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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. We should bicker about race as often as possible. That way we won't see the other hand of government that is taking our money and freedom, because the one we see is busy playing the race card.
  2. Obama is the Vince Offer of politics. All I can say is Sham Wow!
  3. Swing low, sweet chariot with sixteen million dollars in it...
  4. For the NFL, I would build a wildcat-option-wing-T sort of team with two quarterback/running backs on the field and put all my money in the offensive line. Player versatility would be the key. The fullback would be the most important player on my team. Jason Peters would have been my fullback. Imagine just exactly how suckie it would be to defend the endless amount of gadget plays, traps, options, misdirections, counters, and general smashmouthery of this approach. On defense, I would go for smart veterans and play them in exotic schemes. I guess that makes me part of the Bill Belichek school. Depth would be the key here. I want to be able to have big linebackers for running downs, small ones for passing downs, etc, etc. Player development would be the difference in my franchise. I would attempt to select guys with potential and sign them to long contracts. My franchise would be known for making players. I think the Steelers do a good job of this.
  5. OC, you have clearly shown that our latest crisis was engineered and is purposely not being fixed. What is their goal?
  6. Booster's unrequited love for Dakota Fanning makes him a little testy sometimes.
  7. F*ck Jesse Jackson. He is, however, an excellent rhetorician and a classically trained orator, in possession of all the talents we wrongly impute our current president/turd with.
  8. If that happens to you, put her in the buck.
  9. Poz has a big enough frame that he could add weight. I havent heard that he is for his new role, however.
  10. I didn't think that far ahead. Perky and smallish, I suppose.
  11. Come on, mead, it was awesome when I was 17.
  12. No real fan of the bills or the game of football wants a team to lose to get a higher draft pick. That just sucks.
  13. Thats kind of how being a fan is dude. Are you an mpl troll too?
  14. J.P. Losman autographed mini-helmets, only 49.99! http://www.awsstore.com/product_info.php/products_id/923
  15. My astrologer said this world cup would be orange a couple weeks ago.
  16. You have a point. It is a little too easy to make fun of this ridiculous person.
  17. My father likes to tell a story about directing artillery fire. Upon finding a column of enemy troops marching in the open, he attempted to fire upon them, before they get closer. He was not allowed, because they were in Cambodia and he was in Vietnam. So he put in white phosphorus shells, called in a location, and adjusted 90 degrees for wind. When his superiors learned what he had done, they called him for a bigtime chewing out. He said, "The attack was directed against their equipment, sir. I was burning the packs off their backs." Why are we even there?
  18. I dont know the propaganda aim with this spy thing. But I'm not taking it for face value.
  19. Obama wants a race war. Their plans are bigger than using the race card in politics.
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