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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. I cant believe he said all that about a young guy who made an aggressive mistake. I wouldnt boo anyone who is giving an honest effort. Does he think were a bunch of jerks?
  2. What if a racist also happens to be right about something? Or a saint espouses silly ideas?
  3. Holding up play by unnecessarily inspecting a ball on a turf field during the two minute drill and getting the spot wrong by an entire yard in the process is likely not a mistake. If it is, it is evidence of incompetence of such magnitude that the official should be relieved.
  4. 4th, you are a base liar. I will not consider for a second that you are not able to put that spot within a yard of its proper place. If I am wrong and you have a disability that prevents you from being able to see or understand this issue, please let us know. EDIT: I have now read your posts. I didnt realize that you are a patriots* fan. I am sorry I complimented you by calling you a base liar. However, my praise or condemnation will mean very little to you in the afterlife, where Satan will absentmindedly twist your limbs into grotesque contortions while molten worms devour you from the inside. Only the pitiless dark lord will hear your desperate cries as their echo from the walls of the boiling cauldron that will be your solitary hell for all eternity will mock you.
  5. Let them cover Jackson and the flats. We can now send Reed, Schouman, Nelson and especially Roscoe on slants, button hooks, and short patterns over the middle.
  6. You mean to say that you like the charade? Would you like to add a coherent thought without the childish insults? Should the refs stop the game after every play during the two minute drill ON A TURF FIELD to wipe off the ball, when they had time to exchange it for a new one?
  7. Yeah, not going to happen. Only tasker has a shot. And thats if they take special teams. None of these guys are making me take my Eric Metcalf poster down
  8. Skooby, is that you? (sorry inside joke.) Yeah, that game against the chiefs felt good. You like to get your reserves a chance to play, cause sooner or later youll need them. That aside, welcome to the forum.
  9. Those penalties were clear indications of corruption. I paused the tv and studied them closely. Calling variations of live ball-dead ball fouls (yes, that is a category) incorrectly in absolutely inexcusable and should not be tolerated. Most passing plays in the NFL are run from illegal formations. The tackles are off the line of scrimmage, and the flankers are too close to the line. We cannot have this penalty selectively enforced. I have said officiating in the NFL is corrupt. I studied the film of the first eight games of the bills 2007 season and determined offsides was called incorrectly more than 40% of the time. That is astonishing and unacceptable. Football is the game that I have loved and lived. It has become a betting league. I just cant stand to see it abused.
  10. I think the psychotherapist has it reversed. They are the children, and we are the adults. We have the right attitude, and are doing our job as fans. Like responsible parents this city never wavers, and we patiently accept the errors of our players.
  11. You have to be lined up so that your head is in line with the waist of the center. In other places in the rule book, the line of scrimmage is said to be within 1 yard for players in motion, and not within 1 yard of a player on the line of scrimmage to be considered in the backfield in motion.
  12. Red, isnt the troubling thing about this the fact that he got caught and got off? You can have a cry-in about every crime that happens in America if you like, but I dont have time. You have implied that I dont find rape, violence and drunk driving troubling; I have clearly stated that nobody should be able to get away with them because of who they are, nor should they because they happen often in college parties. That is insulting, unsupported, and untrue.
  13. Lets come right out and say it: corruption is rampant in college and NFL football. Looking at the last few seasons as a whole, there can be no other explanation. Anyone who followed basketball knew there was a problem before Donaghy was caught. I feel the same way about the NFL, and especially college football. I watched Ohio State vs USC last year, and the refs gave USC about 100 yards worth of spots over the day. On some plays, the entire offensive line of USC literally tackled the defender in front of them. This is rehearsed cheating by a team that knows the refs are in their pocket. I havent been excited about the NFL for a few years, because what I see on the field isnt football.
  14. I love his quote from the preseason "I dont know this Channing Crowder"
  15. Who wouldnt nail a drunk freshman behind a bush? I wouldnt (now that I'm older), but lets be honest, a significant proportion of us would. In full disclosure, I have punched people, and used to drive drunk all the time. It is troubling to hear how he got out of all this and probably much, much more because of who he is.
  16. Lynch has gotten better every year he has been in Buffalo. I am a big critic of his, but I will give him and our coaches credit.
  17. I will wear baggy pants because they will better conceal the Benedictine and Brandy that I will pour into a plastic bladder and sneak into the game. Do I sound like a snob? Whatever, I cant get enough of the stuff. I will also rock one of my several Bills pullovers like I do on any Tuesday around OP.
  18. I think having Nelson and Schouman as close split ends and wing backs achieved something similar to what you are talking about. They are in position to block and they have the size to catch passes underneath, and Jackson is a good reciever, all of which will make the defense cheat up. The Patriots chose not to cheat up, so we threw underneath and ran the ball. But as our offense develops, we are going to become more efficient in the passing game and double covering anyone just wont be an option. I will be satisfied when we can finally get the ball to roscoe because they are too worried about covering everyone else.
  19. I remember all of those losses vividly, and the feeling of frustration and ineptitude that came not from us losing in dramatic fashion, but knowing it was coming for the last quarter of the game. That said, the monday night game was the worst. You had to be there. Gut wrenching.
  20. It cant hurt that he is a local.
  21. I didnt notice that, but I would consider that to be a pretty big deal. He does get pouty. He blamed people a few times last year in his interviews. Those illegal procedure penalties were incorrect, and i saw a major double standard as far as holding was concerned.
  22. A few dropped balls and bogus illegal procedure penalties and we would have won. I am upset by the illegal procedure penalties. Calling a dead ball foul is the easiest part of refereeing. It should not be selectively enforced on a bills third down. Tackles routinely line up a yard behind the line of scrimmage in the NFL.
  23. The monday night game in Dallas hurt the worst. That deflated the team for the whole year.
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