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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. What we need are more awesomely risky and very easily manipulatable investments that are driven by insider knowledge. Then we can put a team of former movie executives on the panel to oversee it to ensure its corruption.
  2. I voted Brohm, because there was no None of the Above option.
  3. Every single day, several times a day, I think about how badly I hate the Patriots*. I will be out for a walk, and see a fresh, steaming pile of dog****, and then it all comes back. I hate Teddy "Bruised Knees" Bruschi, Tom "Ladyboy" Brady, every one of those sniveling trashbags, with the exception of Sam Aiken. I dont like Kraft foods, I dont even like arts and crafts anymore. I really hate Bob Kraft. I hate Viacom and the Federal Reserve. A special Hell is reserved for people like him. I hope he is forever violated by worms of molten metal.
  4. Absolutely, Dean. If you cant find something to do at a party, or you are at a party of people too timid to get a good buzz on, then you might want to find some people who can get down and stay down. I dont need an excuse to party, I just go talk to people, light things on fire, whatever. Whatever, you know? If people need a silly game to socialize, then thats ok for them I guess. What bothers me about icing is that it is willful stupidity without any redeeming value. There is no punch line. It reeks of conformity and mass culture.
  5. I see a halfback/H-back/near slot, wing back, whaddyacallit position being filled by Jackson, Schouman, Parrish, and Spiller, depending on the play, and not in that order. I think Florence will be our starter at cb.
  6. Your mother turns tricks at the truck stop to feed her semen addiction, Rex. Look, ts not personal, but since youre a classless Jets fan, I know it is true. I wonder why they parted with washington. I am not exactly shaking in my boots about the prospect of playing against ladainian tomlinson or jayson taylor, either.
  7. Are they that loaded at WR? None of those guys are young.
  8. At least you know where you can improve. Making fun of you would sort of violate the spirit of your public admission. I dont know about you guys, I never need an excuse to drink, other than beer being delicious.
  9. I listened to it. You got engaged at a Bills game? Congrats, friend. Tim Howard had a pain shot at halftime? What a wimp. My great grandmother used to make suet pudding, and it was delicious.
  10. I saw a guy at a bar in Orchard Park wearing a Jets hat, so I walked up to him and asked him if he was trying to advertise his homosexuality or if he was in town for the holiday or something. He said he wasnt gay, and that he was visiting his in-laws. He seemed like a nice guy, so I told him I was sorry he grew up with such a classless team. At least it wasnt a Patriots hat. Every time I see a sicko wearing one of those I want to slug him.
  11. That icing stuff is so gay. I wont drink a Smirnoff ice, and I would never make anyone. You just have to take the high road, instead of giving that awful swill recognition.
  12. I think the fans should be furnished with multiple complete brass sections and megaphones, but I do like the spirit, if not the letter of your rules. Offsides is a potential tool for a corrupt referee, and often negates game winning goals. I dunno if im with you on rule number 4, as teams could just pas back and forth and stall in their own zone.
  13. There are lots of angles to this. I could go on about interest rates, corruption, whatever. Screw em all. I dont want government.
  14. The diving still turns me off to soccer. I used to play club teams when it wasnt football season, so its not like I dont understand the game.
  15. It isnt hard to coerce a ref into giving you one or two bad calls per game. You find out where he lives, take a picture of his wife in the bathtub, give him a gentle reminder at the supermarket, follow him home, etc. I know a bookie. I have seen just a little of the mafia in action. I have no doubt that they are manipulating NFL games. It makes sense.
  16. There is nothing but trouble for me when I go to a strip club, nevermind an NFL player.
  17. He was eaten alive by Ohio State last year. He looked scared. He also looked like he had an understanding of when players would be open and could deliver the ball quickly. In the one practice that I saw at the stadium, when he was rushed his accuracy was awesomely bad. He panicked and missed his target by whole yards several times. He is a little bit awkward and is not really a physical specimen. Coming into camp can be intimidating, especially socially. I dont think I have enough information to say how he might do. I am not really optimistic based on the little bit that I do know. EDIT: Sept 20, 2008. It seems I was wrong and it was Jamie Hampton I remember being abused. Regardless of my apparent memory lapse I watched other games of his and some film on Brown this spring and was not blown away, but I didnt doubt he was one of the better qbs coming out this year. He at least looked good in his bowl game against southern miss, which I am sure I saw:)
  18. All of my high school qbs looked awesome in 7 on 7 drills. They were accurate and made all the throws. Maybe they can all start over Edwards.
  19. Do any conspiracy theory flags go up in anyones mind here? The ole war for oil bit?
  21. If youre a recognizable NFL player and you go to a strip club, youre a target for trouble, and a dumbshit.
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