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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Some of them could be rehired. But its hard to interview candidates for a job that someone else is doing.
  2. Excellent point. Considering the unstable future of this franchise, you would be crazy to take a job here. Unless you liked building a team and had faith in Nix.
  3. Aarons family is a major consideration. He has three kids who split the school year between here and Texas, and a lot of close family down south. EDIT: Look guys, I know him and he is retiring.
  4. No doubt about it, everyone there was fired up today. Our fans love our team and our city, that much was clear. My cheeks are still red.
  5. I just want anyone who was associated in any way with the Maybin pick to be run out of town.
  6. If we cut KelsayDenney (as a player i know refers to them,) it would at least signal we are not going to settle for mediocrity. Why arent we at least giving a young guy a shot at defensive end, excepting maybin, who is playing to cover up the front offices mistake?
  7. Agreed. Player development used to be how dynasties were made. It is what made Pittsburgh great.
  8. I am perfectly serious. If thats what you saw and what you think, I wont waste any more words on you. Have a great time with your opinion. I mean, after all, this is an online BS forum.
  9. I will not entertain the thought for one second that many poor NFL calls are made in good faith. It isnt hard to pay or intimidate someone in this world, and we know this is a betting league. Considering the outrageousness of some of the calls, I cannot doubt that this is being done with the blessing of the NFL. I watched the first eight games of last year in slow motion. Offside violations were called incorrectly 40% of the time. I do not accept that a referee, or any able bodied person, is that incompetent.
  10. There is no way Vince sells more ShamWows than Billy Mays.
  11. Let us now ponder why we didnt resign him, considering we paid his replacement about the same amount. I will start by speculating that SKOOBY is in fact Russ Brandon. Should I even have gone here? Whatever, none of our Bills are making me take my Eric Metcalf poster down.
  12. Brandon has no idea what he is doing. At last sundays game, 50,000 people were so cold they would have given their eyeteeth for a nice, warm, fashionable and reasonably priced Bills fleece, nevermind a down parka that costs ten dollars wholesale from China. Or at least a cup of cocoa they wouldnt have to miss half the game to get. After the game, there are no vendors to catch the thousands of cold, hungry, and thirsty people on their way out. How many of those fans wouldnt have paid ten dollars for a beer and a brat, nevermind a warm place to consume them?
  13. At this point, whats the difference? The team sucks; that is a given. What bothers me is that the whole NFL are just a bunch of clowns anymore. I am very close to being done with it.
  14. Why dont we make him a fullback? And no, I am not kidding. You dont think he could go in motion and wham block a defensive end?
  15. San Jose, I honestly dont remember if it is a plane rule or not. I guess it is if I think about it. For about the last hundred years they have given the player two yards. This year the NFL said the penalty was going to be called more closely. Normally, the foot coming down is what is considered offsides. When the referees do not understand the spirit of the game, the rules must be very precisely written. When they are very precisely written, they are often hard to interpret. Kickers often stutter step and it is difficult to get in lockstep with them, to refs have always let a little bit of offsides go. it is more important on an onside kick, but it was still a ticky tack foul that didnt belong considering the importance of the play.
  16. Give him a line to keep their guards off of him and he is a poor mans Urlacher. Give me a line and I am still a poor man, only happier.
  17. If maybin gets stronger, he will be strong enough to play linebacker. Right now, he is a man among boys. Absolutely, thoner, he wasnt any good in college. I dont even think anyone thought he was that good in college. In fact, I wonder if Maybin was even taken in good faith. Maybin will need 30 lbs, a brain transplant, and a couple years worth of experience before he is any good. I understand from a very, very good source his attitude is poor. You pick these things up around town.
  18. I think that offsides call was the was incorrect. I dont think his foot came down before the ball was touched, and referees have always given a one yeard cushion, usually a two. I believe that one yard cushion is even in the college rule book.
  19. I must be watching australian rules football. Did anyone else notice the play in the third quarter where Eli Manning sets his players, then proceeds to walk around when a man is in motion, at which time the fullback and tailback also come up out of their stance? Werent they there on the first day of pop warner football when the coach told the ten year olds how to hike the ball? Throughout that entire series their tackles were two yards behind the line of scrimmage. And how did all 70,000 people see haynesworth and brandon jacobs throw punches, but not one of the seven refs saw fit to eject them? The sooner technology can replace referees the better. Alternatively, I would settle for any drunk off the street. Beyond that, can we all agree that if Incognito blinks on the field he gets a holding penalty? And that if the Patriots go out for a pass they get an interference call and a reach around after the game?
  20. I dont even recognize this as football. After each play, the players flail their arms at each other in an odd and uncoordinated manner and bob their heads. Either hit the other guy or go back to your huddle. Dont talk about it. #94 wound up and put an elbow into #68 from Tennessee right in front of the ref, and didnt get ejected for it. None of the other six referees ejected him. His coach didnt sit him down. I would rather watch the WWF. These players couldnt tackle their male sex dolls, even if they were degreased and they pulled the needles out of their arms to make sure it didnt pop. Dog: yeah VY can be deadly, especially if you use him right. Terelle Pryor isnt any dumber than VY was in college, and he is even bigger Its a great game if you like effort and a close game. Its not a good game if you like to see good football.
  21. The worst injury I have ever seen was in the early nineties, when the raiders fullback had his leg pop out of his hip socket and turn around. I dont remember the guys name. He played with Napoleon Kaufman.
  22. Ive been saying we should cut lynch since before he played his first regular season game. He is a physical back with the brain of a cockroach.
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