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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. No, she looked like she just stepped out of a Camaro in the eighties. Frosted jeans, garish heels, she looked like Peggy in Married With Children. I got the impression that she was a very nice person, actually, and pretty smart too.
  2. I know Aaron personally, and although I agree that he is a headcase, comparing him to Lynch really is insulting and untrue. He really is a good guy and a family man.
  3. Blaxploitation, baby. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTIklFsMjjU Any thoughts on the social implications of this film?
  4. If I was Chan Gailey, and I had to take a dump as badly as I do right now, I would go.
  5. I witnessed Hargrove and his white hoochie girlfriend play hide and seek in Circuit City once. They are both really nice people, actually.
  6. Everybody knew what the Bills were going to do last year. I'm a moron who isnt often sober, and I knew.
  7. I predict you will fall in love all over again.
  8. Lynch does what he wants, because he thinks he is Dolemite.
  9. I like squash. If you dont, youre probably a pervert.
  10. They shouldnt have won as many games as they did last year, but of course they did and could do it again.
  11. Greece and Nigeria was a good game to watch. Greece had ideas.
  12. Dude, theres a blue light special in aisle four. Go there. Sorry, im half drunk. What you said seems so, assuming none of our other NTs do well.
  13. Newsbot is now being ignored by me for not being a real bills fan.
  14. Nobody reads LaRouche. I dont have to to know that government is full of pricks.
  15. I wonder if the entire murder, arrest, trial, and media circus werent set up.
  16. Damn did Fletcher put Haynesworth in his place. As of right now, I am holding out from posting on this board unless I am better compensated
  17. Logical reasoning, you better check yoself before you wreck yoself, foo.
  18. Bob, I would say that economic theory really does not have branches that are filled by sane people practicing their craft in good faith. A Marxist economist is not an economist, he is a marxist. A political economist is a politician. All economists would strongly disagree with some of your assertions. The view of economists on rent control, for example, is universal. You arent going to win this argument because you honestly dont know what you are talking about. I cringe when I read what you wrote. I am not calling you dumb, but economics just isnt your thing.
  19. Whatever happened to the good, old fashioned, "sniff this line of oxycontin and coke, take a bong hit, and make yourself a cocktail or else youre just effing lame" type of peer pressure? Hoes icing Hoes is next. Just like before the rap group N.W.A. there was H.W.A, Hoes Wit Attitude
  20. You would want to use the tin foil hat as a ground in a two-wire antenna, one of the wires being the ground, to reduce noise. A large antenna is more directionally sensitive, and will reduce bleed over.
  21. To point out yet another among thousands of ways that they are all criminals is almost superfluous, except that some people still believe they mean well underneath it all.
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