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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. You either need to learn the law or stop insulting people who dont share your point of view. I dont smoke pot.
  2. I posted a well-defended point of view, and you guys responded by calling me names.
  3. I like law and order. I like it so much that I think our government should have to follow the laws it made. For what it is worth, I cannot legally live in Mexico.
  4. Thank you for adding your completely anonymous opinion upon the subject of my nonexistent credibility and anonymous internet toughness. If there is any other topic less meaningful upon which which you could opine, I would be interested. Perhaps we may converse about unicorns some other time. You have failed to point out the obvious to me. The officer was arresting her for jaywalking. He wasnt going to cuff her for that, but he was arresting her. He was not acting in a lawful manner even if you assume our government is legitimate, which it isnt. I didnt sign the constitution. He was not acting in a legal manner because he has no legal standing to arrest you for jaywalking. he is a representative of the government. She did not hurt the government by jaywalking. You are wrong that it is possible to fight this in court. Once you enter a plea, you give the court the legal standing to decide your guilt or innocence. Without it, they do not have that legal standing if you do not consent to trial, because there is no defendant. The cop is not a defendant.
  5. Keep worshipping your statist pig masters. Do you think you are going to get me to conform because of your post?
  6. Police have no legal standing to arrest you for speeding or jaywalking. Firstly, the supreme court found a legal right to travel in the constitution. Secondly, since no person can claim you damaged then in any way, a jury cannot convict you. The police officer supports the legal fiction of the government, not a person. Police pull you over for revenue. Government doesnt give a crap if you jaywalk or not. They just want a reason to have a law and enforce it. Thats how they get paid. Thats how the huge legal and prison system exists. Not for you, for itself. Stupid pigs, stupid laws, and stupid government makes people want to flaunt the rules and act out in any way they can. This black girl thought she was being brave by taking on the annoying and oppressive system we live in, first by sauntering across the road in the way that people always do in the ghetto, and secondly by disrespecting the cop. I disrespect cops every chance I get. You cant make people better by hurting them.
  7. Police have no legal standing to arrest you for speeding or jaywalking. Firstly, the supreme court found a legal right to travel in the constitution. Secondly, since no person can claim you damaged them in any way, a jury cannot convict you. The police officer supports the legal fiction of the government, not a person. Therefore, if you enter no plea, and do not consent to trial, the court has no power over you. Police pull you over for revenue. Government doesnt give a crap if you jaywalk or not. They just want a reason to have a law and enforce it. Thats how they get paid. Stupid pigs, stupid laws, and stupid government makes people want to flaunt the rules and act out in any way they can. This black girl in the other thread thought she was being brave by taking on the annoying and oppressive system we live in, first by sauntering across the road in the way that people always do in the ghetto, and secondly by disrespecting the cop. You cant make people better by hurting them. I'm not Abbie Hoffman or any other type of hippie, I just dont happen to have Stockholm syndrome with my government like the rest of you statist pigs.
  8. The system is supported by guns, not its own merit. It will only die when it no longer serves the rich and powerful people it now serves well. What you may call revolution I would call sovereignty. I didnt sign the constitution. Nobody did. They only witnessed its creation. I want private, voluntary government.
  9. When anyone uses the word collective with a straight face bad things happen. There is pressure to form a cartel of political and economic pressure, but also pressure to break a cartel. When a cartel as big as a world governmental collective breaks, watch out.
  10. We should all just block this mpl6876 troll. I suspect our answer to eight guys in the box will be to get them a little further away from the box. With Schouman, Spiller, Nelson, and Jackson all being very flexible players, we may see them motioning out or attacking the perimeter of the defense to spread them laterally as well as deep.
  11. We need a tight end who can block. I dont know who we will keep. I was impressed with Stupar in preseason, but in the games he didnt seem like he quite knew what to do, which is understandable, considering he wasnt on the gameday roster most of the year. The best blocking tight end we have had here lately is Gaines. We should have kept Peters at tight end.
  12. The mods did that, not me.
  13. I wanted to take the train to Skaville, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rf69KPPcumI but the soul train was late so I had go on the night boat to cairo because the orange blossom special http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkKuhOkg1sI took too long and the Crazy Train http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MLp7YNTznE...feature=related wasnt available. At that point it occured to me there are a lot of good songs about trains. Can anyone help me out and supply me with some?
  14. The Fourth Riech will be, and we will be a part of it. I couldnt read that article.
  15. No, I what I said was Junior Air Farce, with an a. Yes, it was a gratuitous cheapshot. I meant to be a nice guy, i just failed. She aint nuthing but a hoochie mama:
  16. I love Married With Children. Its also good to know we have the junior air farce defending the honor of tackily dressed women everywhere. You might think from your response that I accused her of licking the floor of a Kolkata bus station and liking it. I think you are being very silly.
  17. In Mormonism, as in Baal worship, ancient mythology, and freemasonry, some sins must be atoned for with blood that spills upon the ground.
  18. Oh, yeah. I like athletic girls. I mean, I'd get down with the mona lisa, the statue of liberty, rupaul, the hogettes, yeah.
  19. The people who care about who wins enough to threaten and manipulate are mafia types who bet on the outcome of the game, not nation states.
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