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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. I got a lap dance from a stripper named Dakota, but I dont know if her first name was north or south, or if she just meant both.
  2. Its cool. I mean, whatever. I once got smashed on a bunch of drugs and drove my car through a youth soccer practice. So this isnt that big of a deal.
  3. I think I was more implying that Donte trying to shine up Troupes helmet isnt very bad. You may have a point, however, because I have banged a 15 year old prostitute, and I didnt think it was that wrong, so it is possible that my moral threshold is lower than some. However, we might be able to agree that I was using overstatement to frame his offense as something non-venal. Red: I meant he would get flamed by the posters on this site, as in made fun of. I think we might see the Lions in the Super Bowl next winter.
  4. He is gonna get flamed for this one, but man, whatever. Donte says dumb stuff sometimes, but I was robbed by the 14 year old runaway I took in, so it could be worse. Oh no! A football player who is a little verbose! At least he didnt have sex with his sister, like Tony Washington.
  5. Have a panel sewn in, and then letter it? It might not look awful.
  6. I want to see wood come in the 2 hole from the backdoor and explode on someone. Realistically, he may not be in shape like he would have been if he was healthy when the season starts.
  7. I believe you have just provided an example of how a discussion devolves into a downward spiral of stupidity and negativity. Please try to raise the level of discourse.
  8. I dont know what I said that was immature. I am excited to see him play center, and I like trap plays. But for the record: I am the rubber and you are the glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
  9. Honestly, I dont really see any difference between him and a real cop.
  10. Its good to see wood back and sticking it between the legs. I'm thinking we are going to go up the middle from behind with Wood all year. I can see us getting double penetration on a trap play with Wood and Wang.
  11. Yeah, every college grad in western new york has vacated the premises.
  12. He is a liability. He is completely fooled by every single reverse or draw. I watch film on the bills and while Schobel is never fooled, Kelsay is fooled by offensive trickery 90% if the time. He gets off blocks well against the run, and is tall. Maybin has no chance. We should admit we screwed up and get rid of them both in the most financially responsible way. We all knew Losman was never going to develop. We all know Maybin sucks. Why cant the front office admit it?
  13. I agree completely. Maybin and Kelsay dont belong in the NFL. Our defense is not fine. No matter how well we prepare, there is going to be clusterhumping going on out there for the first half of the year, at least. I think the defense is fine in comparison to the offense. We dont have anyone as bad as Kirk Chambers on the defense.
  14. Every year I hope a couple of these type of guys steps up big. With his explosiveness, he is definitely worth a look. His numbers are awesome: 42.5 inch vertical, 4.43 40, and a broad jump of ten feet nine inches. I was a triple jumper in college, and I can assure you there are plenty of guys that can jump at least a foot further than the best NFL player every year.
  15. Maybe soon we will have a functioning offense, complete with a different blocking scheme than zone blocking every once in a while. We could even conceivably have a standard offense with wr screens, tight end screens, middle screens, playaction, draws, counters, trap plays, fullback leads, you know, regular football plays that any anus that has ever played a football video game understands.
  16. At this point, I would put pads on Ralph Wilson before I let Lynch take the field. Maybe he can play in the UFL.
  17. It depends on your personnel. Some teams use the weak side olb as a rush end, especially those with three larger linemen, a big olb, and three smaller, quicker inside linebackers. Jason Taylor fit that role. When the steelers had 270 lb middle linebackers, they let the outside linebackers back off more and had the defensive ends rush to the outside, while the MLBs stunted. More to your question, I have no idea how we can hide Kelsay out there, unless we rush him every down. He is slow, useless in space, and doesnt diagnose plays well. He is a good tackler, tall and takes on blocks fairly well. So in other words, he should be a left defensive end in a 4-3. I predict he doesnt last long as the starter.
  18. At least we wont see the stretch play to the right side 60% of the time we run the ball.
  19. Caddyshack: I think this club is restricted wang, so dont tell em youre jewish.
  20. Honestly I find it has a majorly adverse effect on my driving skills.
  21. I understand what you are saying. Well put. But my answer is that I would not have made the stupid mistakes Roscoe did under any circumstance.
  22. The whole point of having different plays is that one play sets up another. A pass sets up a draw, a trap sets up a lead block., a sweep sets up a counter, going deep sets up playaction, ect, ect.
  23. Over the next two years, player development will make or break this franchise.
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