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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Man, last seasons loss to san fran was stunningly pathetic, but the last loss to the patriots was even more discouraging. I brought some family members from Europe to the game, and I had to apologize to them for the lack of team spirit and poor performance, and assure them that other American football teams werent so submissive. They agreed that Fred Jackson is the only one who cares on the team.
  2. Thank god we still have Stroud to occupy two of the enemy offensive linemen. He is the best player on our team.
  3. I had an opportunity to spend some time with Jim Brown. I grew up a Cleveland fan, and played football in Ohio, so I was really excited to meet him. He turned out to be one of the most unpleasant people I have ever met. Picture the manners of Mr.T with the thoughtfulness of Rev. Wright and you have Jim Brown. For several hours on end he variously insulted, ordered around, and preached nonsensically to everyone around him in a voice much too loud for the situation. He was in very good shape for his age, and you could understand why he was so good even so many years later.
  4. Well, at least we know we can still do well without Marshawn. I can understand his wanting to get high right after the game, but selling drugs right there wasnt the smartest thing he has ever done. They dont do a good enough job of keeping people separated from cars in some places near the stadium. The cops are the worst offenders. I cant believe they haven't run over a staggering drunk or a kid chasing a football by now.
  5. I dont give a sh_t. I talked to a player in the backyard the other day, and he says he doesnt give a sh_t either. In his words "Its been like this since Losman started." It would be rude of me to say which player.
  6. Word, cotton. Edwards doesnt know where to throw the ball. Orton looked like he had two left arms at Chicago, but tonight he knew where his players were going to be and took what the defense gave him.
  7. We have an undersized defense, but when the other team puts in two tight ends and a fullback on short yardage situations and we play them with our base 4-3 personnel, our coaches have undersized brains.
  8. If we play like the last two weeks, we cant beat anyone in the NFL. The LA Locos might give us a game.
  9. Maybin cant play against the run. We all know he is a linebacker. A very good source with hands on knowledge described him to me as having no bull rush, no moves, no clue, but good speed.
  10. I definitely could fix the bills. I dont have any doubt about it.
  11. I will light a torch and grab a pitchfork if any of you guys know where they live and will join me.
  12. Yeah, he said something dumb, but players are gonna say dumb stuff after a game because they are tired. A former teammate of mine said "They were on our balls all night." live on the local news. He was just too tired to think.
  13. I would take woods from the steelers. He was a QB in college, meaning he is better than Edwards.
  14. Cleveland ran the ball against our base defense with two extra tight ends and a fullback. It isnt any wonder they were at least somewhat successful against us. Considering anderson was 2/17, is it unreasonable to thing that on running downs we might put in extra beef?
  15. I understand from good sources that Maybin isnt much of a teammate, is playing on a very basic level, and doesnt appear to want to learn.
  16. Schottenhiemer. We wouldnt pay him though.
  17. I dont want idiots on my team. This guy is clearly an idiot. I want to "come out, and hit people in the mouf" like singletary said.
  18. I hate it, but what is remarkable is that it looks so similar to the last several coordinators. Should we blame Jauron or the front office? Probably both. For comparison, watch a colts game. You immediately understand the intent of the play that they run. Their routes are crisp, practiced, they dont hesitate to make reads or miss blocks, and their receivers and Manning are on the same page. The thing that really gets me is that they arent doing anything different than the rest of the NFL. They have a stereotypical playbook. Then watch our guys clusterhump all over the field.
  19. You could hire any homeless man on the street as general manager and have a good chance at doing better than ours.
  20. We should petition to fire the entire front office. These anuses would know a football from a dachshund.
  21. I dont wanna see Jauron fired anymore. That would be like fighting a forest fire with only your penis and a full bladder. I want the entire front office fired, and every coach unless they clearly have balls. And dont act like that is not a definable criterion. We dont have any balls.
  22. I dont have any doubt whatsoever that the referees cheat for the Patriots. There is such a mountain of evidence, I wont entertain doubters for one second.
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