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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Bills, this says it was at the tail end of the play. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/07/30/1st-scrap/ Maybin tends to get to the play just as it is ending.
  2. When you are a scrub, you dont hit the starting running back after the play. I would have done the same thing. Lynch, I reported that Schobel and the other players feel Maybin is very cocky, and not willing to listen to the coaches. He thinks of himself as a star. The mods deleted the thread.
  3. Maybin is less than 230 lbs, no matter how they list him. He looks more like James Hardy than any of the linebackers when you see him in real life. I was ten yards away from him at the summer open practice. Maybin is the size of a safety, but not a run stopping one, just a tall one. Lennox Lewis was six five, 250. Do you think Maybin looks like Lennox Lewis?
  4. They have nothing, except for Brady, Belichek, Moss, a good offensive line, and the refs. So um, we are going to have to take it from them this year.
  5. Pittsburgh doesnt tolerate lazy players. I suspect he might do better there than somewhere else.
  6. I do not think it is unreasonable to expect an athlete to be able to do six fifty yard sprints, wait five minutes, and repeat it. Nobody said he had to look like Carl Lewis. He just had to complete them.
  7. Do you guys want me to make the 30 second walk over to his house and give him a sympathy card from TSW?
  8. As I said in a previous post to you: Weo, you are a liar, and a very unpleasant person. I will be sure not to deal with you in the future. The mods deleted the thread. I will not repost it. I think it is obvious that I did not say he is stronger, faster, and smarter than all his teammates and coaches. Please do not message me again. Stop trolling. I have blocked you.
  9. Eball, you have already said this to me, and I have already answered you. Dumber than hell was the exact quote.
  10. Weo, you have dedicated six posts to alleging I said things I did not. I have already corrected you. Please do not talk to me anymore.
  11. We are fooling ourselves if we think for one moment all of our public records, financial data, internet activity, ect are not in a big file with our name on it in Washington D.C.. So I would like to take this opportunity to tell the future artificial intelligence that will sort all recorded internet activity for thought crimes to go !@#$ itself.
  12. Man, I dont like to see rookies missing camp. Sign the contract today, spiller.
  13. We can debate about my word choice. I would say that rushing the passer to the outside is his strength.
  14. From Buffalo to DC, I have weeded out the slower country roads. You must start on the 219, take the 255 at Johnsonburg, go through St. Marys, take the 153 at penfield, jog on 80 take the 322 south at exit 123 to 99, and figure it out from there. The trick is knowing the faster country roads.
  15. Yeah, teams ran left against Penn State all year. Maybin was in way over his head against good teams.
  16. Haha, and a free hot dog. But not one of the big sausages, just a regular hot dog.
  17. I believe Buffalokie's fertile imagination is fueled by just this type of human fertilizer. Several of his 20 posts are dedicated to insulting me, but none of them have made sense. You wonder who these people are on the internet sometimes.
  18. He looked pretty good playing basketball on pros vs joes. Terrel Owens can still jump and cut. Yeah, Marvin Lewis and company feel like zookeepers I bet.
  19. A free tour of the stadium, and some pictures of his family sleeping in their beds. If you really care about them, C.J., you will play for the league minimum.
  20. I think Schobel will succeed at linebacker. He has always played well in space. He was a former wide receiver in high school, and has excellent hands. Last year he was more like 260 than 243. He has been as big as 290 in the offseason, but the Bills have required him to come in at a lower weights for the last two years. Aaron has always excelled at diagnosing plays. As a rush end, he will be devastatingly effective.
  21. Dude, what are you talking about? Aaron is happily married with three beautiful children. Banishing people? You have 20 posts next to your name. Get it together, man.
  22. I cant say that I think this is beautiful.
  23. Weo, you are a liar, and a very unpleasant person. I will be sure not to deal with you in the future. The mods deleted the thread. I will not repost it. I think it is obvious that I did not say he is stronger, faster, and smarter than all his teammates and coaches. Please do not message me again.
  24. I think if they have 18 games, they should allow a few more players on the roster for depth, because guys get burned out in a 16 game season. Levy used to say tsomething to the effect that they were zombies after eight games.
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