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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Code, I agree, Brohm did look good. He had a quick release.
  2. Everyone likes their own brand, and I really dig my homebrew. I bought the Tripel style kit from Brewferm company. For 17 dollars I made three gallons of beer that tasted very similar to Chimay tripel, which costs seven bucks a liter. I bought a bucket from lowes with an airlock and put it in a garbage pail with another bucket that I heated to the desired temperature. After a week, I bottled. Six months later, I had 9% rocket fuel that everyone loved. I have made several batches of light ales since. Homebrewing really is the way to go. I also like Ellicott blueberry wheat with 1.5oz of schweppes green tea ginger ale and a shot of brandy/cognac/armagnac. It gets the girls bombed. They have no idea the fruity, spicy, delicous drink in their hand is 11% alcohol.
  3. I am not a brain surgifierist, but why cant we line roscoe up as a wing behind Nelson, have Nelson run a seam and Roscoe run a ten yard comeback?
  4. He is uncoverable. Jauron couldnt use him. I have made many longwinded posts upon the subject, but we have to get him the ball. There are ways to do it, and Jauron didnt try them. Roscoe was working short patterns on the inside today, while the bigger guys ran off the defensive backs. He ran comeback routes and outs and was able to find plenty of space against what was an admittedly confused 3-4. Gailey tended to have the receivers running deep to the outside, and the tight ends and backs running drags and outs underneath. Today he was the best player on the field. The quarterbacks looked to him first.
  5. Big booty hos! 2 live crew still gets it done for me.
  6. I just had a Weyland Estate Zin. You know the meaning of the term juicy applied to wine when you drink it. A pleasant surprise. You are a lucky man, Pilsner. There is a ton to learn. I can recommend Karen McNeils Wine Bible. Endzone, try a soup ladle with the handle bent up. I like a good half and half of guinnes and smithicks. So far as stouts are concerned, Great Lakes makes a good imperial, and I like Wolavers. Weyerbackers Blithering idiot is good. Everything Weyerbacker is good.
  7. From caddyshack: Hey wang, this place is restricted, so dont tell em youre Jewish.
  8. What I meant was I want to see wood block down from the center position in a stretch play and hit the defensive tackle who is trying to pursue the play. I dont know why you guys keep accusing me of making jokes. Youre right, ajzepp, this has to end. I saw wood doing the one hand shuttle today. The linemen had to go around the pads on the ground staying low enough to touch the ground. He did a good tug job against Johnson today and sent him sprawling to the turf. Wood had his helmet shined up and was ready to go.
  9. Eye of the hawk, good stuff. I like an old rasputin imperial stout. I just had southern tiers double IPA. Just what you might expect. Southern Tiers is just like the single IPA in flavor. It takes a while to drink, and has a long finish. The hop flavor is strong and bitter, but instead of being citrusey or fruity it comes off as strawberries and flowers. It is not overly sweet. I like that they have not bent to the california style of IPA. I would recommend it. I would say my favorite beer is stoudts tripel style. So far as booze is concerned, I like a benedictine and armagnac.
  10. Chad Simpson looked agile today. I think we dont suffer too much if a third running back seems competent. Corey Mcintyre can carry the ball. I would like to see Rodney Fergusen get some carries in preseason.
  11. I just got back I saw the linemen going through drills 15 yards away. Maybin is not 250 lbs. If Batten is 250, Maybin is 230. He looks very defined, very lean. Maybin looked fast and agile, but he runs and plays with a high center of gravity. He will be a good open field tackler. Batten looks the part, with a physique like Schobel. Dwan Edwards isnt the body beautiful. Stroud has lost weight. He looked rangey and much skinnier. He still looks like a football player. Antonio Coleman did some work with the linemen, and some with the linebackers. He looks strong. Roscoe looked much more explosive than Spiller, or Chad Simpson on kick returns. Spiller looked smooth. Roscoe was open all day. He looked like a star. He is the fastest and most agile Bill and he looked very professional. He was having a lot of fun out there, and his positive attitude was infectious. The crowd cheered for him above everyone else. All of the tight ends looked to be competent receivers. They are all relatively mobile and big targets. Nelson looked big, but not agile. Joquie Bell looked agile, as did Simpson. More so than in college. Spiller was used as a receiver and was in motion all over the field. He looks like a scatback, about the same physique as the cornerbacks. Youboty looked bored. Hardy looked like he has his head in the game. He looked stronger, but still a little awkward. Easley was listed at 220, but he looked closer to 200. He looked sharp, and didnt drop a ball. I only saw one ball hit the ground, a silly drop by felton huggins. Huggins looked good, otherwise. He is quick and a good route runner. Naaman Roosevelt displayed good hands and made the most difficult catches of the day. Ellison is far and away the smallest linebacker. All of the safeties looked competent and athletic. Brett Johnson looked athletic. The backup corners looked like they were having a tougher time, but they had their heads in the game. The routes were simple and predictable. Edwards ate the ball a few times instead of making a risky throw. Come on trent, its just practice, throw the ball! Jon Corto is 5'11", not 6'1". Cris Ellis has gained weight. Rashaad Duncan has a big ole booty. Our defensive ends are big guys. They look like linemen. Kyle Williams looked short and powerful, with a thick lower body. Spencer Johnson looked agile. He could be a good fit at end. Chris Kelsay is suddenly intimidating as a linebacker. He looks ripped. They had him close to the the line of scrimmage all day. He was very badly burned on a long bomb to Roscoe Parrish. Talk about a mismatch. Kelsay was all effort today. Andra Davis appeared comfortable in coverage. Levi Brown couldnt hit stationary targets from 15 yards away most of the time. His body english was negative. Brohm and Fitz have a quicker release than Edwards. The level of effort today was not very high. The point of this practice was to learn, not perform. Most bills appeared to have their brains functioning and were paying attention. The defense would have stopped the offense the majority of the time. Lindell put the ball deeper into the end zone than during most games.
  12. I dont think Tony Washington fits on our cockblocker line, he is sort of against that concept. Yes, I have had sex for drugs with a 15 year old girl. So effing what?
  13. Dude, do you realize you can delete the post, rather than get totally flamed over this?
  14. I stopped watching tv about 9 months ago. Best decision I ever made.
  15. We dont have any returning above average starters on the offensive line, a number two receiver, and we need four decent OLBs, none of which we know we can depend on yet.
  16. Youd think this cbiscuit guy would have the class not to insult him again after the guy apologizes. For real, transient, its not like he said we are all semen-addicted nancy boys. He just said our town was dead.
  17. His physique would be great as a safety, although, he has added weight this year.
  18. C Biscuit, please read my posts more carefully in the future. I said that last year he lacked strength, and he would have done better with 40 extra pounds. He was the size of a big safety last year. That actually is not my opinion, but that of Aaron Schobel, who lives next door to me. You will also remember that he and his coaches agreed he had to add strength. Nothing controversial here. You will notice that I did not mention this year. You presented a counter argument to one I did not make. Jason Taylor is taller and heavier than Maybin. Allow me to suggest that I am not the one who does not know what he is talking about.
  19. That is fair. Maybin might do a lot better 15 lbs heavier at his new position. Last year I thought he had the strength to play safety, this year he might have the strength to play linebacker. He is a good tackler. His Penn State pedigree shows there. I understand from some very reliable sources that last year he thought of himself as a star, and had a very poor attitude, especially with some of the older players. I hope this year he comes in with a different attitude.
  20. They listed him at 236 until recently, and you know how football ratings add ten pounds or so. Last year he lacked strength.
  21. He needed to gain 40 lbs. I dont think he lacks talent, but putting a safety sized guy at defensive end didnt work for us last year.
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