Root for them as best as possible now, but don't expect them to do operate like any other professional football organization until Ralph is "no longer in the picture". Again, not trying to be one of those guys who wishes death upon a person just because of sports, that's immature.
But that's the truth. I wish, like everyone else, that he would just sell the team already but that's not going to happen.
His passing will be a bitter sweet day for Bills fans that's for sure. I know we'll all thank him for bringing the team here in the first place and keeping them here 51 years later. But the idea of a new owner in the near future is both exciting and terrifying at the same time.
But until then, the Bills will be the Bills. The team who hasn't gone to the playoffs 12 years. The team that has accounted for more first round busts than any other sports franchise known to man. And although that doesn't necessarily account for the amazing amount of crazy, heart breaking, freakish losses we've had over the years, I'm almost certain the lack of talent has something to do with it. And that indifference to winning starts from the top and works its way down.
I don't know, just my two cents.