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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Didn't mention Merriman (not sure how I feel about that, I really hope he has a great year) and I thought it was interesting what he said about Spiller and FJ touches and being on the field at the same time.
  2. http://blogs.canoe.ca/krykslants/sports/bills-coach-chan-gailey-on-mario-fred-vs-cj-nick/ Some interesting stuff.
  3. I can see a lot of scenarios are going to go through peoples minds before draft day lol. I highly doubt Hightower lasts until our spot in rd 2 (which is why I favor moving into the late first to get him, from number 2, up not down, I wrote about it earlier in the thread, I would love to see him blitz behind our front 4. I am not in panic mode about LT here is why. Personally I like Colin Brown a lot. He is a great guy to develop, drafted in 2009 as RT (where he was a walk on in college but also played back up LT) picked up in UFL Hartford team as RT. He filled in very well in the middle of the line last year and I could see him with his size and mauling downfield blocking ability becoming a great back up at swing tackle. Let Hairston start, draft one high (Martin would be my choice), draft one low (what Chris Brown says Nix said the other day) and develop the back ups more. There is also practice squads to raids and waiver wire pick ups we can go to. I also am not panicked about losing Bell if we do. I almost welcome it and we should definitely plan on it. I kind of think having a healthy player not competing for reps with the rest of the guys would be better in the long run (from his statements so far this off season I think this is what Buddy thinks too). In a way I think we have decent depth if this is the plan, it is kind of a gamble but at least the health issue is taken out of it to a certain extent. After last offseason and the progress they made, I trust them to do this well. We did have a giant problem with injuries and lack of depth last year because most positions are not plug and play (another reason I like us using players who were here last year. Remember a couple of years ago and all the talk about our line never having the opportunity to "gel"? I think moving on from the “injury prone” guys was a subtext of Nix’s end of year presser. The only reason we are keeping Wood and Merriman is that they have in the past been excellent players (and both are fairly cheap, considering this). Bell and Roscoe haven’t showed that, although both had periods of “flashes”.
  4. I remember them always doing it, at least back until the French Connection days, so I think it would be a yes. AND WOOOOO WHOOOOO! Congrats on a great win!
  5. I like it, for a second rd. pick but I would offer next year compensation for anymore than that (maybe next years 2nd??, they have point charts for these trades. I have no idea how much a #3 pick is worth, but I imagine too much). I like it but just don't see them pulling that trigger, it is an expensive and risky option. What (I think) they will do is draft a highly rated one and sit at ten. I think there are 3, the Georgia guy (sorry, the name is escaping me at the moment), Martin, and maybe Reiff that would be worthy of consideration. I can see them doing that and drafting one or even 2 later too (the new comp pick??). I mean why not? I want them to do whatever they do whether or not we have Bell back (but I really think we won't see him in the blue red and white again), plan like he doesn't exist IMO. I like him but it is the year to move on. All that said, as of now, personally although both would be reaches at 10, my 2 favorite players in the draft are Hightower and Coby Fleener. I know that both of those would be slightly out there as #10s but I would like the idea of the Bills moving up from the 41 pick to get either of them later in the 1st. This is assuming they take a LT at 10. Hightower is an ILB choice which doesn't bother me as he is going to be all over the field no matter where he plays (and he is multi-positional and played behind Darius before). I like him best of any LBers this year, IMO he can easily fit at OLB (I know others don't agree with that opinion). Fleener could be looked at as a very solid #2 WR, except he is a TE, which in a way could be even better (would we even need a #2 wr?). 2 TE spread sets could work very well for this team (I think Belicheat is on to something there but I also see what NE* does as a simple variation of the K-gun). With our backs and a receiving threat at TE our O could be truly explosive. I like them both and any good coach schemes around his players. They would both be playmakers on our team.
  6. Just a point I made all last year while we were still running it. Cory is in the backfield and lined up shorter than Smith in one of the formations. I could see them just hiking straight to him and surpising the other team in a short yardage situation, the guy is a bowling ball rolling down hill, BAM! Also I have to say the Senator is right on saying we have a good wildcat guy in Nesbitt, put Smith and him back there with him.
  7. Up through the 70s both had at least decade long runs, WTH man?
  8. I hope we are not having this same conversation about Chan in the future (or maybe I hope we are, I am not sure)
  9. I thought I remembered seeing someone fall on it, can't find a video. The closest I came was this http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/videos/Eric-Wood-on-His-Knee-Injury/a57e4089-b999-44ff-b37d-8487725f3258 Around 2:50 in this video he talks about it and you are right he does say he was pushed. I thought some one landed on it, but I watch the games on the internet, thanks for the correction.
  10. Very cool! Sounds like a great time and down to earth player.
  11. The building through the draft (and other ways, waivers and practice squad raids) were designed to save money and be able to make a splash this year. I think the FO also must feel some pressure to win now after 2 losing seasons. I never went much with the Ralph was cheap stuff but at times he has been a really bad owner. If this was just a perfect storm of circumstance and MW was there just at the right time, well I am happy with that. Also the labor agreement must have something to do with this.
  12. Sorry Matthew's Bag, I changed my post to reflect your wishes (and I thought it the was a proper place). And the Bengal's team I was speaking about a few years ago, was not even better than Dick's Bills. They too have made good strides since then.
  13. Anybody remember the Bungles about four of five years ago making a public statement like this one. And saving money on scouts, doing it. Sorry, I don't have a link but I remember it was discussed on here a bit. Seems that Buddy thinks pros should have those jobs and "in Nix I believe" at the moment. I think he has done a good job and this year we will see some results. BTW in the draft I would really really like us to try to move up and get the only great LT, Bell or no Bell even if it takes 3 picks to do it. I also want the TE from that team and I want Hightower (as an OLB). Git er done BN
  14. They might change IR rules this year, I hope they go to the old 1990s rules again. In any case, they need to stop putting guys on IR early in the season.
  15. I agree so much with this, I want them to draft Stanfords TE and copy NE*s 2TE set on 3rd downs. Even put CJ and FJ in the backfield together. No more 4 (or even 5 wide) to get 3 yards and handing off to Choice (please Chan).
  16. Why don't I feel better? Oh I remember, the lions made the POs last year.
  17. WTH man? are you trying to make sure the Bills draft him at 10? Don't jinx us into it please.
  18. Man! what a bunch of buttheads uninformed people here today, Woods last injury was avoidable WTF he should have seen that guy falling on the back of his leg and moved it? And stop running after the guy who caught the interception? That said Colin Brown looked very good as a back up after the try outs for who was going to be the backup, shame it took time to find that out though.
  19. SF and Texans away do not like that, both could be primetime too. When I look at this the worst I can see our record being would be 9-7. And that is being realistic, I am pretty excited about that but hoping we can do even better.
  20. Wow, sometimes reading this board make me stupid. This is one of those times.
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