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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. In the old days the dangers of it weren't at all well known. At least not like today and it wasn't a zillion dollar business (which one would sue), life before the cigarette suits was much less litigious (at least as far as winning against a big corprte entity).
  2. Football WAS a man's sport, for men people back in the day. Not men dressing up on Sundays and playing a "kids game for millions of dollars". I love all the old crazies.
  3. No trades with any division rivals please. I hate those
  4. One of my least favorite episodes from our previous FO and to think we may end up drafting his replacement this year @ #10
  5. Honestly I would move back in the first (a bit, if possible) to pick Fleener. I would even take him at 10 if need be. We could run a Kgun or NE*TE spread and not have to worry too much about a true 2nd receiver. I don't see this front office doing that but I like it a lot anyway. In fact I see maybe the first 2 or 3 picks being D this year. I think the FO want us to have a dominate defense this year, and really I don't disagree with that either but.. Think of it this way, why wouldn't you pick a Gronk type player high? (I don't really mean to compare him to Gronk but...) Fleener is at least as fast as a normal #2WR and has very good hands, he also ran a pro style O and is a good route runner. Plus no worries about if he is a problem kid or just not good. It creates all sorts of problems with LBs or safeties covering someone and with our RBs opens lanes in PA like crazy. Also an extra blocker in the run game and in wildcat even another option. I really think the run game should be used more this year and having more real passing threats only helps that. If you can move back a little you get an extra pick too. Honestly, I would go Fleener in the first (unless someone totally bluechip falls i.e. Blackmon or Kalil I would even move up a bit for a chance at Kalil if he falls to 6th). Hightower in the second. A CB or OT third (several options here) Wilson 4th (where I think he will go and would be a steal) The rest of the draft OTs and CB and LBs (and maybe throw in a DT or a C, BPAs at need). And whatever they do, I have to say for the first time in years: In BN and this FO I trust (after last and this (off and in) seasons other moves and last years draft).
  6. I kind of like to think we will take Coby Fleener, not sure it could would or will happen but I like it anyway. I do think he is an impact guy who fits in well (if Chan changes his offense just a bit, hell we could run a Kgun!) then taking a #2 WR whatever that is, becomes a more of a moot point.
  7. The one I like best is last, I don't really think he will last til the 4th but maybe. So yes.
  8. Fleener is the right pick, OT in 2nd or even 3rd and one later. Nix says the draft is deep with them. If he says so we should be able to get by with a developing player. Hairston should start unless he is beaten out in camp. Fleener is a playmaker, that is still a need. I would be okay with Him in the 1st (yes I like him better than Floyd) OT of choice in the 2nd (Gleen?) CB or LB in rounds 3-5 (every pick so maybe 2 each?) OT 6th BPA rest of draft (maybe with a center in there) or something like that.
  9. not sure it is but I knew that girl.
  10. I say just have a rugby scrum at the 30, now that would be exciting (but North American fans would have no idea what was going on lol)!
  11. wow this is all so moot, I got through 3 pages and just skipped to the end. Steve is the Bills #1. This what it means to be a number 1 is more a question of what it means to be elite (interesting that a few people are debating the term not the player). This whole argument has the Fitz isn't an elite QB argument written all over it. None of it matters, if the offense is good and gets better. We are not these guys agents for Christs sake, who cares about this stuff? BTW, Wes Welker true #1? you betchya, superstar/Megatron guy, no way.
  12. Like this the best at the moment. I really don't see BN going for Floyd (even though I would be okay with it or Kructity (sp?) who I would also consider BPAs at need). BPA but with position of need in mind, he keeps saying it and I think he will do that. Tackles can be had rd 2 - 7, I hope they draft 2 like they have said they will. I also want an OLB (or a ILB who can play outside, IMO a Hightower type, would fit the bill) and a CB everything else on top of those would be late rounds and really BPAs and development players. I trust this FO so much more than in the past now that I am not thinking they will blow this draft at all, so I am not even looking into it so much this year. In Buddy I trust at the moment I also am on board with our rg and think Brown is a monster who they will have play T,G,and C plus I don't doubt they draft some competitive back ups. A line that gels is the sum of time playing together a new guard just doesn't fit that (with a high draft choice anyway) IMO.
  13. In Bangkok myself, didn't feel the shocks or quake, it seems so far nothing big is going to happen again thank Buddha (of course it won't be over really for a couple more hours but so far so good on the coast where it hit last time). Best of luck and prayers. Sure can be an exciting country to live in.
  14. Nah, one of the last parts out. eff seeing the baby show us ur breasts
  15. This ^ and I have seen some trannies here in Bangkok that made me wonder (if I would or if I wanted to), but no way! I have never been that drunk and I gave up drinking already.
  16. The whole premise of the article is effed up. who can say who is over paid at this point. What if he becomes Brice Paup 2.0? or what if Kelsey does? And what if Mario only gets 5 sacks? but we have the number 1 D? Is any of this predictable? And what if next year it is the different? Just effed up I tell ya.
  17. so..... what does it do?......technologically speaking
  18. Too bad for Detroit! That Dline would have been 2nd to only the Bills this year. As for the pot debate, legalization would be a very good government policy shift, which is why it will never happen. When I was young, I thought it would but after the last 40 years of watching the government, just have to say it isn't going to happen. Too bad, the US, Mexico and South America would be a whole lot safer with some responsible policies on drugs.
  19. It is hard to find but look for the video, pretty compelling. No one is going to ever open the investigation again though. OJ is in jail (and would at least be convicted as an accomplice) and the police and DA Effed up, no way they would go back and look at it again. It is not in the best interests of the public or some crap like that.
  20. I don't know, I liked the "slash" thing he did in Pitt, but I have problems with coach and his philosophy on this (and it was only mildly successful to be honest, even the Thiggy thing in KC same story). I am not a big fan of the way we ran it last year. I could see us tweaking it and doing it more. I am not entirely sure it is the right thing to do 11 on 11 or not. To me the numbers are important but every offense has to double on someone most plays anyway. The talent is important which is why I hope we don't take the ball out of CJ, FJ and SJs hands too much, we had some explosiveness on offense and it was pretty conventional. Our line men are better run blockers from what I have seen of them. I do think it creates time for Oline men to finish run blocks (which is what was good about Smith running it on short yardage last year). The advantages in football are mismatches and surprises, bringing new personnel for a play takes away from the surprise. An effective counter to having Fitz standing out wide, is to just go label the guy. Then it is a broken play and D has 10-9 advantage. Running in college is different than in the pros, pros tackle much better and generally don't over-commit as much. I like a 2 TE spread better and think that Belichick* is ahead of the curve tweaking the Kgun and running it in NE*. It is better in the NFL to use the big fast guys on offense, who can catch and run. Which takes more skill, throw and run or catch and run? I think catch and run is more common. Which is why I would seriously consider drafting Coby Fleener. He also fills the need of #2 WR if you look at it that way.
  21. Trade with the Vikings and it may well be worth it but I wouldn't do it. Just too damned expensive.
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