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Posts posted by bills1960

  1. 1) Hires Gailey

    2) Keeps Edwards

    3) keeps Maybin

    4) Signs "B" Free agent Dwan Edwards

    5) Signs "D" Free agent Cornell Green

    6) Doesn't address QB problem in the off season

    7) Doesn't address LT in the offseason

    8) Only one draft pick making any contribution at all

    9) Extends Kelsay... at $6m per... totally dumb. Kelsay's an OK player, but I wouldn't pay him a penny over 2.75m... just ain't worth it.


    I can't think of anything he's done that has made this team better. If anything, it's worse. Hell... I can't believe if Marty Schottenheimer were coach that the defense would be this bad.

    Keeps Maybin? Your going to cut a first round pick after one year? I know he sucks but cutting him would have been crazy. Secondly, I Like Dwan Edwards I think he's a good depth player but not a starter. I do agree that the resigning of Kelsay and the fact they're not getting the ball to the Running Back we drafted with our ninth pick.

  2. We all know Fitzpatrick is a backup, and the fact that he's our starting QB by week three says a lot about of front office. But I think Fitz is a valuable part of our team because he's as solid a back up as you can get. If he's starting, he at least gives you a chance to win, and that's what he did today by leading us to 30 points. So overall, the blame for this game specifically goes to the defense.

  3. People love to kill the messenger on this one, but everything goes back to Ralph Wilson. For those of us who aren't 30+, the Bills have been nothing but a disappointment for the past 10 years. I'm 22 years old and haven't missed a game since Bledsoe's first season. Sadly, those first 3 seasons are the best memories I have regarding the Bills.


    People seem to forget that not everyone was there to witness the 4 straight Super Bowls. The same people wonder why the young people who post here are so pessimistic, well to be honest, that's all my generation knows with this team. Some posters have their memories of Kelly and Thurman tearing it up, my generation has the Cleveland and Dallas game on Monday Night, the Patriots game on Sunday Night, and the end of the season Pittsburgh game in 2004. I have seen the Bills beat the Patriots once over the past 8 years.


    During my lifetime, Ralph Wilson has shown no interest in running a successful organization, and until he does I will have no respect for the man. I do have to give him credit though, the man has been selling the fans a bag of sh*#t for the past 10 years, and people are buying it up like it's gold. That's all I have for now....I don't want to upset those who think I owe Ralph my first born child for keeping the team in Buffalo all these years.

    Same here. The Bills are killing their younger fan base.

  4. If putting 8 guys in the box immediately renders the Bills offense ineffective, this team is going to go 0-16.


    The Bills should have lined up in the power-eye, pounded the Dolphins inside, and then run play-action passes.

    The idea was to spread them out with the shotgun, but they did eventually switch to the power I towards the third quarter and the drive stalled out like the others. Edwards is simply incapable, making us prone to blitzing.

  5. It's not luck. We're too cheap to draft a first round QB to the big money they demand. Ralph would rather have 4 years with an obviously incapable QB and lose 10 games a year than have to pay a rookie at a high price. It wouldn't surprise me if we went with another third round QB next year. Maybe I'm planning too far ahead but they way the Bills have drafted the past decade it wouldn't shock me at the least.

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