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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. If Schobel were to stay on, he would have a point. As it is, the potential nightmare of schobel blitzing from a linebacker position is going to be filled by someone offenses wont worry about.
  2. Our one party system and state run media are attempting to divide and conquer us using race.
  3. 3rd, I really dont like doing this sort of thing, but tom had it coming. He has done this to me in several threads, and he never knows what he is talking about. I dont think I would normally take exception, except this guy has "You have been corrected by tom. Now shut up and sit down." as his signature.
  4. Would you rather I called them a heterogenous collection of quasi-autonomous organizations, vertically constructed according to industry in a way intended to preclude any effective organization of interest, and subordinate to a constantly changing hierarchy of economic authorities, or would you grant me that at least at the beginning, the structure was often similar to union leadership? No, you wouldnt, because you are a verbose, busy prick. tom, you dont know what you are talking about. I will make you a deal. If you admit you dont know what you are talking about, I will take down my posts making fun of you. Honestly, at this point, why am I wasting my time on you? You have been corrected by Hossage. Now shut up and sit down.
  5. I do too, although as a disclaimer, I still think Connor is an idiot.
  6. lybob, the farms are being bought in the same way that you get protection from the mafia. A hundred armed men show up and suggest the farmer sell the farm to the government.
  7. Amen on Powell, and his puke of a brother at the FCC.
  8. As long as Mo and Kita are there, I will be tuning in.
  9. You, tom, Connor, Jimmy Carter and Obama dont know what they are talking about. Honestly guys, I dont want to go back and forth like this. You may want to look into just how the Nazis got big business to comply with the four year plan. You would find many examples of exactly what we are talking about here. That might not be the best parallel, because they used many other means as well, but it will be well documented.
  10. Hitler liked to get his union or other governmental men into a business through extortion, punishment and rewards. Of course, there were many other ways, but using unions as an extension of government control and forcing them into private business was certainly one of them, especially in the early years, and especially in smaller companies. The Nazi playbook calls for a cartelization of this industry, and you cant have a cartel when one company has the economic disadvantage of unions. The elimination of non-Nazi (non-union, non-party) industry was aboveboard, and called gliechschaltung. Godwin aside, this sort of thing is most germane to National Socialism in Germany. tom, as you said to me in another topic where you were talking out of your ass, get an education, then come talk to me. You're too stupid to discuss this. Tom, 1) !@#$ you 2) !@#$ you You have been corrected by Hossage. Now shut up and sit down.
  11. Switzerland is neutral because the rich people of Europe all want somewhere to keep their money and call their truce neutrality.
  12. Why do you not have this hot mess of utility around your waist? http://www.utilikilts.com/
  13. This is how Hitler and Mussolini got business to do what they wanted.
  14. I heard Luck's sister looked the best out of the group.
  15. I would stay in the experimental underwater docking station, the sealab, just south of bermuda. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEALAB_%28United_States_Navy%29\\ Edit: Depending on how old your daughter is, the sealab may have its charm. Since the air is a special helium mix, your voice sounds like a chipmunks when speaking in the sealab. More seriously, though, I understand there is some theft there to be worried about.
  16. Awesome. It just makes sense as far as heating and cooling is concerned to build your house into a hillside or whatever.
  17. They always say the first love cuts the deepest, so maybe O.J. will be better able to deal with things this time around.
  18. I am not aware of or concerned with his musical ability.
  19. Obama is not a good speaker. He is cloying and cliche, mixes metaphors, butchers traditional phrases, has a small vocabulary, and is long-winded. He stutters and stumbles, pauses and buys time, and uses a preacher's cadence and crescendo on points mundane as well as inspiring. He clearly is not a trained public speaker. There are very few good speakers in congress. Almost to a person, they are awesomely poor at it. Should you doubt it, view the one minute speeches when a session opens on c-span. Jesse Jackson, however, is able to organize his thoughts. He lays out his points, refutes possible objections and ties it all in with a sweeping restatement of the main idea, like you are supposed to. He thinks quickly on his feet. He is a deeply corrupt man, but his breeding shows what is in our president exposed. You have inspired me to write a poem about our president's fabled talents: It is always tempting to impute unlikely virtues to the cute but when all has been said and all have been heard It all smells like a giant turd.
  20. Troll boy likes someone else. What a surprise!
  21. Nothing new. I could post 100 other similar articles.
  22. Why a homosexual republican? Since you asked, I would guess he is not gay, but has AIDS, and is a Republican. Would a homosexual republican be more self-loathing for the contradiction between his lifestyle and political views than a heterosexual liberal, considering the root of liberalism is self-loathing to start with?
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