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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Eff government taxing anything, and leave the Indians alone.
  2. Northern Alaska is a wasteland. Rape it of oil.
  3. Link please? I am speechless. I want to say something right now, but I cant.
  4. Every fascist promises liberty through war and state power. Lincoln was an effective propagandist: "You will take possession by military force, of the printing establishments of the New York World and Journal of Commerce... and prohibit any further publication thereof... you are therefore commanded forthwith to arrest and imprison... the editors, proprietors and publishers of the aforesaid newspapers" Order from Abraham Lincoln to General John Dix, May 18, 1864
  5. Lincoln threw thousands of people who did nothing more than verbally disagree with him in jail, among many, many other offenses. I see him as comparable to Mussolini. He was a terrible person and a national disgrace. The sooner we admit that we are a nation of exploited, hero worshiping fools the better. OC, I am aware of what happened in the civil war. When Obama tells us he is like Lincoln, he is telling us he is a fascist.
  6. Two taxpayer funded, ACORN-style housing groups have baselessly libeled the Orchard Park Town Board as racist for exercising their zoning prerogative to reject a subsidized public housing senior citizen's home on land zoned for industry. People, Inc. and H.O.M.E. are community organizing and advocate groups that exist to find discrimination and violations of housing law. It is in their interest to do so, because they then get paid by the state and federal government to sue, in court settlements and in taxpayer money to provide a solution, or get some of their advocates hired by those whom they accuse to keep the issue quiet. They may also provide some legitimate service, although it is never voluntary. Upon its own investigations, H.O.M.E. has unsurprisingly found it has to sue or provide services to relieve discrimination 96% of the time. Part of the mission statement of H.O.M.E is to decrease concentrations of poverty. They are practicing social engineering by exporting poverty and reverse gentrifying neighborhoods with our money. H.O.M.E has stated that because the residents of Orchard Park are 98% white and the residents who will move into the area may not be, they are necessarily racist for not changing the zoning laws. "If 98 percent of Orchard Park residents are not African American, the implicit idea of any residency requirement would necessarily have a discriminatory effect," Gehl said. A spurious accusation of racism to should not trump the law, and should not exhaust the treasuries of small towns who are unable to afford legal defense. H.O.M.E settlements and court fees range from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of millions, something Orchard Park cannot afford. One of the articles run by the shameless Buffalo News is here: http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/06/22/1090...bias-cited.html
  7. The offense should look awesome without pads on.
  8. You say this as if there would be no reason to put a limit on prosecutorial power under any circumstance. The way this is written, it is ripe for abuse. The reason for that is because the Patriot Act allows you to be arrested, indefinitely detained, tortured, extradited, and killed without a warrant or evidence on suspicion of terrorism. Read it carefully, and that is the bottom line. People have been arrested for providing very trivial amounts of support to terrorists under this law. So your unsupported assurance that I am a crazy conspiracy theorist and you are in posession of secret knowledge to the contrary that you will not provide seems unconvincing. I have a feeling you will call me something silly and argue with me and assume I am wrong. Read up to be sure. Edit: I have done drugs and I dont like to pay taxes. Big deal. Your opinion on the likelihood that I will be arrested is not important. Why would you even bring that up? Dont be a square, daddy-o.
  9. Its a manicorn, duh. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:/...ved=0CCoQ9QEwBg Manicorn.
  10. A retail store wont do much except make Benderson Development Company 300 million dollars richer. That is the amount the state will kick in if the deal goes through. So many people have to be paid off for this to happen that it is moving very slowly. I live near the 92 year-old Nathan Benderson. They guy is a huge prick and so are his family members.
  11. I think paying income tax is morally wrong, but I am scared of the consequences so I pay.
  12. How about captain make an easy throw for a decent gain instead of captain checkdown? Terry Bradshaw always used to ask the rhetorical question, what is the best route? The crossing pattern.
  13. When I tried to expose myself to the world, nothing good happened, so I am not sure the Bills should go with that strategy, Armchair.
  14. The UFL will overtake the NFL in popularity and talent by next year. Edit: without J.P. Losman, I dont know how well the UFL will do.
  15. Oooh baby, I like it raw. Screw the cowardly patriots fan who wrote this. People saying how they feel! Others breaking news stories! GASP, overblown rhetoric! Get a clue, Boston wimps. This article is in favor of censorship and editing the comments people post online, using the excuse of bullying to justify what could be political bias.
  16. That sounds delicious. I'm hungry too. I would down it with three imperial stouts.
  17. Realistically, if I am intent on raping a girl, and I suddenly find some strange device on my rooster, I am going to slug her in the face. This thingy is a bad idea.
  18. That was your sister dude? I was probably the fifth to do her and the line was wrapped around the corner. I cant really say that was my best bills experience. The last time we beat the Patriots at the home opener was the best. Man, do I hate the Patsies. I used to live in Edinboro, Pa, when the Bills would have their scrimmage against the Browns and a few practices. I just walked right out on the field and watched them practice, and hung out at the fieldhouse with them in between. There was no security, I just walked right in. Larry Centers was great to the kids. He would see a group of kids and run right up in his pads and talk for a half hour, sign anything, take pictures, whatever. Tony, after reading your story, I'm pissed off. Those !@#$ing classless fish. If I could just choke out several dozen thousand Miami and New England fans, I would feel a lot better.
  19. Thats BS. Nobody should get arrested for demonstrating a product in a manner someone has agreed to let them try.
  20. I have spent too much of my life playing video games.
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