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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. I dont read anything Jerry Sullivan says. For the 30th time i have posted this answer, eff Jerry Sullivan.
  2. I think we should to continue to recycle the same coaches in the cynical hope that the fans wont see through it.
  3. For real. Co2, the fourth leading greenhouse gas has increased by .0000000000909 parts of the atmosphere, so we are all going to die unless we found a massive global government that will reduce co2 emissions by impoverishing us. Unless thats just a total load of crap, and we are still stuck with the bill, loss of national sovereignty, and whatever new entities the world government will throw at us. Like a new currency when the dollar tanks.
  4. Buffalo is a loser city. All of it. We are just one depressed, pathetic mass of people, and we always will be. Our players, coaches and managers do not feel they need to do a good job for us. I hate it, but thats how it is.
  5. Why the lack of Fitzpatrick vs Edwards debate? Or doesnt anyone care? Id bring in Jeff George. Why not? He is a good story.
  6. I know he has some really hot girls sit in his seats for the bills games. Too bad I am not rich, smart, good looking, in shape, and in possession of friends and tickets, because I would like to be adored as well.
  7. I am pretty much done with the NFL. The rules have become ridiculous, the penalties randomly enforced, the level of play gets worse every year, the coaches seem identical, the announcers are way over the top, it has become a betting league, the sportswriters constantly spew filth to the masses, it just seems like a big pageant of mediocrity. I love football. I have played it and lived it. I was a wrestler, too, but I pass on WWE or whatever its called. i am almost there with the NFL. I have enjoyed the UFL games more than the NFL games this year, if I am honest. Let me know how you feel, gentlemen.
  8. About time. I almost cant watch anymore while my sport is disrespected this way.
  9. I already have a family and politics for lies. I am now tuning out.
  10. The bills have suffered more injuries than the rest of the NFL in recent years, but our undersized defense is on the field all day long, so who knows.
  11. Field turf isnt any better than astroturf 1.0 or 2.0 or 2.0 with sand and rubber beads. It is too soft and flexey. The best surface is old school astroturf when slightly wet.
  12. I think on the last third and 13 when he stared down Owens vs a corner one on one with a ten yard cushion running a 15 yard dig pattern and didnt throw the ball, it was clear he was not mentally ready to play.
  13. Shanahan was an effective coach, but I never got the feeling he was a complete coach, just a niche guy on offense.
  14. Maybe he was tired of being the ringmaster of the circus that is the bills.
  15. I saw a kid at the penn state game with terelle pryor loves c ock written across his chest. Maybe something like that in reverse?
  16. I love those lil smokies that come prepackaged.
  17. These black holes would not be small enough not to matter. See, you might be in a black hole right now and not know it, although I would have a hard time explaining that. There are so many ways the world can end, each of them equally beautiful. Will be be sucked up by black holes? Will the children of the corn attack? How sweet with the coming nuclear apocalypse be? Will a bioweapon exterminate the human race? I cant wait.
  18. I would sell my soul to bring him in here, if I hadnt already for an embarrassingly trifling reward.
  19. I dont think anyone could mismanage a team as badly as we have by giving it an honest effort.
  20. Shouldnt we sign a new chump every week off someone elses practice squad, give him a quarter, and then go fish again? or sign a blocking tight end or keep our fullback home to block? McIntyre can help us back there if we play him.
  21. Byrncliff is great. The course cannot be beat for anything near the 17 dollars it takes to walk it after 1 pm. They pour the drinks tall and their service is friendly. The food is good, but I havent stayed there.
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