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Everything posted by bills1960

  1. very disappointed by the secondary thus far. supposed to be one of the strengths of this team.
  2. Calls going one way
  3. Kaepernick seems determined. their D? Not so much.
  4. Conspiracy? No. But unprofessional? Yes. Refs can acknowledge each other's work as much as they want but how about they save the fist bumps for a time that isn't right after a Denver TD?
  5. They'd be lucky to get 1/2 of a seventh round pick for this guy.
  6. How about someone under the age of 65? Cowher was the only one who was, that's why I voted for him. Also is probably the most in touch with the contemporary game but he ain't coming.
  7. Nothing that Woods and Goodwin can't step up and replace.
  8. Marrone can act like Belichick as soon as he wins his fifth AFC title.
  9. In the words of one Brian Wilson, "Got heeeeeeem".
  10. Love every part of hogan's game. Dependable hands, tremendous knack of getting off blocks on special teams.
  11. I'm sorry, but 5/8 of a regular season, last year's preseason, this year's preseason and a full professional off season should be enough to at least look comfortable during practice. I'm not a "Tuel is better than EJ" guy, but c'mon, if he looks shakey in practice that's a serious problem.
  12. Love how people just sit around and wait until they get off topic to rip them apart. I'm no fan either but talking about sports for four hours without getting even the slightest bit off track is not easy, especially when they're on the air five days a week.
  13. Unless they get a first round pick in return (which is a pipe dream) there's no way. They'd be totally contradicting the whole "playoffs or bust" thing.
  14. My thinking is the remaining five that we don't know cant'e be much of a threat to Pegs. If they were as cash flush as Pegula, then Morgan Stanley would not have allowed the JBJ group to rebid because they would have a bidding war already and wouldn't need them. Guessing the rest of the pack is so weak that they needed JBJ to stay and drive the price up.
  15. So as of now Seantrel looks more like a second round pick than Kouandjio
  16. There's no doubt in my mind Pegula buys the team he'll give the same role to Brandon that he's had for years. Pegula is not a football guy, that's known. So why not just leave the team to a guy who's done the best possible job over the last decade or so.
  17. What a freakin' squid this guy is. If he were genuine he would have written nine simple words, "I will not move the team out of Buffalo". Instead he tip topes around it by saying "oh I'll work with the state", leaving the possibility of a move down the road. Next, he won't even answer questions about the letter. It's a joke, really. I will not support this team with him as an owner until the day they break ground for a new stadium in Buffalo, which will never happen under his tenure. I implore you all to do the same (I'm sure I wouldn't be alone on that).
  18. Who cares if the owners don't know Pegula. All the need to know is he prints money and is a model owner of an NHL franchise already.
  19. Probably nothing groundbreaking here, but it sounds to me that Golisano really never had any interest in owning the team other than to save them from moving. He has probably spoken with the Pegula camp, knows how much they're going to front, and pulled out knowing the team is in good hands (hopefully). I'd actually be more concerned if he were still bidding, it might mean that the Toronto threat is more dangerous than we believe.
  20. The idea would be that the team would play in the Alamo dome until a new stadium is ready. the Raiders have one more year left in their lease and the "O.co" sucks.
  21. They're definitely wrong about it being since 1992, but it's sad that we have such a hard time thinking of some.
  22. True, if anything Pegs' been the most cryptic of all groups.
  23. Totally being repetitive here but isn't this a good thing? We've had no concrete evidence that JBJ & co wants to move the team to TOR until now (albeit it was not shocking). If the trust has been instructed not to deal with known relocation agendas, doesn't this now rule them out? Again, I don't think I'm saying anything new here, just asking.
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