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Posts posted by bills1960

  1. I like the move. They took the risk on a very gifted athlete in Vince and unfortunately it backfired. But now they have a chance to escape the Young scenario relatively unscathed (other than some salary setbacks). Jackson isn't going to blow anyone away. But in the evident of an injury to Fitz, Jackson can step in (with the help of a strong defense and a solid running game) and keep us in contention.

  2. Not surprised to see Batten go. He had to show something to make a deep D Line like the one we have now and he didn't. Little surprised about Sukay, thought maybe because of the lack of depth at safety that he might stick around longer. I guess Nick Seanz surpassed him and there was no point in keeping him around.

  3. I don't know how a guy can go from playing so soundly as Philly's back up a year ago to this. Given he wasn't a world beater there for sure but he was as good as a back up could be for the most part, he kept them in the playoff contention up until the final week. I'm willing to give him some time to master the playbook. Luckily, he's not our starter so we have the ability to give him that kind of time.

  4. What I saw:

    • Only two bright spots on offense: Cordy Glenn and Freddy Jackson. Fred looks like he's in mid season form now, and Cordy made some great blocks in both the passing and running game. Give Chris Hairston some love too, he gave some push tonight from the right side for sure.
    • Sheppard played well enough to halt some of his criticism of late. Nothing spectacular tonight, but definitely solid enough. When I went back and watched the first half over again it surprised me while keying in on him how many plays he was actually in on.
    • Barnett was exceptional until he got burned down field on the last drive. Tough pill to swallow on an otherwise good game. Moats was in a few plays, in position to say the least most of the time.
    • Gilmore was picked on on that last drive. Ouch. Shake it off rookie, you've proven yourself enough. Just continue to get better.
    • Kyle Williams is a golden god. Let's pray that he stays healthy. The same goes for Dareus, who also had a good game, just not as good as Kyle's.
    • Mario had two sacks. Good enough for me.
    • Spiller has been down right disappointing. Nothing on the ground, nothing in the air, fumbled. I hope we can see the good CJ at times other than when Fred is hurt. Get your act together.
    • Stevie was a mixed bag. Made several plays but also seemed to be out of sync with Fitz on a lot of routes. Not sure whose fault that is but it certainly has to be addressed.
    • Vince Young...what's there to say. Has he yet to grasp the playbook? Or is he just that bad? Looking back on the Vince of last season, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he hasn't learned the entire system yet. He is a back up so luckily there's time for that. But as of right now...oof.
    • Tashard Choice was running for his life tonight. Not sure where he stands with Chan, but tonight should have helped his case a tad. Not a fan of choice, but he has outworked Johnny White and probably deserves the third RB spot.

    • And lastly Mr. Fitzpatrick. My justification for him (for better or worse) is that he excels at reading defense, which is something not commonly done in the preseason. Whether that's the case or not, he has to find some sort of rhythm with his receivers. From a basic view of things (without getting too technical) they need to make things more simple. I see to many risky passes that a guy like Fitz can't work with. Weird screen passes into the hart of the opposing defensive line rather than the flat, odd looking post patterns that are often overshot. Oh, and too many batted balls. In review of those plays, they weren't the Offensive line's fault. Fitz needs to improve, no question about that.

    • MVPs: K. Williams, Glenn, Jackson, M. Williams, Hairston, Potter, Moorman.
    • LVPs: Spiller, Young, Fitzpatrick, Gilmore, Aaron Williams (although he was vastly improved from last game), Easley.

  5. Obviously, the players we picked are worse, with the exception of Spiller, but Angerer isn't that good. He's not even close to being in the same league as guys like Gronkowski and Bowman.

    He's a heck of a lot better than Kelvin Sheppard. Regardless, we needed a Mike Linebacker then and we still need one now.

  6. Well the fact of the matter was that Troup and Carrington were projected to go wayyy lower than where we took them. Are the rankings always right? Of course not. But those two guys would have been there two rounds later respectively. The fact that we passed on guys like Gronkowski, Angerer and Navorro Bowman is sickening. Again, no GM is perfect but that's bad.

  7. Troup is on thin ice for sure. Can't stay healthy and even when he is ready to go he hasn't shown much. Carrington may not be much better but at least he can stay on the field. There's obviously no way of Troup beating out Spencer Johnson either so I think he's on his way out. They're not going to keep more than 4 DT's.

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