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Posts posted by bills1960

  1. Uh, no. If I can be candid and honest: It's a stupid idea.


    Granted, downtown Niagara Falls is a s**thole. As a former resident of the Falls, it pains me to say that, but the city has been decaying for at least 50 years and really needs something no short of a miracle to restore its former glory. And no, a football stadium is not that miracle that will revive the city or benefit the team's ownership. And you have to take into consideration that the ownership could very well change long before any new stadium is completed.


    Let's start wtih logistics. There is no place on the American side of the falls to build a stadium that has a view of the cataracts as was suggested. Unless you want to have a "three-sided" stadium. Then you cut down on capacity. That doesn't even begin to address issues such as parking or a road system that can handle the traffic all of eight times a year.


    Also, the prime real estate closest to the falls and the gorge is owned by New York State. Good luck convincing Albany that anything west of the Husdon River is worthy of consideration -- especially a hare-brained idea like a football stadium at the brink of the falls.


    Additionally, in 2008 Congress designated the falls as a national heritage area -- which is a designation signifying the region’s "importance to American history and culture." According to the National Park Service: "Usually managed by a partnership of organizations and local governments, national heritage areas pool together resources (cultural, natural and financial) to promote the region for tourism and economic development, while fostering preservation and conservation for the visitors of today and future generations. The National Park Service is authorized by Congress to provide financial and technical assistance to the partnerships that manage the areas."


    If there ever was a person who could survive and successfully negotiate the cluster-f**k that this designation impies, he died about 2000 years ago.


    So just suck it up and drive to Orchard Park.


    Oh, by the way -- what are the other six wonders, and do they have sports arenas built on top of them?



    The population of Buffalo and Erie County is shrinking. This is something that's been going on for decades. The only logical place to expand the fan base is in Ontario. Every time I make the drive through Southern Ontario I see more and more development. When I cross the bridge into New York ... well, it's not a pretty picture.

    But they sell out every game and make a lot of money. It shouldn't matter about the population, it should matter about their success. Look at Green Bay, excluding their historic factor,that area (including Milwaukee), isn't doing great either, but they make money like we do.

  2. Because a player has to be cut and clear waivers to be placed on the PS.



    I don't get the part about Brown being too valuable to risk for PS?

    It just seems like a waste of a pick to put him on the PS just to lose him. He was projected to go in the 4th round but he fell to us and we should hold on to him. What i don't get is the Brohm hype, he's done absolutely nothing to show that he's even on a back up level.

  3. It's simple. The staff has seen enough from Fitz this preseason and last year to believe that he's a solid back up. So Brohm will play to try to prove he's better, but this is a positive for Fitz, not a negative.

  4. What I don't understand is all the talk about this team needing to expand their fan base. Yeah, getting a larger market from Toronto and Southern Ont. would help, but the Bills have made money from day one in this market. I have no fear in the Bills moving because they do what other teams these days fail to do, make money. I don't see the need for one in N.F., build it in the city and try to revive the downtown area.

  5. Can't say I'm as excited as you are base on two preseason games, (three if you include Washington, where he didn't play a whole lot), but I will admit that his ability to hit the holes and break into the secondary is phenomenal. The best part is, if he can do it now with ease, there's a huge chance that it will happen in the regular season, skill like that is natural and effective at any time.

  6. I don't care about the whole draft set up, I would never hope for more losses, it's not what footballs about. A Bills win no matter what makes me happy, even if it's a meaningless one like the Colts last year. You could also trade up, (although the Bills haven't done it in a while). I'd take 7 seven wins over 1 no matter what.

  7. I am so sick of hearing calls to built a stadium near the Falls. I don't think having a stadium in the the Niagra Falls area makes any sence at all. Economic shot in the arm? Wake up, the whole fricken reagion needs a shot in the arm and frankly who gives a crap about a tourist trap on the edge of a big cliff. You can argue that its closer for Canadiam Fans, but really if you look at the post game blotter, they seem to only show up to drink their a**es off, mouth off to an OP copper and get arrested. I feel that the heart of Bills Country is in the whole of western NYS including Syracuse and as far south as Erie, PA. If a new stadium is built, then put it between Rochacha and Buffalo if a viable space is not available in downtown Buffalo. Why not clean up a brownfield or 2 and throw it on the shores of Lake Erie just south of the city.


    First of all, at the moment I don't think we need another stadium.

    The Ralph is great.


    Seats are still affordable

    Great sight lines

    CHEAP parking (Go to Foxboro if you think you're paying to much)

    Very lax tailgating rules

    The stadium is in the snow belt (Though it rarely snows during games, instead we get weather like the torent that ripped off the lake during the Griants games a few years back, god that was awesome)

    Easy access to and from the stadium



    The last thing Buffalo needs is a DOME. Weather is our friend and should be used to our advantage. Remember the Dolphins beat us in our DOME home game in Toronto.


    Its the HOME OF THE BILLS! get used to it and quit pining over some half brained plan to save Niagra Falls, the American side sucks and will for the next thousand years

    I was at that Giants game, let's just say the snow in the fourth quarter was a relief. As for the Stadium, i agree that we're okay for right now, but if possible our attention should shift to underdeveloped parts of downtown to improve Buffalo's image.

  8. The money year around can be connected to what is built into and surrounding the stadium. The actual stadium bowl itself won't get that much use whether it is open or closed. How many music acts do you think are big enough to attract 40-70,000 spectators? What type of convention will call for people to sit in the seats of a stadium? I think what should be done is build restaurants into the stadium. Build a museum into the stadium (maybe move the Buffalo Sports HOF there). Run the subway line out there. Put a mall/multi-plex on the stadium grounds, a nice 3000 seat theater so a broader cross-section of musical acts can be booked there or stage plays, motivational conferences or special events.


    All of that would be part of the stadium development and therefore part of the stadium. That's how money can be legitimately made year around. Cincy, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, NY, NE, Chicago, Philly have NO DOMES. And none are needed in Buffalo. If the planning is done correctly. A big IF in NYS I know, but here's hoping.

    I like the idea but i think Orchard Park may be a little out of the way for all this to be an attraction at anytime except for the day of a game, in which case 7 days a year. But if there's no way to build one closer to downtown, this would be a good idea to keep the Ralph up to standards.

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