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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. I like Rex Ryan. I like his persona as a coach. I liked his dad too. I think he has made the expectations of the franchise clear. I suspect he is statements are a little more calculated than we think. He speaks the players language, and is a very good coach as well. Do your damnedest in an ostentatious manner all the time. --George S. Patton
  2. I am flattered by the fact that you remembered. This conversation with Schobel was last October after the first Miami loss, when I was tapering off of speed, opiates, and booze. I still drink a beer now and then. I remember talking about it with you and White's Bay.
  3. John, I am not interested in arguing with you about Sullivan. I have expressed my opinion. As for the Schobel issue, which we have been over several times already, I really dont have anything more to say to you. You have finally moved on from bickering with me over petty issues to calling me names. I hope you have gotten it all out.
  4. Yes, but not much. Good night, John.
  5. I meant you are not in a position as a journalist to say bad things about Sullivan. I understand Schobel and Kelsay are friends. When talking about the effectiveness of players, described Kelsay/Denney with rolled eyes and a half retarded voice. It was accompanied with a slight masturbation gesture. He was frustrated that day. You have asked me to answer you that as if it would show that I don't know what I am talking about. You won't get far with that. John, you are being childish attempting to say that anyone who quotes Aaron is a scumbag. I said Sullivan is a liar and he is a shameless provocateur. You may not agree, but that has nothing to do with me. As for your drinking comment, a beer isnt going to hurt anyone. You might not agree with me, and you might not like me. That is ok. I think you are trying very hard to say something bad about me, which I find less ok.
  6. I said what I wanted to. You can justify it any way you want. Its not like there is some angle I hadn't considered. I also understand you arent in a position to agree with me. As for your baseless Schobel jibe, whatever, man. He doesnt like Sullivan either, and says so in the strongest terms. This latest story seems unoffensive. "scumbag" was my word.
  7. I can take those daughters off your hands if you want. I promise they will not be near any other creeps. You're on your own with paying to keep them fed. Its a rush, after the long offseason, isnt it? Good to hear. Man, I can just feel its football season.
  8. My opinion is that Sullivan knows what his job is and does it well, but lacks integrity. Several times in the past he has noticeably been economical with the truth. Sullivan once quoted Schobel as saying he didnt want to talk to sully, because sully is a liar, and then printed it. That shows me he is more worries about a splash on the page than the truth.
  9. He might look average with an above average team. But yeah, with an average qb and a lineman or two, we have a shot at a good team.
  10. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I get hit on all the time by women." --Sexy Rex Ryan
  11. Ok, I'm with it, but normally you just put in one drop less.
  12. A little bit of confidence goes a long way.
  13. I will not entertain that thought for a second. I am certain that Carter was an incredibly rare talent, whereas Reed was merely very good. I think you have gotten used to the home cooking. I honestly think that is just crazy talk. Chris Carter was that good. He had the best hands that I have ever seen.
  14. Some people think its gross, but its really good on toast. --As said by the coolest kid in my first grade class.
  15. Ha! Great story. Who hasn't done that?
  16. Perhaps we should clap on every play, or have the coaches play a clap tape. Possibly a ratings system like in the olympics could be instituted, with every player having his own section, so we can be sure whether one players good performance comes courtesy of another players poor performance or not, as was the concern of the OP. Or, we can just figure that the fans are trying to support the players as much as possible, and even if they get it wrong a little, it really is nice to see.
  17. I saw a study that linked facial hair to negative life events and depression.
  18. Why not vuvuzelas?
  19. A moose urine martini with an olive. My spidey sense is right, isnt it?
  20. Do you think I will find true love?
  21. What isnt natural is government getting involved in personal relationships.
  22. The possibility exists that Schobel, his agent, whatever team he will play for, and the Bills all realized he was not going to play here, and created this as the cover for it.
  23. Mere chance dictates some of his positions will be close to the truth.
  24. Jerry Sullivan is a scumbag.
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