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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Thanks, Dank. All the anti-Dakota Fanning prudes need to keep their laws off my body.
  2. I wanted an RX-7 so bad. I hid my Crew tape from my parents for like three years.
  3. I just cant decide. 2 Live Crew endure to this day as the Shakespeares of the strip club.
  4. Thats just funny. Oh yeah, its awful and everything, but mostly funny.
  5. DANCE TOO MUCH BOOTY IN THE PANTS My friends swear DMT is the craziest drug available. I always played it safe with heroin. I would get my dope on and hit the weight room hard.
  6. Count on shittery weather around Denali. Yeah, I stuck out four wet nights in a tent around there.
  7. Get your mind out of the gutter. I am wowed by her acting talent, you sicko. Now lets talk about football.
  8. It is becoming more apparent that the single wing is a legitimate style of offense, and teams that employ it frequently improve at executing it. I would like to hear your thoughts on this style of offense. BONUS QUESTION: What is the deal with this NFL rule? "Teams will be permitted an Active List of 45 players and an Inactive List of eight players for each regular-season and postseason game. Provided that a club has two quarterbacks on its 45-player Active List, a third quarterback from its Inactive List is permitted to dress for the game, but if he enters the game during the first three quarters, the other two quarterbacks are thereafter prohibited from playing."
  9. I really think a heavy dose of the wildcat would work. Jackson and Parrish are backup quarterbacks.
  10. I hope donald jones makes the team as our new Josh Reed. I dont think he will.
  11. You mean, Wilson has to die and the new management demonstrate they are competent.
  12. One that leaves from seattle or vancouver and takes the inside passage up the canadian coast would be off the hook. Trains kill a couple hundred moose a year in Alaska. You guys might get lucky and see one.
  13. I'm tall, pale, and look smart. They wont know that I'm an idiot underneath it all.
  14. Are you going to the big campsite, or will you be hitting up the water access campsites distributed throughout the lake?
  15. Schobel owned Flo all night during that last monday night game. Adams was holding on for dear life. I think that was the last game Schobel cared about, too.
  16. I just read Paul Theroux's book Dark Star, in which he went overlang form Cairo, Egypt to Capetown, RSA. Fascinating stuff, from naked savages to modern cities.
  17. I loved Alaska. Everything is bigger there. You wont see the stars through the dome roof, of course, because it is light at night all summer. I did Denali, toured the fjords, watched the whales, and saw the seals.
  18. I think the three of you, Bluesky, Booster, and Sage, need to take it easy. I made one facetious comment about miss Fanning, who is a year below the age of consent, when another poster brought the subject up. Honestly, fellows, get your minds out of the gutter. I even gave you a poll to express your opinions on the subject.
  19. Indeed, Adderall and Oxycontin makes a helluva speedball. I've been sober for a while now, I'm just saying. Edit: Since the new year, tydingco. I think about drugs every hour.
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