has worked in the past.
  3. This is a very solid move, Git it done Buddy!
  4. Wow, I didn't realize NE* needed a new TE that badly.
  5. The more I think about him going to the Pats* and playing in some crazy cool capacity there, I think we should get him. I think the Bleacher report thing (OMG did I just type that?) and the fact that he would be worth like a 5th rounder, have me convinced. He could also play TE. I just think he is what he is as a QB, so in that way Fitz and us are safe from seeing him start. But he is a hell of a player and has proven to be a playmaker. I think we need those, even if it means running some crazy stuff which we were going to do with Brad Smith anyway. Think of it this way Fitz behind center, Fred next to him Stevie and who ever is the new #2 out wide CJ in the slot and Tebow playing back off the line a bit at TE. Then he goes in motion......... What and who do a defense key on? It could just be Tebow takes the snap and goes off tackle (a typical slash play btw of course, Stewart was in Fitz's spot on those though), it could be a gadget, it could be FJ in a screen..... it could be good. I don't want him as our starting QB though. Things get easy to figure out as evidenced by our game against the Broncos last year shows. I kind of thin Tebow is a better #2 than BS or TP kind of, he is kind of a combo of those 2. Just some thoughts One last thought when the fan base calls for him as Fitz is playing a bad game... well, maybe it will light a fire under his butt. He is a competitive guy. I wouldn't argue with the FO if they made this move. The coach and the team will stand behind Fitz and God boy is one hell of an athlete. Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish. - Ovid The author of Metamorphoses was born on this day in 43 B.C.E.
  6. I kind of like calling him Ohno-Stinko.
  7. I think DF is okay, still mad they dumped Greer Mc Kelvin and Flo wouldn't have been needed. That is a free agency steal that I doubt this FO would let happen. Anyway he is serviceable and has 2 good safeties behind him. Pass rush should help, so should the health of K.Williams, Wilson and hopefully Merriman. Mario will of course be a help as well.
  8. I don't like it, Gerrard can be a decent QB. I thought they were not going to do something fairly smart. Heathy and with a receiver or 2 he is a threat.
  9. There will be money for both, Mario's contract gets slightly cheaper next year (so will others and the cap will rise sooner than later). The tricky part is doing the deals early enough. Nelson is a must too, something's gotta give and there maybe tougher choices this year than last. I want them all back. Freddy is going to take some change too. Honestly I guess, Edwards is gone but I doubt they cut many vets loose from the D.
  10. I don't like the sideshow or giving up picks. Con for Tebow. Thiggy had a decent run with Chan in KC. Pro for Thigpen. new here much?
  11. Flipping a coin here, I can't decide about the guy, he is a lot like Evans 6 years ago IMO but he does come back to the ball if need be and is better running after the catch (from what I have seen of him). The money is something that could be taken care of after the season unless I am mistaken. Get the details done when you pick him up and make a promise? Does that make sense? A number one is a lot but he is young and very good. "Handing a 1st round pick to a conference opponent", yeah 50/50 there.On the fence about that too.
  12. My guesses but they all might be here through camp If Roscoe didn't need replacing 1/2 through the season he would be great to have, but I feel from Nix's end of season presser injury prone guys are gone as the roster is just to small and they can't have the kind of flexibility they need with those types of players. I get the feeling Bell is getting the lowball because of this too. Reps are important and injured guys hurt the team that way.
  13. I like Colin Brown a lot, dude is giant and a steam roller in the making. Wood is very good and we have quality depth in the wings for a lower price. It was a shame we had to find our center the hard way last year but it turned out okay. I always liked Hang but at times he lacks. That and the contract, you don't waste a lot on interior guys (especially the back up ones).
  14. The coach last year was problem #2 IHMO. Injuries (on both sides of the ball because the D was on the field so much more)and inexperienced back ups #1, one cool thing it turns out the last 2 seasons a lot of guys got to play and get some experience and time to gel. Obviously BN gets a bit of the blame as we didn't get a OLB that could rush but I guess that took time and opportunity (betting on Merriman was a mistake). Wanny has a good resume and should help and the talent is almost there. Every team has holes to fill and weaknesses. This is a youngish team so that will help, we do have time(although THIS is supposed to be THE year). We are not done yet, I actually think the D will still be a weakness for a while and it maybe next year before it is top 10. But top 15 is well within reach if we get some sustained health. Schemes and personnel take time to adjust to change. The last 2 years are a testament to that. I actually think it is more important to have a knock out offense first and ours should improve this year too. The injury thing is a big deal. We are not GB of a couple years ago yet.
  15. Thae agent calls to "gauge interest" (he got a damn good payday for that phone call, by the way) and the club says yeah put me on the list. Sounds like the agent is doing the tampering, which is in his rights. The club is going to say no? That is outside the rules... there was a list, for effs sake. I think the league is right to let this lay. The only thing Buddy ever said is we are going to go after DEs, he didn't name Williams. Ralph just got on a list (in a move not initiated by him) and Texas didn't make an offer.
  16. If I could like or rec this I would I don't blame Meachem for going to SD a #1 wr and the money that go with that plus Rivers throwing to you? Our offer probably wasn't that weak and he would still take that. BTW PTF has proven to me the last few days how bad they are now they want me to install a special plug in to watch that? Um no, I would rather watch free streams with weird, crazy, plug ins that do that.
  17. To be honest if we were trying stupid ideas I think I would rather Aaron Schobel and TO, just seem like better fits.
  18. To be honest Colin Brown is a great back up, totally impressed with him at the end of last year. I in fact would like to see him fill both that and the swing tackle role (just because of size and reach, he has some wings not so sure of the footwork and speed but he needs a spot on our roster IMO...).
  19. I agree but they may still make a smaller move. In the 2 other threads I linked the BB.com Chris Brown thing about them being done but BN did say if some one was available they might do it. I am okay with what ever they want at this point. BN is the GM and knows what he is doing .
  20. The way I am feeling about Buddy Nix today and have since he got Chandler really
  21. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2012/03/15/bills-likely-done-in-free-agency/ bills-likely-done-in-free-agency, which I am okay with somewhat, they offered to Bell he went to somewhere else and didn't counter (if he doesn't get an offer much better ball is in the FOs court). I think we draft one high. I mean if he comes back fine but draft one anyway. I think they will look for a Nick Barrnet type signing (by that I mean later and inexpensive) maybe but at the lower end of the money scale if anything at all. Don't get your hopes up CB is the press office of the Bills speaking.
  22. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2012/03/15/bills-likely-done-in-free-agency/ bills-likely-done-in-free-agency, which I am okay with somewhat they offered to Bell he went to somewhere else and didn't counter. I think we draft one high. I mean if he comes back fine but draft one anyway.
  23. I also heard both of those comments and must say it would not surprise me if they moved back a few slots for an extra pick in the 2nd (or possibly third?). It is up to them, I am not going to say anything about anything they do in the rest of the off season in any critical way, because at this point "in Buddy I trust".
  24. I was okay with TO, he must be losing a step though, along with most of his other assets. Wow, I just realized I am still friends with him on Facebook.
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