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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. I feel strongly that NFL games are manipulated by referees. I will not go so far as to say by players. Refereeing has been so indefensible for so long that I do not believe these calls are being made in good faith.
  2. Is it an African or a European swallow?
  3. Thats effing gay. I would never have a smirnoff ice on my person under any circumstance. I would never want anyone to drink a smirnoff ice, or buy one.
  4. Next think you know kids will be able to play dodgeball again.
  5. I am thinking of calling the refreshment duo myself.
  6. I thought you said ass licking panel, because on a keyboard the l is next to the k.
  7. ..lybob, I really feel bad for you, and I am not saying that to be mean. I have a degree in economics, and I am a little but of effort away from an mba in finance. I am older than most students would be. You are clearly a bright and insightful person, but some of your responses read like a punch line for students in an Econ class. My advice would be that this is a subject you should leave alone. Your arguments are so exasperating I do not think I could attempt to address them. I hope we can talk about some other topic in this forum, because you seem like an interesting person.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurling I was a little skeptical at first, but after watching a couple hurling matches, I can say that this is an exciting sport with skilled players. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM-kB1e96CA
  9. I think we can speculate the guy has some form of dementia.
  10. Freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, winners are losers.
  11. It is possible, if unlikely, that someone else killed Nicole.
  12. He wanted to fly in and play, then fly out again. I dont think he expected his terms to be taken seriously. I think he wanted to be traded. I heard from a reliable source he wanted the Bills to fly him in for practices and games, obviously not going to happen.
  13. Prostitution should be legal. I am not saying I am in favor of it.
  14. Schobel is as smart as any player on the field. I dont doubt that his physical abilities are up to par for the top players at his position. I say yes, he really is (was) that good. I honestly think that doubting his abilities and relative value in the league means you cant tell a football from a daschund.
  15. Why is it that I dislike you so much? Mob, my apologies, it is mpl6876 that I dislike. Its not personal, it is just that as a poster on here, I dont like him.
  16. No, she was buying the drugs from me for sex.
  17. I do feel that Maple is a bit of a negative sophist. But whatever.
  18. This story sounds like complete BS, but I have heard that Roethlisberger does behave in a way that could get him in a lot of trouble from people who have partied with him.
  19. Ready, down, hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut
  20. I certainly dont have a very high opinion of Pete Carrol.
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