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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Yeah, this is pretty far removed from Tijuana.
  2. Can you beat Canyonlands? I dont know. The Copper Canyon of Mexico was pretty sweet. I would fly in to mexico, ride the train in to Chihuahua, rent a motorcycle for nothing, and just get nice and tranquilo. I went halfway because you can buy any drug without a prescription. I actually got snowed in the week I was there. Needless to say, they dont have snowplows. http://www.onceinalifetimejourneys.com/Mex...Train/Trip.html is a fair description of the trip, if you havent been.
  3. Buffalo isnt bad for shrooms, really. But I cant hang out with those guys any more. I get into too much trouble.
  4. Or were helped to pull it off. My understanding is that Bin Laden is/was our asset.
  5. So mindblowing you might think it wasnt an accident. My family was army brass. The stories I have heard are so wild none of you would believe them.
  6. Because the CIA isnt making it anymore, and its hard to make? I dont know. I love acid. It made me studious and polite. I took it before a track meet once, and broke my schools long jump record. Then again, I saw paisley wallpaper on everything for a month after another time, so theres that. I used to do adderall and oxycontin speedballs pretty often. I guess I am now reformed. Kids, dont do drugs.
  7. Cornell is to defenders as Tina is to Ike Turner.
  8. Obama was into funding slumlords and reverse gentrification, but i dunno how much that correlates to shooting people.
  9. Man, do I love a good, hearty slice of carrot cake. I dont know whether Vick or the guy with a hole in his leg is telling the truth. I will reserve judgment, because I dont have a dog in this fight.
  10. N***** pleeeze. I talk the same way I did the last time I got laid, in 1996.
  11. I think winning is just common sense. But common sense isnt common, as they say. I think you came across as condescending, but thats ok, because this is the internet.
  12. BB27. He has had it out for me through several threads, and needs to get off of my dick.
  13. I am impressed with the wave and the entire area. Paraih canyon might be a good backpack. I think a 4x4 trip through Canyonlands would be pretty awesome. Damn, youre getting me excited to go again. I just got back from kayaking Lake Lila in theAdirondacks this weekend. Less than half of the campsites were full, which means that the rest of the world is crazy.
  14. I'm a Big Daddy Kane apologist. Aint no half steppin, foo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfjF4yr8GVA
  15. Those ratings are very silly. Seriously, its almost as if they just made up random stats for our players. I certainly agree with Dean. Quarterbacks dont throw the ball near Whitner, because his guy isnt open.
  16. The no huddle was poopified last year. We couldnt figure out what to do with a huddle, nevermind without one.
  17. I have been around the world a dozen times on Google Earth. Its cheaper than flying.
  18. That route out of Yellowstone is just awesome. I have had my kicks on route 66 as well. I got lost and took that old econoline 30 miles down an old ranch road until I found Goblin Valley State park. I am sure glad I did. http://photosandsuch.wordpress.com/2007/10...rk-the-goblins/ I am a big google earth fan too.
  19. If the cake was delicious, maybe this isnt such a big deal.
  20. I talked to the bills head of security at the gym. He said "The prison bus goes to Cincinatti and Oakland, but it doesnt come here."
  21. Shut your booger eating mouth, you whiny little puke of a piglet cop. You want some of this manicorn, ladyboy? So far on this site you have proved you are an ignorant pig who doesnt know the law and makes fun of other posters who are trying to help someone with a real problem. How much lower do you want to sink?
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