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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. That was pretty funny. I dont want players to just squat. I want them pushing cars down the road for intervals. I want them duck walking while they overhead press. This Jauron thing of players being responsible for being in shape is hogwash. Football isnt an individual sport.
  2. I have a Ben Roethlisberger, pumpkin pie haircut. That is because I dont care what people think.
  3. He owned up to being phlankton stupid. Its a start. A season of a thousand yards begins by standing on the ten yard line and not taking a single step backwards.
  4. I think Whitners squat is about in line for a 200 pound man. CMjoyce seems to have an exceptional squat for his weight. I was a football player and track athlete in college. I would say most of the sprinters with a physique similar to whitners had similar numbers. Allow me to be the fiftieth player to register his disgust at the lack of squatting going on. I broke the triple jump record at my college, and I could jump down a flight of stairs and not get hurt. Without heavy lifts and plyometrics, I could not have gotten there. I could not have done it with machines. After reading about the lack of squatting, I'm seriously pissed off.
  5. I hope we become the team that nobody wants to play, like the Steelers or Ravens. You think Ray Lewis hasnt done squats since college? I was disgusted when I read that. I do squats, deadlifts, and power cleans and im just some schmo who likes to be in shape. I dont have televisions, a weight room and coaches. I have a dark basement and some weights I bought second hand.
  6. Schobel bull rushed him and put him on his butt three times in a row during the last monday night game against dallas. I'm still bitter about that game
  7. Hardy drops balls and just doesnt look like he knows what he is doing out there. I have seen enough of hardy to know he isnt any good.
  8. When will it be back? I cant believe I didnt know about this. Now I am mad I missed it.
  9. My ps3 is bricked, and im glad. i spent too much time on that thing.
  10. We had a teacher like that in my school. I felt bad for her because too many people knew and she was going to get caught. She was young, dumb, immature, and would buy us beer.
  11. You guys are from Erie? I grew up in Edinboro, and went to prep.
  12. I am just saying he likely isnt an addict, and it isnt the end of the world.
  13. I just dug out a stump, and I sure wish I had some pain killers. Vicodin arent for addicts. There is too much tylenol in them. Addicts go for oxycontin. He was probably using them to get through workouts. I dont see this as a huge deal. I used to work in a forge, and there were a lot of guys working their butts off and taking pain pills to get through the day. I cant say I blame them.
  14. The super bowl shouldn't favor southern teams so much.
  15. Wasnt Jackson an emergency QB? I dont care which turd they favor. I am not expecting much.
  16. I second the idiot notion. Although I dont really want to call him an idiot. But what he said was idiotic.
  17. This is a tough decision, because although an incentive exists for cooperation, it is hard to prove they would be cooperating instead on pursuing their individual interests if they had the chance to.
  18. I would have cut hardy long ago.
  19. There seems to be an echo in here.
  20. Which player will unexpectedly make the roster and get onto the field?
  21. I cant believe I made it out of my youth without getting arrested or killed. I was a polite kid, and went to college and all, but I wasnt in control of myself. I dont think I can say if I had millions of dollars that I wouldnt always have been in the papers for something stupid. I dont think he is necessarily the worst guy, but he isnt the smartest, and he is straight from the hood. BEEF MOE!!
  22. I hope an intangible will be player development. Signing young guys to long contracts and building through the draft makes dynasties.
  23. Two girls, one cup. My mother and sister are fighting over who gets the bills mug.
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