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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Awesome. I am now going to meditate upon loving kindness to all beings.
  2. CONner. That avatar he has, the fact that he seems to be reading from a script, everything about him says he isnt an honest broker. But why would someone pay a troll to come here? Or are these just very disturbed people?
  3. You wonder if mpl isnt these other trolls too, agreeing with himself on other names. If so, why? We know that governments and businesses hire trolls to go into internet forums. Is someone paying him? He seems like he is reading from a script.
  4. You know, you're alright, Byrd Bath. Mpl, I was just out in the yard squirting some delighted, squealing six year-old girls this afternoon. The Dakota Fanning icon is coming back. I would block this tapeworm, but making fun of him is more fun. This turd doesnt even star the world pats*.
  5. TROLL You arent a Bills fan. I bet you're in love with Tom Brady, aren't you, you whiny little puke? I like all the Bills fans, and none of us care what you think. Anyone has the right to say what they want about the Bills here, except for you. I am not playing favorites.
  6. Perrys gelato is awesome. Normally gelato is a little thin, this stuff rocks.
  7. K-9, good stuff. I agree. Can anyone say Marshall Faulk?
  8. None that I can think of. But I think we can and must find a better way.
  9. I'd say poz is a solid second round pick. He isnt a natural like Ray Lewis Or Brian Urlacher, but he tackles and covers well, and doesnt make stupid mistakes. At any rate, he shouldnt be a whipping boy. He isnt what is wrong with the bills, unless you consider that we inexplicably sold Fletcher up the river for him. Poz could improve at the point of attack, but he was trying to fit into a small linebacker system, and he isnt a small linebacker. Woodley is a good pick and a good fit for the team. He is a much different player than Posluszny. He is a defensive end pressed into rush end service.
  10. I didnt pick the Bengals to win the AFC North. I did notice they had a surprisingly solid defense in 2008, made up of players who until two years ago seemed pretty soft.
  11. I forgot to add Girlscout. Axel, I was reserving my vote as not to skew the results, but we're in the cowgirl camp together.
  12. mpl, you sniveling, neuter little troll, shut your truck driver pleasing mouth. You arent even a bills fan. I bet you are typing this in a pair of white isotoner gloves under a poster of Dan Marino, arent you?
  13. Codeine syrup? Really? My mother used to give us that stuff as kids when we had colds. Non-story.
  14. Dave, your system of big government has become insolvent and will fail. The burden is on you to prove it can change, not on a libertarian to prove libertarianism can work.
  15. Go on, piglets, defend big brother. But consider how many of the accusations against the King our current government is guilty of.
  16. I can tell you Schobel's opinion was that everyone in the organization was incompetent, from position coaches to management, that management had divided the coaches in a power struggle against each other, that Jauron was not free to do his job, and that the management had toxic personalities who spread out a lot of blame after each loss in front of the entire coaching staff and team. He felt Jauron was the last guy he would fire, although he was uhappy with him as well. Of course, I am some anonymous internet guy, so take it for what it is worth.
  17. Waffling doesnt make for an interesting thread.
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