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Posts posted by bills1960

  1. Personally, I don't see the excitement over Shawn Nelson. His physique is "maybinesque" and had all of 17 receptions last year for a TE position that was devestated by injuries. Why the hype going onto 2010?

    In his defense he did have nagging injuries all year.

  2. Someone who attended camp reported here that when the TEs did a drill involving pushing a blocking sled, Nelson was noticeably worse at it compared to the other TEs. Of course, he should have been doing work in the offseason to increase his upper body strength. If he wasn't, he has nobody to blame but himself. Maybe it's just going to take a little longer for him to build that strength up.


    Stupar's home town is listed as State College PA. And Jauron does have two daughters. He is 59, so you would think his daughters are probably somewhat older than Stupar, but not necessarily.

    I've seen him do that drill a couple times this year, he doesn't seem to far behind the others and even if he was his pass catching ability should put him passed Stupar, since we haven't seen Stupar in an actual regular season game against starters.

  3. The Bills are a money maker every year. We sold a team record amount of season tickets last year after three straight 7-9 seasons and finished tenth in average tickets sold per game. I don't think a team like the Jaguars, Panthers or Raiders could do that. The Bills have made money from the day they were created and that is all that matters to the NFL. As for the stadium debate, i think a new stadium would be great for the city and the team's image but not necessarily on the waterfront.

  4. Typical negative, defeatist attitude that permeates out of Buffalo....For all of you who are convinced that The Bills are outta there in the near future, you may want have a bit more hope. Iknow you might just be bracing for the worst, but the one thing people seem to always overlook is this. The "Buffalo Bills" brand is a proven commodity...simply put -It sells consistantly, over and over again. It has loyal customers who stay with this product. The NFL knows this. The NFL also knows that other certain brands do not perform as well....Like Jacksonville, The LA Raiders, The LA Rams an dso on. Just because you put a team somewhere doesnt mean it is guaranteed success. I work in pro sports. The NFL wants a team in WNY as it has proven effective for 50 + years. Quit being so damn pessimistic about the team leaving all the time. You'd be surprised to know how unlikley it is that the Bills would become a team identified for re-location. The NFL is greedy. They might make more money moving The Bills, BUT there is zero guarantee. There IS, however a guarantee that they will in WNY...Stay positive!

    Well said, very well said. :lol:

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